• Hoover's Vision: Original Thinking for Business Success

    Hoover’s Vision: Original Thinking for Business Success

    This books is an eye-opening, hands-on, look at how entrepreneurs and innovative leaders come up with new ides. Hoover offers practical how-to techniques and advice on how to focus on each step required for building a great enterprise. Starting with observing the world around us and seeing patterns where others see only fragments, Hoover shows how to weave together a passionate vision that is clear, consistent, unique, and worthwhile

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  • Economics (A Brief Insight)

    Economics (A Brief Insight)

    Why are some lives—and some countries—so wealthy, and others so deprived? This apparently simple question is the starting point of Partha Dasgupta’s contemporary, intelligible introduction to economics and how it shapes our lives. Combining examples from everyday life with a global approach that considers not just the economics of the West but that of the world’s 2.4 billion poor, Dasgupta reveals how economics can give us deep insight into some of our most intractable problems—and provide solutions to them, too.


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  • el-hawag-fenugreek-oil



    • Useful in the case of burns as a mixture of fenugreek and rose oil can be applied on burns.
    • Useful in the case of skin cracks and improve skin color.
    • Useful in the case of rheumatism, cold and muscle aches, and can be used as antispasmodic.
    • Useful in the case of eczema and boils and sores at the feet.
    • If put on the convulsive nail, it helps in its healing.
    • It eliminates the chloasma from the face.
    • It can be used on the scalp to prevent hair loss and delay the onset of baldness.

    How to use :

    Used as an ointment twice a day.


    • Useful in reduction of the proportion of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.
    • Useful for throat, chest, stomach, duodenum, and colon nervous.
    • Strong sexual tonic for men and women.
    • Useful in cases of thinness and open the appetite and works to increase breast size.
    • Useful for anemia and impaired structure.
    • Oil of Fenugreek specially used for girls in puberty with a medium-spoon twice a day to increase the feminine hormones.

    How to use :

    A teaspoon 3 times a day on a hot drink or milk or or any hot drink.

    It is advised to refrain from administration the case of pregnancy.

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  • The Rules to Break: A Personal Code for Living Your Life, Your Way

    The Rules to Break: A Personal Code for Living Your Life, Your Way

    • Paperback: 208 pages
    • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (July 21, 2014)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0133980472
    • ISBN-13: 978-0133980479
    • Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches
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  • Rise of ISIS

    Rise of ISIS

    Jay Sekulow, one of America’s most influential attorneys, closely examines the rise of the terrorist groups ISIS and Hamas, explains their objectives and capabilities and how, if left undefeated, their existence could unleash a genocide of historic proportions.

    Recently, the world has been shaken by gruesome photos and videos that have introduced us to the now infamous terrorist group known as ISIS. The world’s wealthiest and most powerful jihadists, ISIS originated within Al Qaeda with the goal of creating an Islamic state across Iraq and Syria and unrelenting jihad on Christians. Separate from ISIS, the terrorist group Hamas has waged an equally brutal war against Israel. Both groups, if left undefeated, have the potential to unleash a catastrophic genocide.

    Rise of ISIS gives a better understanding of the modern face of terror,andprovides an overview of the laws of war and war crimes. These laws differentiate between the guilty and innocent, and explain why the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measures.

    The authors’ firsthand experience, including multiple appearances before the Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court at The Hague, along with direct contact battling jihadists during operation Iraqi Freedom lends insight into this important geopolitical issue.

    A must-have for anyone who wants to better understand the conflict that exists in the middle east, this well-researched and fully annotated volume is invaluable in revealing how this new brand of terrorism poses a very real threat to Americans and the world at large. It also serves as a guide to what we as individuals—and as a nation—can do to stop this escalating violence, prevent jihad, and protect Israel and America from this imminent threat.

    In this expanded edition, Jay tracks the most recent events in the war against ISIS, exposes new dangers, and provides a detailed plan to defeat ISIS and prevent genocide against Christians in the Middle East. ISIS is still growing, and its reach—as Jay predicted in the first edition—is extending across the globe.

    Includes a link to an exclusive track from the Jay Sekulow Band, “Where I Stand,” a moving tribute to the persecuted Christians in Iraq.

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  • Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits By Laila Lalami

    Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits By Laila Lalami

    The novel Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits By Laila Lalami is artfully constructed, beginning with the crossing itself, introducing us to each of the four protagonists huddled with 25 other people in a 6-meter Zodiac.

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  • And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

    And The Mountains Echoed- by Khaled Hosseini

    And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini is a deeply moving epic of heartache, hope and, above all, the unbreakable bonds of love..

    From the no. 1 bestselling author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns


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  • Who Says Government Has No Business in Business?

    Who Says Government Has No Business in Business?

    Nigeria in the 70s was looked upon as adequately ebdowed with great potentials to become one of the emerging economies alongside countries like India, Malaysia, Brazil, South Korea, Iran amongst others and more importantly as a beacon of hope for sub-Saharan Africa and the Black nations. All these aforementioned counties have lived uo to expectations and in some cases surpassed them. Nigeria has refused to grow and develop. it still depends wholly on imports for its equipment, plant and machineries, spares, food and even fuel to move her citizen around. This book x-rays the Industrial Revolution, the processes and routes undertaken by other nations to indutrialize and bring porsperity to their reverse the situation in Nigeria. this in debth exposition clearly indicate that government do have business in business. Who is then saying government has no business in business? This book is a must read for all Nigerians especially those who are yearning and waiting for this dream and aspiration of all the Black nations of the World to be fulfilled in this entity called Nigeria.

