Without Shame By Katherine Russell
East Pakistan, 1968: In Sariyah’s village, shame is a virtue she never mastered. As a child, she learned to read in secret, kept talismans against her father’s orders, and questioned everything, even Allah.
500 Questions and Answers on Islamic Jurisprudence
500 Questions & Answers on Islamic Jurisprudence By Muhammad M. Abdul-Fattah ,
Umar ibn Al-Khattab (Leading Companions to the Prophet)
ISBN: 9781597842815
Author: Tarik Unal
Publisher: Tughra Books (2012)
Pages: 166 Binding: PaperbackDescription from the publisher: Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA) was the second of the four ‘Rightly Guided’ Caliphs. At first, he railed against the new Islam religion until he read parts of the Qur’an. He was instantly impressed and became a believer. Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA) is credited for establishing most of the major political institutions of the Muslim state and stabilizing the rapidly expanding Arab empire.
Umar bin Khattab (RA) is one of the great Companions of the Prophet (SallaAllahu’alayhi wa sallam) and second Caliph of Islam. He was so firm in his practice of Islam that he usually could sense what was right or wrong before the Prophet (SallaAllahu’alayhi wa salam) had informed others of it.
The life of Al-Farooq ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb (RA) is a shinning page of Islamic history, which outshines and supercedes all other histories. The history of all nations put together does not contain even a part of what his life contained of noble conduct, glory, sincerity, jihad and calling others for the sake of Allah(SWT).
Israel: The Will to Prevail by Danny Danon
- Hardcover: 240 pages
- Publisher: St. Martin’s Press (September 4, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0230341764
- ISBN-13: 978-0230341760
- Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 9.4 inches
Uthman Ibn Affan: Bearer of Two Pure Lights: Leading Companions of the Prophet Series
ISBN: 9781597842679
Author: Ferruh Akin
Publisher: Tughra Books (2012)
Pages: 83 Binding: PaperbackDescription from the publisher:
Uthman Dhun-Nurayn is the third of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs in the history of Islam. His possessing of the “two lights” refers to his honor of being the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), twice. This book is a biography of this one of the leading figures of the Islamic advent, for whom the Prophet said, “Everyone will have a friend in paradise and my friend there will be Uthman.”
The Islamic View of Jesus (PBUH)
Jesus the Miracle Baby, The Prophet of Allah his Second Coming are amongst many of the issues discussed in this book. As well as prophethood and apostleship, Jesus was honoured with many other great qualities and characteristics. The Quran says, with reference to his honour : ‘Remember when the angels said, ‘Allah is giving you the glad tidings of a word from Him, who’s name shall be Masih, I`sa (Jesus) alayhis salaam, Son of Maryam (Mary), honoured in this world and in the Hereafter and from the rank of those close to Him.’ TMQ 3/45. Imam Ibn Kathir adds, ‘Jesus’ rank was extremely high in this world and also in the hereafter.
Jesus was given the Injil (Gospels) and the power to cure the leper and the blind and to bring back to life those who had already died, he was also helped by the angel Gabriel on many occasions.’ All this was part of worldly honour. He was also endowed with great wisdom and knowledge, as the Quran says: ‘And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom and Torah and Injeel (Gospels).’ 3/48. ‘Then Allah says, ‘O Jesus, the Son of Maryam (Mary)! Recount my favour upon you and your mother, when I strengthened you with the angel Gabriel so that you speak to people in childhood and maturity and when I taught you the book and wisdom and Torah and Injeel.’ 5/110. Imam Ibn Kathir(d.774/1352) has said, in explanation of this verse that I’sa (Jesus) was given the talent of writing and that Al Kitab in this verse actually means Al Kitabah, which refers to writing ,as it is a noun in the meaning of its verb, and this would signify that Jesus was not unlettered.
Yes! I Converted to Islam and Here is Why
By: Muhammad Haneef Shahid
Pages: 64
Binding: Paperback
Size: 5.5×8″ (14×20 cm)
SKU/ISBN: 9789960892634
Publisher: Dar-us-SalamThis publication is a compilation from the numerous narratives about the lives, experiences and previous beliefs as well as Islamic impressions and reasons of different personalities belonging to all walks of life as to why they reverted to Islam.
What You Weren’t Taught in Sunday School
- Paperback: 352 pages
- Publisher: amana publications; first edition (June 30, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1590080696
- ISBN-13: 978-1590080696
- Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.9 x 0.8 inches
What You Weren t Taught In Sunday School explores seven different aspects of Christian history that are typically not known by the Christian laity. In the first chapter, the centuries-long arguments about the contents of the Christian Bible are brought to light, as well as the fact that Christianity has never agreed as to what actually constitutes either the Old Testament or the New Testament. The second chapter details how Paul of Tarsus corrupted the message of Jesus Christ and how he was frequently at violent odds with the earliest form of Christianity as taught by the Jerusalem Church of James the Just and the actual disciples of Jesus. The third chapter explores the shocking Biblical history of Holy War and genocide. Chapters four and five narrate a number of Biblical curiosities and some of the changes that have been rendered to the Biblical text over the centuries, changes that occasionally result in a clear distortion of the original text. Chapter six presents the portrayal of Jesus as found in Jewish and Islamic literature, while chapter seven debunks the erroneous myth of the Christian foundations of America. Taken together, these seven chapters expose the reader to those aspects of Christian history that certainly aren t taught in Sunday school.