UZ Short Story Collection
- The Arranged Marriage (2014)
Mohsina, daughter of Muslim immigrants to America, is a college student who is very vocal in her arguments against her professor’s anti-Islam rhetoric about Muslim women being forced into unwanted marriages…until her parents try to force her into an unwanted marriage.
- Pretending To Obey Allah (2010)
Hakimah tries to convince a defiant student that struggling with wearing hijab is not hypocrisy.
- The Muslim Girl (2013)
Inaya faces an identity crisis after her family moves back to America and she must wear hijab in public school. (Based on the novel Muslim Girl)
- The Bad Muslim (2013)
Tired of being judged harshly because she’s an American convert to Islam, Joanne argues with her friend, Basma, about their different views on raising their daughters. (Derived from the novel The Friendship Promise)
- Black Women Don’t Need To Cover? (2013)
Faith and Grace, American expats living in Saudi Arabia, discuss culture shock at the way Arabs view black women.
- The Day Jessica Left Islam (2012)
Jessica, an American convert to Islam, attends a dinner party, and the hostess’s underhanded scheme and troublesome comments spur Jessica’s decision to give up being Muslim.
- From the Diary of an Extremist (2009)
An American college student converts to Islam and makes the decision to wear all black and cover her face. But she faces opposition from where she least expects—from fellow Muslims themselves.
- The Invitation (2014)
Faith and Paula are childhood friends who accept Islam just as Faith’s relationship with her boyfriend, John, becomes serious…and just as Paula comes out as gay. With their newfound Muslim identity, must Faith sacrifice John, and Paula her sexuality?
- I Feel Cheated: Nina’s Life After Islam (2013)
Nina faces spiritual crisis after converting to Islam and getting married.
- Can’t Believe They Did That (2013)
Upon her friend’s urging and against her sister’s protests, Barakah accepts a Muslim school’s offer to publish her educational software.
Mokhtasar Hadi Al-Arwah Ila Bilad Al-Afrah By Ibn Qayim Al-Jawzi
The purpose of this book Mokhtasar Hadi Al-Arwah Ila Bilad Al-Afrah By Ibn Qayim Al-Jawzi is to promise the adherents of the Sunnah by the good tidings that the Paradise will be for them, because they deserve it in the world and in the hereafter as they deserve the blessings of Allah and His favors
The Path to Spiritual Excellence
From the head of the world’s largest Sufi spiritual order and descendant of Jalaluddin Rumi, the world’s most read poet and mystic, comes another luminous volume of inspiring lectures. In his inimitable style, Shaykh Nazim takes us on a journey to spiritual excellence, through identifying the “true self” and perfecting the intimate relationship of servitude to the Almighty, which ultimately leads to the highest level of spiritual attainment.
The PATH TO SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE provides practical steps to purify the heart and overcome the destructive characteristics that deprive us of peace and inner satisfaction. On this amazing journey, doubt, fear and other negative influences that plague our lives – and that which we often pass on to our children – can be forever put aside. Simply by introducing in our daily lives these positive thought patterns and actions that attract divine support, we can reach spiritual levels that were previously inaccessible.
This book is an excellent introduction to the classical Sufi teachings which have thrived for fifteen centuries, and would make an attractive addition to the spiritual seeker’s resource library.
100 Great Business Ideas : From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
- Series: 100 Great Ideas
- Paperback: 240 pages
- Publisher: Marshall Cavendish Corp/Ccb (December 1, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0462099601
- ISBN-13: 978-0462099606
- Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.7 x 7.8 inches
Made By Allah Alphabet Book
A colourful Alphabet book that introduces your child to Tawheed in a simple and fun way.
Board book with 26 pages
Wipe clean
Child friendly rounded edgesThe first step series will aid basic learning skills as well as being an ideal introduction to Islam.
Prayer Times Book of Colours
Prayer Times Book of Colours
A wonderful book that introduces your child to colours and also introduces them to the five daily prayer in a delightful way.
Board book with 12 pages
Wipe clean
Child friendly rounded edges
Help your child learn the different colours.
The “first step series” will aid basic learning as well as being an ideal introduction to Islam. -
Animals In The Quran Snap Card
A delightful snap card game with animals mentioned in the Quran. Each card has the animal name in clear English and Arabic text, as well as the Quranic reference. Can be used to play various games and a useful learning aid for teachers and parents.
Ages 3 and up.
Guide to Advocates: Tuhfatul Hukkam (Part One)
By Abbas Abdullahi Machika
Guide to Advocates: Tuhfatul Hukkam
Revelation of the Truth: A Collection of Comparative Religious Book Series
By Hussaini Yusuf Mabera
Revelation of the Truth A Collection of Comparative Religious Book Series
Healing and Shifa from Quran and Sunnah
This book provides Islamic guidance on the spiritual treatment of various ailments using Quran and the many Dua taught in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. The book’s 23 chapters are divided into two parts. The first part provides a background on Islamic treatment and the reality of various ailments including evil eye, jinn possession, sihr (black magic and witchcraft), and others.
Trials and Tribulations: A Lecture by Mufti Menk (Audio CD)
Mufti Menk Selected Lectures on: Trials and Tribulations
1. Allah loves You
2. Allah’s plan prevails
3. Attitude Towards Life’s Tests
4. Desperately seeking Help
5. Response to Advice on Anger
6. Test of Life
7. Test and sacrifice
8. The Accident
9. Traveling Light -The Harm of Excess Baggage.