Noble Quran French – Le sens des versets du Saint Qouran
Noble Quran French – Le sens des versets du Saint Qouran
Interpretation of the meanings of the Noble Quran with Arabic text in the modern French language. A summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari.
This summarized 1 volume version offers brief commentary and Ahadith wherever necessary. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
The Qur’an: Saheeh International
ISBN: 9960792633
Author: Saheeh International
Publisher: Almunatada Alislami; Abul Qasim Publishing House (1997 with latest corrections)
Pages: 943 Binding: PaperbackDescription from the publisher:
This is the now-familiar Saheeh International English translation of the Qur’an. It includes original Arabic text. It is a paperback edition, measuring roughly 4″ x 6″. Saheeh International checked many previous translations verse by verse against accepted Arabic tafseer and revised the wording accordingly in clear, contemporary English.
This is a well-regarded English translation, often advertised and distributed via Al Jumuah Magazine
The Holy Quran Colour Coded Tajweed Rules
- Hardcover: 883 pages
- Publisher: Islamic Book Service (September 1, 2005)
- Language: Arabic, English
- ISBN-10: 8172314051
- ISBN-13: 978-8172314057
- Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 5 x 1.8 inches
The Qur’an: English Meanings and Notes
Edited By : A.B. al-Mehri,
Large Hardback 811 Pages,
Publisher: The Qur’an Project Birmingham UKEnglish Qur’an, Saheeh Intl With Surah Intro & 20+ Appendices,
RAMADAN Excellent Merits and Virtuous Deeds
By: Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf
Pages: 31
Binding: Paperback
Size: 5.5×8″ (14×20 cm)
SKU/ISBN: 9799960899403
Edition: 1st (December 1999)
Publisher: Dar-us-Salam– How will you welcome the blessed month of Ramadan?
– Will Ramadan be the same as any other month of the year?
– What are some of the important deeds, that one can do to acquire the most benefit from this blessed month?From the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (S) – his kindness, Night Prayer , and I’tikaf – this book will help enlighten all of us.
The Nature of Fasting By Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
By: Imam Ibn Taymiyyah
Pages: 80
Binding: Paperback
Size: 5.5×8″ (14×20 cm)
Publisher: Dar-us-SalamThis book will help the reader better understand the fine points about fasting. What is the nature of the things that break the fast? What are the rules by which one can know the difference between what breaks the fast and what does not?
These question are more answered by Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his discussion of the Nature of Fasting.
Questions and Answers
Fasting the Cloudy Day and the Day of Doubt
Fasting and Shortening the Prayer for the Traveler
Fasting for the Traveler: Better or Worse?
Must One Intend to Fast the Night Before?
Is the Intention Necessary Every Day?
How Fast is the Fast to be Broken?
Eating After the Earlier Adhan
If Fasting Causes Fainting and Madness
The Case of A Pregnant Woman -
The Delight of Faith
- Hardcover: 117 pages
- Publisher: Dar-us-Salam Publications (December 31, 1996)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9960717003
- ISBN-13: 978-9960717005
- Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches
The purpose of this book is to present the most basic knowledge of Islamic Creed (Aqidah). This type of knowledge is never optional, because unless your creed is in accordance with the Noble Qur’an & Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) your good deeds can be at risk. Purity of intention, how to believe and what to believe, and love of Allah — are all matters of belief of creed, whereas the acts of worship like Zakat, Salat, Hajj and Fasting are deeds that may be counted positively only if the belief aspect is correct.
Fiqh According to the Quran and Sunnah (2 Vol. Set)
By Muhammed Subhi bin Hasan Hallaq
Hardcover: 1200 pages
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9698804129
- ISBN-13: 978-9698804121
Volume I: Books of Taharah, As-Salah, Sawm, Zakah
Volume II: Books of Hajj, An-Nikkah, Al-Buyoo (Sales), Al-Ayman (Oaths), An-Nuzoor (Vows), Al-At’imah (Foods), At-Tibb, Al-Libas, Al-Wasaya (Wills), Al-Fara’idh, Al-Hudood, Al-Diyat, Al-Qada, Al-Jihad,
Hajj (Pilgrimage) and Umrah (Minor Pilgrimage)
By Abdullah Bin Jarillah Bin Ibrahim Al Jarillah
- Paperback
- Publisher: MESSAGE OF ISLAM (2002)
- ISBN-10: 1902570294
- ISBN-13: 978-1902570297
- Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
How The Prophet Muhammad (S) Performed Hajj (Pocketsize)
This booklet outlines the necessary actions before, during & after performing Hajj. It discusses topics ranging form the importance of Hajj to who should perform it. All proofs are given from the Qur’an & Sunnah.