
Ibn Battuta: The Great Traveller By Ahmed Imam

His name was very long: “Abu ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn Batuta.” But the world knows him as “Ibn Batuta”, The Great Traveller.

Ibn Batuta was inspired by the Hadith of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), that says: “Whoever walks a path seeking knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise.” (Sahih Muslim)

So, in the year 1325, at only 21 years of age Ibn Batuta started out on what would become a 30 journey.

  • Muslim Scientists Series
  • Ibn Battuta
  • The Great Traveller
  • By Ahmed Imam
  • Paperback 24 Pages
  • ISBN : 9781921772382
  • Publisher : Ali Gato

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Weight 0.15 kg