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    The Power Of Discipline by Daniel Walter

    Have you spent weeks, months, or even years trying to achieve your goals but keep failing?

    Have you given up on becoming successful because your futile efforts have led you to believe that success is only for the select few?

    If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions—don’t worry, there is still hope for you!

    Before you can achieve anything in life, you need a solid foundation of self-discipline. Talent, intelligence, and skill are only a part of the equation. Positive thinking, affirmations, and vision boards are only a part of the equation. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, you need self-discipline.

    Self-discipline is what will keep you focused when all hell is breaking loose and it looks like you are one step away from failure. It will give you the mental toughness required to dismantle the limitations you have placed on yourself and break through all obstacles standing in the way of your goals.

    By applying the principles in this book, you will develop your self-discipline, bulldoze through toward your goals, become an unstoppable force of nature, and start living the life you know you deserve!

    It’s impossible to buy back the time you have lost, but you can take control of your future.

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