• This is Islam

    This is Islam

    By Engineer AbdulAziz and Mohammed Al-Sindi


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  • The Five Pillars of Islam

    The Five Pillars of Islam

    By Yaseen Ibrahim Al-Sheikh

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  • Islam - Its Foundation & Concepts

    Islam – Its Foundations & Concepts

    By: Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah As-Suhaym
    Pages: 246
    Binding: Hardback
    Size: 6x9x0.7″ (15×22 cm)
    SKU/ISBN: 9789960980164
    Edition: First, August 2006
    Publisher: Dar-us-Salam
    Shipping Weight: 0.95 lbs

    This book is undoubtedly a commendable attempt at showing the beauties of Islam to mankind, drawing a comparison between this great religion and other world religions in spiritual, moral, social and intellectual aspects and acquainting mankind with its principles and fundamentals in a logical, unambiguous, convincing frank but gracious manner.

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  • This Love by Sophie Winter

    This Love by Sophie Winter

    Sophie Winter lives in a self-imposed cocoon – she’s a single, 31-year-old translator who works from home in her one-bedroom flat. This isn’t really the life she dreamed of, but then Sophie stopped believing in dreams when she was a teenager and tragedy struck her family.

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  • Loving Child - 5

    Loving Child – 5 by Erkam

    By Yusuf Ünal

    Our children are the greatest treasure entrusted to us. Our dream is to see that our children have the most beautiful manners. In this fifth volume of the “Rose House Colouring Book Series” the principle of love is teach to the children.

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  • Helpful Child - 4 By Yusuf Ünal

    Helpful Child – 4 By Erkam

    Our children are the greatest treasure entrusted to us. Our dream is to see that our children have the most beautiful manners. In this fourth volume of the “Rose House Colouring Book Series” the principle of help is explained to the children.

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  • Merciful Child - 3 By Yusuf Ünal

    Merciful Child – 3 by Erkam

    By Yusuf Ünal

    Our children are the greatest treasure entrusted to us. Our dream is to see that our children have the most beautiful manners. In this third volume of the “Rose House Colouring Book Series” the principle of Mercy based on our Prophet Full of Mercy and Compassion, is explained to the children.

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  • Respectful Child - Yusuf Ünal

    Respectful Child – 2 By Erkam

    Our children are the greatest treasure entrusted to us. Our dream is to see that our children have the most beautiful manners. In this second volume of the “Rose House Colouring Book Series” the principle of respect is explained to the children.

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  • Smiling Child - 1 By Yusuf Ünal

    Smiling Child – 1 By Erkam

    By Yusuf Ünal

    Our children are the greatest treasure entrusted to us. Our dream is to see that our children have the most beautiful manners. The Rose House Colouring Book Series has focused on the behaviour of our children and aimed to gain discipline in them.  This method of teaching these behaviours to preschool children by using colouring and activities is fun and efficient. This first volume of five booklets explain to the children the attitude of our prophet when he was smiling.

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  • Islam

    Islam, Spirit And Form

    By Osman Nuri TOPBAS

    Islam: Spirit and Form, which throws light on the basic principles of Islam from the spiritual perspective, is a reference book in all regards. The book talks about the three important steps that take a human being to the presence of the Divine. Islam, the first of these steps, is to surrender. The second is submission, the state of mind that finds its true meaning once crowned with faith or iman.

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  • Ikhlas

    Ikhlas and Taqwa: Sincerity and Piety by Osman Nuri Topbaş

    The most important things that give one s life a meaning are taqwâ (piety) and sincerity. Taqwâ is to curb one s fleshly desires and to strengthen the spiritual potential through prayers to God and doing good deeds for humanity.

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  • The Islamic Approach to Reason and Philosophy

    The Islamic Approach to Reason and Philosophy

    By Osman Nuri TOPBAS

    Shaykh Osman Nuri TOPBAŞ (q.s.) who conclude his work by this sentence: “While humanity has been unable to find what it seeks in distorted and man-made religions or philosophies and has been dragged into spiritual crisis and dissatisfaction, there can be no confusion as direful as the adherents of Islam feeling an enthusiasm and admiration for these misguided paths”, provide in this book the Islamic point of view and extrapolation of Islamic thought based on the Qur’an and Prophetic Sunnah as well as scholars explanations and understanding within the only purpose of Meditation on the creation and the Creator.

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