Above The Law 360° By JIBRIL MOHAMMED
This book is an inspirational about the understanding of the world religious Scriptures. The terms that commonly understood by all the religious sects especially the Bible, the Quran, Hindu and Buddhist Scriptures. World leaders always talk about peace and unity but it can be acquired only by understanding the will and the testament of God to His creatures. By reading this we will witness the hidden truth ourselves, then the choice is ours to make. This Book is dedicated to the citizens of the world’s six continents. The world is filled with confusion, turmoil, uprisings, revolutions and war without end.
It is high time we found out what was wrong, and got a solution to all these problems. Looking closely, it is evident that at the centre of our mishaps is our confusion about our own faith in the Lord, which is the first and precious thing in the life of mankind. Coming together under one umbrella of belief will help us seek the truth about God, what are the real commandments, the truth about Jesus Christ and what he said, especially tangible proofs from the Scriptures, and which religion is the true religion of God for mankind and how we split into sects? What is the real story of St. Paul, Constantine the Prince of Byzantine, who is the founder of Christianity, what is Islam? Who is Muhammad? And what proves him to be a Prophet from God? I think every individual needs to know these things to make their own choices.