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The Genius Files:Never Say Genius


By Dan Gutman

Today is Coke and Pepsi McDonald’s thirteenth birthday. Someone’s out to make sure they never make it to thirteen and a half.Racing across America, the twins will nearly beboiled alivein a huge basket of french fries, frozen to deathby soft-serve ice cream, stampededin a wild stadium riot, kidnappedfrom a high-speedroller coaster, andworst of alltheir parents thinkthey’re totally joking!Will they survive? Will they defeat Archie Clone? Will they be dropped out of a helicopter onto the tip of the Washington Monument? Will they ever say “genius”?


By Dan Gutman

Today is Coke and Pepsi McDonald’s thirteenth birthday. Someone’s out to make sure they never make it to thirteen and a half.Racing across America, the twins will nearly beboiled alivein a huge basket of french fries, frozen to deathby soft-serve ice cream, stampededin a wild stadium riot, kidnappedfrom a high-speedroller coaster, andworst of alltheir parents thinkthey’re totally joking!Will they survive? Will they defeat Archie Clone? Will they be dropped out of a helicopter onto the tip of the Washington Monument? Will they ever say “genius”?