The Choice of Every Woman (Darussalam)
The choice is with every woman: Will she follow the ideas and morals that are formulated by human beings, whose minds are inherently deficient, or will she follow what her Lord has commanded her to do?
Food and Nutrition in Islam
- Paperback: 16 pages
- Publisher: Kitab Bhavan (December 31, 1995)
- ISBN-10: 8171510833
- ISBN-13: 978-8171510832
- Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.3 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.4 ounces
In its small embodiment, ‘Food and Nutrition in Islam’ based on the reality and authenticity of the Qur’an and Science. It describes about the lawful and unlawful food for Islam.
Ayat Al Kursi: The Greatest Verse
Author: Shaikh Muhammad Ibnu Saalih Al Uthaimeen
English Rendering By: Mufti A. Omar Sheriff
Publishers: A.S. Noordeen, Malaysia
Paperback, 178 pages,About the book:
Ayat Al Kursi which is highly distinguished because:
1) The Prophet (S.A.W.) descriped it as the greatest Ayat in the Qur’an,
2) In it the Greatest Name of Allah (Ismullaahi al-‘atham)is mentioned,
3) It protects from the Shayaateen (sing. Shaytaan),
4) The Believer who recites it following an obligatory salaah is under the care and protection of Allah until the commencement of the next prayer,
5) “The one who recites it after each of the obligatory prayers, then death will be the only thing [i.e. barrier] preventing him from entering al-Jannah.”
It deals with the perfect and undefiled Islamic Faith and Creed of the As-Salaf-As-Salih (Pious Predecessors) particularly in regards to Allah’s names and attributes, with solid arguments in brief words and terminologies. The book is highly appreciated by the scholars for its brevity as well as comprehensiveness; and for its contents produced in line with the Qur’an and Sunnah in an appealing and manifest
Start-Up Nation By Dan Senor
Start-Up Nation By Dan Senor addresses the trillion-dollar question: How is it that Israel – a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources– produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful and stable nations like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada and the UK?
Selected Surahs and Supplications: From the Quran & their Virtues for the Morning & Evening
Pages: 136
Binding: Paperback
Size: 5.5×8″ (14×20 cm)
Format: Full Color
Publisher: Dar-us-SalamThe renowned Muslim scholar, Sheikh Safiur-Rahman AI-Mubarakpuri , has produced this compilation by selecting some Surahs and their virtues along with authentic Supplications from Qur’an and Sunnah to be recited in the morning and evening. The Beautiful Names of Allah are also included in this booklet. Everyone can recite them in times of distress and need or can earn rewards by remembering Allah whenever he likes.
This book includes the following Surahs: Al-Fatihah, Al-Kahf, As-Sajdah, Ya Sin, Fussilat, Ad-Dukhan, Ar-Rahman, Al-Waqi’ah, Al-Hashr, Al-Mulk, Al-Insan, and Al-Buruj. It has Arabic in Uthmani Script on the right side of each page and the English translation on the left.
Overcoming Trials and Tribulations: According to the Qur’an and Sunnah
- Paperback: 94 pages
- Publisher: TAHA PUBLISHERS (2009)
- Language: English
Allah (swt) will continue to test us throughout our lives. This book attempts to evaluate the different types of tests that we may experience, why they occur, how to cope with them successfully and their significance both in this world and in the Hereafter. This is a strengthening and inspiring book that is particularly recommended during difficult times.
The Ka’ba the Centre of the World with Hajj and Umrah
(Al Kaba Markaz al Alam)
By Saad Muhammad Al-Marsafy
Translated By Hadeer Abo El-Nagah
Published by Dar Al-Manarah, El-Mansoura, Egypt
Hardback 227 Pages‘ye the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had Faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have Faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors’ {TMQ 3 110).
The leading role of the Muslims is becoming increasingly important as the spiritual and social circumstances of the modern communities are vastly deteriorating. Therefore the urgency of the situation impels the Muslims to implement themselves with the necessary tools to live up to the standards set by their Creators. In order to regain their status and establish the main purpose of their existence as worshipers and unifiers of Allah, the Muslims are required to study their inherited legacy of science and knowledge, at the same time they are demanded to take part in the modern scientific and technological development.
At this critical time in the history of the Muslim Nation, one of the most important elements to establish their mission is ‘unity”. Unity is more needed now than ever before. Undoubtedly, The Honourable Ka ‘ba is the greatest symbol of the Muslim unity. This book collects a great deal of information about the Honorable Ka’ba since it was established according to Allah’s orders by Prophet Ibrahim (p.b.u.h.). It also gives an account of its importance to the Muslims as a direction of prayers and its centrality not only to the Muslim world but to all the land of the Earth. (From the Introduction)
Supplications & Treatment with Ruqyah from the Qur’an and the Sunnah
By: Sa’id bin Ali bin Wahaf Al Qahtani
Pages: 314
Binding: Paperback
Size: 3.2×4.7″ (8×12 cm)
Format: 2 Color
SKU/ISBN: 9786035000482
Edition: 1st – January 2010
Publisher: Dar-us-SalamThis booklet discusses the importance and etiquette of supplications. It also discusses the times and circumstances under which supplications should be made.
It presents a number of supplications and shows how a Muslim can treat himself with verses From the Qur’an and from the Prophetic supplications (ruqyah) against some diseases, sorcery, the evil eye, and other ailments.
Du’a the Shield of a Believer, Arrows of Light in the Midst of Darkness
Explanation , conditions, Manners, Optimum Times� For Dua etc
Followed by Prophetic Dua in Arabic with English Translation with Full Reference of Hadith
Du’a’ is one of the methods we use to communicate with Allah. It is an integral part of a Muslim’s daily life. It is important when calling on our Creator that we use the best and most comprehensive language, which we can find in our sacred sources. It is for this reason, Al-Manarah is pleased to translate this book for our English readers.
The life of this world is filled with many trials and tribulations. Many times, man is faced with situations which seem to overwhelm him and he feels trapped by. Besides these big trials, he must also deal with the day-to-day tests that come to him throughout his daily life.
The Mu’min (believer), regardless of the problems he faces or their size, is always turning to Allah. He knows that his strength and power come from his hope in Allah. His ability to turn directly to his Lord without any intermediary and in any situation strengthens his soul and his very being.
The believer is well pleased with his Lord for this blessed gift and always wants to put his trust in Allah. He tries his best to emulate the example of our blessed Prophet (PBUH) who used the most elegant language when calling on Allah. These beautiful du’as are the same words uttered from the lips of our beloved Prophet and our righteous predecessors, who taught us a comprehensive way to call upon our Lord.
Etiquettes Of Dua’a And The Times And Places Of Acceptance
Etiquettes Of Dua’a And The Times And Places Of Acceptance
Al-Fawaed: The Benefits (HC)
- Pages: 352 pages
- Publisher: Dar Al-Manarah
- Language: English
- ISBN: 977-599-799-2
This book, Al Fawaed, by Imam Ibn Qayyem Al-Guziyah, gives helpful advices, secrets, and tips to help benefit us in this life and the hereafter. The benefits are all from the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Islam in general. They are thoroughly explained and reviewed.
The book contains a long list of reminders and treasures which are immensely valuable and overwhelmingly precious. (“The goodness may be in what we hate; patience with victory; the most marvelous things; the appearance of the Lord; the most honorable of pleasures.)