Ways to the Quran By Khurram Murad
Original title: Way to the KoranISBN 0860371565 (ISBN13: 9780860371564)SubhanAllah I stumbled upon this gem a few weeks ago, originally published in 1985 by Khurram Murad. Brother Murad, a Pakistani with ties to the UK/US, was one of the first to write in English for a “convert” audience. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to grow closer to Allah the most magnificent through the Quran. It is one of the few books, in my experience, that focuses on reading the Quran in your native language rather than forcing yourself to repeat words in an alien tongue. I plan to read the Quran again before Ramadan using the skill sets I learned from this book. Below are a few aspects I thought I’d share that the book highlights:
Why is the Quran important for us in the 21st century?
Anas Ibn Malik once said: ‘Often one recites the Qur’an, but the Qur’an curses him because he does not understand it.’ The sign of faith, according to Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar, is to understand the Qur’an: ‘We have lived long … a time has come when I see a man who is given the whole Qur’an before he has acquired faith; he reads all the pages between al-Fatihah and its end, without knowing its commands, its threats, and the places in it where he should pause he scatters it like the scattering of one fleeing in haste.“ Aishah once heard a man babbling over the Qur’an and said: ‘He has neither read the Qur’an nor kept silent.”Ali said: ‘There is no good in the Qur’an reading which is not pondered over.’ Abu Sulayman al-Darani said: ‘I recite a verse and remain with it for four or five nights and do not pass on to another verse unless I have ended my thinking on it.’
The Collection Of An-Nawawi 40 Hadith
Author: Imam An-Nawawi
Translator: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Publisher: Darussalam
Pages: 143
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9960-740-27-7About the Book:
This small book contains 40 renowned Ahadith collected by Imam An-Nawawi which gained popularity through centuries. -
More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night
The large size of the book ‘More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night’. Based on the Arabic Book ‘Akthar min alf Sunnah fee-al-yawm wa al-laylah’.
Thulaathiyaat: Three Narrators from Musnad al-Imaam ahmad bin Hanbal
Thus the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alehe Wasallam) provide evidence against mankind. One of the scholars through whom Allah preserved the Sunnah was Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullah), and one of the books that he wrote to preserve the Sunnah is al-Musnad, which is one of the major collections of the noble Sunnah.
Pearls and Corals, Al-Lu’lu’wal-Marjan (Vol. 1 & 2) (English and Arabic Edition)
- Hardcover: 504 pages
- Publisher: Dar-us-Salam Publications; 1 edition (1995)
- Language: English, Arabic
- ISBN-10: 9960740676
- ISBN-13: 978-9960740676
- Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.8 x 2.3 inches
This 2 volume set contains a collection of agreed upon Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, which have been titled as diamonds and pearls due to the value and authenticity of the ahadith. A master piece book translated into very simple English language for every kind of reader. It should be a part of personal collection of books of each Muslim.
Manners in Islam (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad)
By: Imam Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Bukhari
Translator: Rafiq Abdur Rahman
Pages: 830
Binding: Hardback
Size: 7×9.5×1.7″ (17x24x4 cm)
Format: Arabic-English
SKU/ISBN: 9782745161581
Edition: 2nd 2011
Publisher: Dar Al-Kotob Al-ilamiyah
Shipping Weight: 3.25 lbs