• Child Upbringing (Successful Family Upbringing Series-02)

    Author: Professor Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar; Translator: Murtadha Adedokun
    Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore
    Pages: 89
    Binding: Softcover
    ISBN: 978-967-12565-1-0

    About the Book:
    Individual families and societies, are faced with the problem of how to relate with the overwhelming modern cultures that have been vigorously streamed on us from all nooks and crannies of the world. Moreover, in reality this problem is no more of relationship or management, the effect of those alien cultures has grown to being capable of causing a lot differences among people in our community, in relation to their manners, general practices and traditions, which are the main points of contest.

    All these have affected the level of attention the parents pay to their families, in terms of planning their family lives and projecting for the upbringing and future of their children. This makes it necessary for us to continue to discuss and write on the matter of child upbringing, as that is the only way out for us. And this is the aim of writing this book.

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  • Home Trajectory (Successful Family Upbringing Series-01)

    Home Trajectory (Successful Family Upbringing Series-01)

    This book Home Trajectory (Successful Family Upbringing Series-01) makes it necessary for us to continue to discuss and write on the matter of child upbringing, as that is the only way out for us. And this is the aim of writing this book.

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  • Dangers in the Home

    Author: Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid
    Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House – IIPH
    Size/Vol.: A5 (14.8×21 cm – 5.83×8.27 in)
    ISBN: 9960850293
    Language: English
    A5 Size – 21 x 15 x 0.5 CMBinding : Paperback
    Pages : 48

    Putting things right in the home is a great trust and huge responsibility which every Muslim man and woman should undertake as Allaah commands; they should run the affairs of their homes in accordance with the rules set out by Allaah. One of the ways of achieving this is by ridding the home of evil things. The following aims to highlight some evil things that actually happen in some homes and that have become tools of destruction for the nests in which the future generations of the Muslim ummah are being raised.

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  • A Guide to Parenting in Islam

    Cherishing Childhood: A Guide to Parenting in Islam

    A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Cherishing Childhood by Muhammad Abdul Bari Cherishing Childhood is a parent-to-parent handbook that outlines how to tackle the challenges (and reap the rewards) of parenting children from birth to pre-adolescence within an Islamic ethos in a pluralist society.

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  • Addressing Adolescence

    Addressing Adolescence: A Guide to Parenting in Islam by Muhammad Abdul Bari

    Addressing Adolescence: A Guide to Parenting in Islam by Muhammad Abdul Bari is a parent-to-parent handbook outlining how to tackle the challenges of parenting adolescents within an Islamic ethos ina pluralist society.

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  • Learning the Pillars of Islam with Jibril

    Learning the Pillars of Islam with Jibril

    Weight: 1.00 kg

    Product Type: Book

    Author: Abu Ahmed Farid

    Publisher: DCB

    ISBN: 9789670835198

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  • Governing yourself and your Family

    • Paperback
    • Publisher: darus sunnah (2004)
    • ISBN-10: 1898649677
    • ISBN-13: 978-1898649670

    The subject matter of this work has preoccupied and continues to preoccupy the minds of our nations memebers; yet in spite of this preoccupation, many people lack a correct understanding regarding it. Because the issues that fall under the subject matter of this work are so important, I decided to write this work, through which I hope to make plain the way to live and act according to what Allah has revealed.

    Contrary to what some may think, this work is relevant not just to leaders, but to every individual as well. Each and every human being is a leader and chief of sorts, for just as a ruler is responsible for the welfare of his state and citizens, each one of us is responsible for his flock – the members of his family, and more importantly his own self…

    Today we as a nation are afflicted with widespread ignorance. The nations of the world gather against us, just as fellow eaters gather upon their dish. They use every tool at their disposal against us – their wealth, their strength, their technical advancement, their strategy, their deception, and their disbelief. We are in such a state of peril that is is senseless to imagine that a single group among us can put a stop to their constant onslaught.

    Our hearts must unite; we must cooperate; we must have correct knowledge; we must work productively; we must be patient; we must make sacrifices; we must give; we must fight our own desires; and we must be sincere.

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  • A Mother's Rights by A. Clarke

    A Mother’s Rights by A. Clarke, M. Ishaq & Matina W. Muhammad

    A Mother’s Rights by A. Clarke, M. Ishaq & Matina W. Muhammad Through these eight short stories, taken from hadith and events in Muslim history, children are taught of the high status given to mothers in Islam

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  • Etiquettes for Teachers

    Author: Hadhrat Moulana Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi (R.A.)

    Published by: Ta’limi Board KZN

    About the Author:

    Hadhrat Moulana Sayed Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Saheb (R.A.) was born in 1345 A.H. in the village of Baanda. He completed the Hifz of the Qur’aan by his uncle Sayed Ameenud Deen Saheb (R.A.). Thereafter he enrolled at the Madrasah in Kaanpoor where he studied the primary books of the Aalim Faadhil course. He also completed his studies in Qiraat at this institution.

    In 1359 he enrolled at “Mazaahirul Uloom” where he studied under great luminaries like Hadhrat Shaekhul Hadith (R.A.), Hadhrat Moulana Asadullah (R.A.) and Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (R.A.) He took Bay’t at the hands of Hadhrat Moulana Asadullah Saheb (R.A.) and also received the mantel of Khilaafat from him.

    After completing his studies, he taught the books of Ahaadith in different places. During this period many people around Baanda, which was Hadhrat’s hometown, began reneging from Islaam. When Hadhrat Moulana heard of this, he became so perturbed that for days on end he could not sleep. The thought kept lingering in his mind that Allah Ta’ala will question me on the day of Qiyaamah that you were busy teaching Kitaabs whilst the people of your village were turning away from Islaam.

    Immediately he handed in his resignation and left for Baanda. He began working with his people until those who turned away from Islaam gradually came back into Deen. Eventually the need arose for a Madrasah in that area. Hadhrat Moulana (R.A.) established a Madrasah which today has grown into a large centre for the people in that area.

    Among the very close things to Hadhrat’s heart was the establishing of primary Makaatib in every area. It was here that thousands of children learnt to recite the Qur’aan Shareef as well as the basics of Deen. Until the last year of his life, Hadhrat taught many kitaabs among which was Bukhaari Shareef.

    Eventually, Hadhrat passed away on the 28 August 1997. Thousands attended his Janaazah Salaah which was performed at the Madrasah in Baanda. May Allah Ta’ala accept all his efforts and allow us to benefit from his book.

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  • Bringing Up Children in Islam by Maulana Habiibullaah Mukhtaar

    • Hardcover
    • Publisher: Islamic Book Service (2000)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 8172312857
    • ISBN-13: 978-8172312855
    • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.8 x 1.1 inches

    Bringing Up Children in Islam by Maulana Habiibullaah Mukhtaar

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  • La Forteresse du Musulma (Hicnul-Mouslim)

    Ecrit par: Sa’id Ibn Ali Al-Quah-tani
    Traduit par: Ahmad zaki Abdul Bar
    Revise par: Papa Ibrahima Niakhate
    Publisher: Dar Al-Manarah

    La Forteresse du Musulma (Hicnul-Mouslim)

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  • Al-Adhkar Al-Muntakhab Min-Kalam Saiydil-Abrar

    Ecrit par: Al-Imam Abou Zakaryya Yahia Ibn Charafid-Din An-Nawawi
    Traduit par: Abdul-Aziz As-Saiyd Diyad
    Publisher: Dar Al-Manarah

    Al-Adhkar Al-Muntakhab Min-Kalam Saiydil-Abrar

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