• The Science of Money: How to Increase Your Income and Become Wealthy by Dan Strutzel

    Truly, there is a “science” of money, just as there is a science of nutrition, chemistry, and engineering. This “science of money” has been tested and proven again and again. And while new “theories” can arise all the time―just as we have new theories for cures for cancer or baldness, for example―the discipline of science, and it’s rules for testing and verifying results―will, in short order, move these ideas from the realm of “theory” to one of two categories: ―The Laws of Money that have been proven and can be relied upon―as much as you can rely upon the sun rising in the East and setting in the West―and The Myths of Money―those ideas (some of which may still be around, just as “rumor” or “innuendo” can exist without any basis) which claim to be true, but which have been tested and disproven,

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