Emeka and the Kidnappers is a sequel to The Secret Place, a young adult novel, which was one of the twenty children’s books that made the long list by the 2015 Nigerian LNG Prize for Literature.
Democracy involves the process of changing custodians of power from time to time in order to maintain a useful equilibrium of performance and accountability. But the post-colonial narrative in most African countries has been one of strongmen and power brokers entrenching
Tunji Olaopa holds a doctorate degree in public administration, a culmination of two earlier degrees in political science and political theory from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. From this intellectual background and management consulting practice, Dr. Olaopa joined the civil service as Chief Research Officer in the office of the President of Nigeria in 1988.
‘Are you not a Nigerian?’ is a collection of non-fiction essays on the Nigerian condition, some of them satirical. These essays x-ray the Nigerian condition and highlight the many problems we face as a people.
Zik of Africa as Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe is widely known was Governor-General of the independent federation of Nigeria. From his return to Africa from America in 1934, Zik worked ceaselessly as journalist and politician for the freedom of his native Nigeria and for the advancement of all African peoples.
Dialogue with My Country is like a cruel pun on the word ‘dialogue’ because columnists in Nigeria always seemed to be talking to themselves. Agbese believes that Osundare’s choice of the book title was meant to be understood as a dialogue of the deaf because though Osundare had been talking for 24 years, nobody has been listening.
Stunted Nigerian Dreams: Musings of A Nigerian Academic and Legislator is a book about the myriads of problems confronting the realisation of the Nigerian dream. It is from the patriotic desire of a Nigerian to see things change for the better. It offers fresh ideas in the way things should be done and gives an insight into ways in which the country can be better.
The sin of the father is a captivating of a man whose inordinate quest for wealth set him on edge with his people whom he has seemingly helped with his ill-gotten wealth.
The book Halima’s Vote by Onyinye Ough aims to encourage a new generation of leaders to change how things are done on the continent. It also shows the vital role that women can play in the fight against corruption across Africa.
We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere is an uplifting, timely, and practical manual for creating change in women’s lives, with nine universal principles that help you confront life’s inevitable emotional and spiritual challenges. It’s about transitioning from a me-first culture and imagining what a we-based world might look like.
Français : C’est un Surah arabe Yaseen-Surah Mulk avec la traduction en anglais par A.Y. Ali et transcription romaine. Pages intérieures multi Colourful, faciles de lire le grand manuscrit audacieux. Ce manuscrit est également connu en tant que manuscrit pakistanais/persan et est utilisé généralement en l’Inde, le Pakistan, Afrique du Sud etc. Ce manuscrit audacieux de grande taille Surah Yaseen est excellent pour des débutants, enfants ou pour ceux qui peut avoir la vue légèrement faible.
Some of the topics discussed in this book Seeking Forgiveness by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah: Does one seek forgiveness for doing something wrong, or for violating a prohibition?