• The First Man and Woman (2 puzzle box set) Quran Stories for Little Hearts

    The First Man and Woman (2 puzzle box set) Quran Stories for Little Hearts

    Manufacturer: Goodword Books (2004)
    Product type: Jigsaw Puzzles
    Other Details:

    Product description:

    This box set of 2 different Islamic puzzles, for ages 4-8 years old, are colorful stories based on Qur’anic stories. They aid children in learning about the timeless tales from the Qur’an, in an engaging jigsaw puzzle.

    • Ages 4-8 years old

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  • The Ark of Nuh (Box of two puzzles)

    The Ark of Nuh (2 puzzle box set) Quran Stories for Little Hearts Puzzle Box Ages 4-8

    Publisher/Manufacturer: Goodword Books Ltd. (2004)idz
    Product specifications: Ages: 3 to 5 years
    Item type: Puzzles

    Product description:

    This box set of 2 different small puzzles, for ages 3-5, show the Ark of Nuh, for kids to create and enjoy their accomplishment. Includes a story on the back of the box for kids to read and enjoy!

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  • Quran Stories for Little Hearts Puzzle Box

    The Delightful Gardens (2 puzzle box set) Quran Stories for Little Hearts Puzzle Box Ages 4-8

    Manufacturer: Goodword Books (2004)
    Product type: Jigsaw Puzzles
    Other Details:

    Product description:

    This box set of 2 different Islamic puzzles, for ages 4-8 years old, are colorful stories based on Qur’anic stories. They aid children in learning about the timeless tales from the Qur’an, in an engaging jigsaw puzzle.

    Ages 4-8 years old

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  • Above The Law 360°

    Above The Law 360° By JIBRIL MOHAMMED


    This book is an inspirational about the understanding of the world religious Scriptures. The terms that commonly understood by all the religious sects especially the Bible, the Quran, Hindu and Buddhist Scriptures. World leaders always talk about peace and unity but it can be acquired only by understanding the will and the testament of God to His creatures. By reading this we will witness the hidden truth ourselves, then the choice is ours to make. This Book is dedicated to the citizens of the world’s six continents. The world is filled with confusion, turmoil, uprisings, revolutions and war without end.

    It is high time we found out what was wrong, and got a solution to all these problems. Looking closely, it is evident that at the centre of our mishaps is our confusion about our own faith in the Lord, which is the first and precious thing in the life of mankind. Coming together under one umbrella of belief will help us seek the truth about God, what are the real commandments, the truth about Jesus Christ and what he said, especially tangible proofs from the Scriptures, and which religion is the true religion of God for mankind and how we split into sects? What is the real story of St. Paul, Constantine the Prince of Byzantine, who is the founder of Christianity, what is Islam? Who is Muhammad? And what proves him to be a Prophet from God? I think every individual needs to know these things to make their own choices.

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  • Usool Al Hadeeth The Methodology of Hadith Evaluation

    Usool Al Hadeeth: The Methodology of Hadith Evaluation

    By: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
    Pages: 246
    Binding: Paperback
    Size: 6×9″ (15×22 cm)
    SKU/ISBN: 9789960987149
    Edition: 1st, 2003
    Publisher: IIPH
    Shipping Weight: 1.50 lbs

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  • Basic Essentials for Muslims

    Basic Essentials for Muslims

    Recommended for Madrassahs and new Muslims. Contains the 7 Kalimaat, prayers during salah & various daily du’as (prayers). With English translation & transliteration.

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  • The Blessed Days & Night of the Islamic Year

    The Blessed Days & Night of the Islamic Year

    By Hüseyin Algül

    FORMAT: Paperback

    PAGES: 88

    DIMENSIONS: 6 x 9 inches

    The blessed days, nights, and months are each a distinctive sign of Islam. They are celebrated by Muslims all around the world in due respect to their unique worth and sanctity that make them distinct from the rest of the year. Although the worth and sanctity of these special times have essentially been shaped by the Islamic tradition from the seventh century onwards, most of these dates have their origins far back in history.

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  • The Best in Islam according to Quran & Sunnah

    The Best in Islam according to Quran & Sunnah

    By Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

    The purpose of this work is to provide the English reader with a view of the majority of issues which Islam considered to be the best and most pleasing to God Almighty. This book is based on Quran and sunnahs of prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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  • Seeds of Righteousness Tools for Muslim Women to Spread Islam

    Seeds of Righteousness: Tools for Muslim Women to Spread Islam

    By Abdul-Malik Al-Qasim

    In this book, we collected nearly two hundred Seeds of Righteousness, green and fruitful, for Muslim women to sow and reap. These seeds were sown by Muslim sisters who took care of them until they grew to produce various fruits and benefits. These are also good examples of da’wah to Allah that should be practiced by Muslim women, who strive hard to acquire safety on their path to the Hereafter. This is a call to the Muslim sister who has not planted a Seed of Righteousness yet. Use the Seeds of Righteousness offered to you in this book, might and that Allah accept your good deeds from you.

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  • What does it mean TO BE MUSLIM with A Selection of Authentic Qudsi (Sacred) Hadiths With an-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths

    What does it mean TO BE MUSLIM with A Selection of Authentic Qudsi (Sacred) Hadiths With an-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths

    By Fathi Yakan

    What does it mean TO BE MUSLIM with A Selection of Authentic Qudsi (Sacred) Hadiths With an-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths

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  • Islam - Three Core Beliefs

    Islam – Three Core Beliefs: Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) Risalah (Prohethood) Aakhirah (Life Hereafter)

    By Syed Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi

    Islam – Three Core Beliefs: Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) Risalah (Prohethood) Aakhirah (Life Hereafter)

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  • Islam in Focus

    Islam in Focus By Hammudah Abdalati

    By Hammudah Abdalati

    • Paperback: 224 pages
    • Publisher: Amana Publications; Rev ed. edition (September 1, 1997)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0915957744
    • ISBN-13: 978-0915957743
    • Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.5 x 9.1 inches
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