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    Lawyers in Nigeria will welcome the publication of this second edition of an established text on the criminal law and criminal procedure in Nigeria. The work of Professor Okonkwo will be familiar both to practising lawyers and to law teachers and this new revised edition will provide a comprehensive manual and introduction to this important central area of law.

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  • the prince


    As a young Florentine envoy to the courts of France and the Italian principalities, Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527) was able to observe firsthand the lives of people strongly united under one powerful ruler. His fascination with that political rarity and his intense desire to see the Medici family assume a similar role in Italy provided the foundation for his “primer for princes.” In this classic guide to acquiring and maintaining political power, Machiavelli used a rational approach to advise prospective rulers, developing logical arguments and alternatives for a number of potential problems, among them governing hereditary monarchies, dealing with colonies and the treatment of conquered peoples. Refreshing in its directness, yet often disturbing in its cold practicality, The Prince sets down a frighteningly pragmatic formula for political fortune. Starkly relevant to the political upheavals of the 20th century, this calculating prescription for power remains today, nearly 500 years after it was written, a timely and startling lesson in the practice of autocratic rule that continues to be much read and studied by students, scholars and general readers as well.

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    Evidence Act 2011: Synoptic Guide is in its second edition. this book contains the text of the Act itsef, section by section. it also followed by synoptic guide providing summaries together with relevant cases and questions. it is fully updated to cover the new innovations contained in the Act.

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    This is the 3rd edition of the Criminal Procedure Code in line with our current effort to reposition LawLord Publications as one of the leading legal supportservice providers. this edition  is packaged for those offering Criminal Procedure Law in our Law Schools, Univerties, Paralegal Institutions and other agencies. It is a necessary companion for lawyers, students, law enforcement agencies and general readers.

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    If you become consistent in prayinh upon the Prophet upon whom Allah sends His blessings in the verses of Quran and if you make praying upon him your firm daily practice The signs of Allah’s Favors will become evident to you.

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  • The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise : How the Alliance Revolution Will Transform Global Business

    The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise : How the Alliance Revolution Will Transform Global Business

    Beyond the multinational corporation—even beyond the mega-corporation built from aggressive mergers and acquisitions—a new form of global business is emerging, and it is changing the competitive landscape forever. In his visionary book, The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise, Cyrus Freidheim offers a front-row seat to this seismic shift, through which a few dominant enterprises will control two-thirds of the global market in their respective industries. But they won’t be corporations as we’ve known them. They will be vast networks of corporate alliances—global coalitions of independent firms acting in concert as single entities, and combining assets that exceed the entire output of many nations.Drawing from fifteen years of groundbreaking research at Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Freidheim convincingly demonstrates that the rise of networks of this magnitude is natural and inevitable, as companies forego traditional—and riskier—methods of expansion in favor of alliances, joint ventures, and other collaborative arrangements that capture the best capabilities of the participants while avoiding the bureaucratic disadvantages of size. Already, we are witnessing the convergence in industries as diverse as telecommunications, aerospace, and commercial aviation into alliance networks, clustered around a few dominant players. For example, the global airline industry is coalescing around networks, led by United and Lufthansa in the Star Alliance and by American Airlines and British Airways in another.From the global stage, Freidheim takes up deep into the heart of ”Trillion-Dollar Enterprises” in development, identifying the key elements of successful network formation, and outlining new roles and responsibilities for managers, executives, teams and boards. Freidheim ultimately calls for revolutionary changes in how business leaders should be educated and rewarded, as the skills of diplomacy and negotiation take priority over functional expertise.In his provocative conclusion, Freidheim takes us twenty-five years into the future to explore looming public issues as the forces of commercial globalization and political sovereignty collide, challenging existing paradigms of anti-trust, trade, and labor policies—and even national security.

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  • Know Your Limits - Then Ignore Them

    Know Your Limits – Then Ignore Them

    National best-selling author John Mason shows you how to take the lid off and capture momentum for your life. Each nugget is a source of sound wisdom, proven insight, and practical principles. In this book you will learn how to: Overcome fears and find success. Go farther than you can see. Use what you already have to go to the next level. Make your problem your promotion. Lift limits and multiply your opportunities…and 96 other valuable nuggets. Know Your Limits-Then Ignore Them is a powerful book that will help you live a fulfilled life.

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  • How to Get Anyone to Do Anything

    How to Get Anyone to Do Anything

    You can accomplish anything you can dream if you get someone else to do it! is the personal mission statement and secret weapon of the irrepressible R. Philip Hanes. A dynamic and visionary entrepreneur, civic leader, and philanthropist whose CV includes posts at the National Endowment of the Arts and the Smithsonian, Hanes packs at least 10 lifetimes’ worth of experience and achievement into a memoir of his first 80 years. HOW TO GET ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING is not only the story of an exceptional life, it’s a manual for how to make your own life exceptional.

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