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    Healing Is The New High

    Vex developed powerful inner healing techniques to help him break free from his troubled past, heal his emotional pain and trauma, and create a new and empowering belief system. Since then, he’s helped thousands of people worldwide unlock their own healing journey. And now he’s here to help you become your own healer too.

    Vex shares how to experience healing through the layers of the self, combining yogic principles and simple, accessible techniques for exceptional, long-lasting results. These transformative practices include:

    · Working with your body’s energy

    · Exploring and raising your inner vibration

    · Creating positive relationships

    · Exploring your personal history and rewriting limiting beliefs

    · Uncovering your true self and reigniting your fire

    Taking charge of your inner healing is one of the greatest acts of self-love. By committing to this process and raising your vibration – the energy that courses through you and you radiate out into the world – you’ll create space to welcome more joyful experiences into your life.

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    Greatest Speeches Of Historic Black Leaders

    Greatest Speeches of Historic Black Leaders, Vol. One, 5th Edition is a compendium of thought provoking and inspirational speeches. We all know that words carry enormous power – the power to heal or to wound, to encourage or to dishearten, to speak the truth or to deceive. They can be the key to our success or reason for our downfall.

    This compilation of the world’s greatest speeches by Africans / African Americans, is an eternally valuable document to be treasured by our contemporary secular and spiritual leaders and all those aspiring to break from the face of oppression, tyranny, unhealthy discrimination, political manipulation and moral decadence. This revised, updated and expanded Fifth edition, will take you on a journey of discovery into the impact of powerful, motivational and inspirational words.

    This Fifth edition will reveal to you words that lasts and words that carry enormous power to uplift, heal, encourage and move you to a greater level of living.

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  • Life Coaching for Muslims: Discover the Best in You!- by Sayeda Habib

    With a combination of everyday practical advice, diagnostic exercises, toolkits for changing your life, and spiritual wisdom, spearheaded by selected verses from the Qur’an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, this book is an essential aid for Muslims today.

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  • Tafseer as-Sa’di (Vol 1-10)

    Tafseer as-Sa’di (Vol 1-10) – by Shaykh as-Sa‘di

    Tafseer as-Sa‘di (Arabic title Tayseer al-Kareem ar-Rahmaan fi Tafseer Kalaam al-Mannaan) is a contemporary commentary on the Qur’an that is well known in the Arab world. Drawing on the classical heritage of Qur’anic exegesis, Shaykh as-Sa‘di focuses on highlighting the meanings of verses in a concise yet eloquent and clear style that is accessible to both the well-versed scholar and the ordinary reader. His style is to mention what he thinks is the correct interpretation, without referring to other views, except in cases where there is also strong evidence to support the other view. Both the scholar and the one just starting out their journey of Tafseer are sure to benefit from this tremendous work, Insha Allah!

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  • Country Living Porches & Outdoor Spaces

    Get the most enjoyment from your country home’s outdoor spaces by creating an inviting place to hang out, read, nap, entertain, or just sit and sip a glass of chilled sauvignon blanc.

    Whether for a porch, patio, deck, sunroom, or garden; and whether the style is classic, rustic, retro, or flea-market funky, there are plenty of ideas here for you. Get timeless good looks on a budget, revamp with paint and simple furnishings, bring interiors outside, and incorporate charmingly traditional elements like farm-stand tables, wooden gliders, swings, and white wicker. Whether you’re ready to tackle a major project or just want a couple of quick, easy ideas, this is the perfect, beautiful book for you.

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  • Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance

    By M. Fethullah Gulen

    This book is a call to Muslims to a greater awareness that Islam teaches the need for dialogue and that Muslims are called to be agents and witnesses to God’s universal mercy. On the other hand, it’s an invitation to non-Muslims to move beyond prejudice, suspicion, and half-truths in order to understand what Islam is really about.

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  • The Master Key System

    The Master Key System

    A MUST OWN! The Master Key System is a personal development book by Charles F. Haanel that was originally published as a correspondence course in 1912. Though originally a 24 week correspondence course, it was published in book form in 1916. It was first published as a book in 1916 by Psychology Publishing, St. Louis and The Master Key Institute, New York.

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  • The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin

    The Accidental Prime Minister by Tom McLaughlin

    by Tom McLaughlin

    • Paperback
    • Publisher: Oxford University Press (April 2, 1964)
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B018M3MNRE
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  • Al'Akhdari (Arabic)

    Al’Akhdari (Arabic)

    Al’Akhdari (Arabic)

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  • Let's Learn Arabic With Zaky DVD

    Let’s Learn Arabic With Zaky DVD

    Publisher/Manufacturer: One 4 Kids / One Islam Productions (2013)
    Product specifications: DVD
    Item type: DVD

    Product description:

    In this latest animated film by One 4 Kids, Zaky teaches the Arabic alphabet, numbers, colours & lots of Arabic words in a fun & entertaining way. Children will also learn about Allah (swt), the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and many Islamic topics.

    To keep the children entertained, ‘Let’s Learn Arabic with Zaky’ includes voice only songs by various nasheed artists from around the world such as Zain Bhikha, Abdullah Rolle and Hussein Kalla.

    Includes free A3-sized (12″ x 16″, 30cm x 42cm) Arabic Alphabet poster.

    Watch a preview —

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1stLOoDxb0?list=PLF8A1B10F5C6F3C34]

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  • Let's Learn And Sing Along With Zaky DVD

    Let’s Learn And Sing Along With Zaky DVD

    Publisher/Manufacturer: One 4 Kids / One Islam Productions (2015)
    Product specifications: Childrens’ DVD (Ages 2+)
    Item type: DVD

    Product description:

    Sing along to Zaky’s favorite songs while learning many new things along the way!

    A One 4 Kids Animation film

    Written, produced & edited by Subhi Alshaik

    Song List:
    1- Allah Created Everything
    2- Arabic Alphabet
    3- Prophet Yunus
    4- That’s What Muhammad Said
    5- My Five Daily Prayers
    6- That’s How I Make Wudu
    7- Never Waste Water
    8- My Green Earth
    9- Knock Knock it’s Ramadan
    10- Ramadan Song
    11- Goodnight Child
    12- I Remember Allah


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  • English Translation of Sunan An-Nasa'i (Volume 1 - 6)

    English Translation of Sunan An-Nasa’i (Volume 1 – 6)

    After years of efforts, finally the Sunan An-Nasai is now available in English. It is available in its complete version in 6 volumes. Great care has been taken to translate it correctly, in simple yet lucid English language and high quality publishing, just like the other translations of the six books of the Hadith.

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