Nigerian Military in Nation-Building: A study in Modern African Praetorianism
Since the existence of Nigeria as an independent nation, the Nigerian state has been repeatedly besieged by diverse forms of life-threatening security challenges. These challenges which emanate from within had consistently over the years disrupted governance, caused massive deaths, created an atmosphere of fear and insecurity, threatened the corporate existence of the nation and scared foreign investors and capital out of Nigeria.
Foriegn Policy Analysis: The Nigerian Perspective
Foreign Policy Analysis introduces students to the repertoire of approaches and techniques available for assisting analysts and decision-makers at various stages of the foreign policy process. it is concerned with foreign policy analysis as a practical activity. The book is a serious attempt to analyse Nigeria’s foreign policy from Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, through myriads of policy actions down to General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.
Nigeria’s Strategic Interests In Africa: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Strategic Studies
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the nature and dynamics of Nigeria’s strategic interests in Africa. Nigeria since independence in 1960 has always declared Africa as the centrepiece of her foreign policy. She overstreched her self and behaved like a “Santa clause”.
The study has carefully analysed the challenges facing Nigeria in her pursuit of strategic interest in Africa. Nigeria’s capability to realise her strategic interest in Africa is often constrained by the presence and activities of extra-regional and regional actors and their surrogates.
Mono-cultural Economy and Transformation Agenda in Nigeria
Nigeria is the 8th largest oil producer in the world, the largest in Africa, sith in the organisation of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC), fifth-largest supplier to the United States and the most endowed oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. The contribution of the oil industry to Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings cannot be over-emphasised.
However, the impact of the sector on employment generation, value addition and diversification of other sectors of the economy has remained comparatively low.
Nigerian Defence and Security: Policies and Strategies
The Concern for defence and security is a basic pre-occupation of every human being, community and indeed every nation. There can be no meaningful development without security, hence nations have always been preoccupied with the provision of security as they devote vast resources to protect their sovereignty and independence. By providing adequate security for the lives and property of citizens within the state, people can engage in productive activities to meet their needs. National security is concerned with the creation of necessary peaceful conditions for political, economic and social activities which enhance the development of a nation.
Globalisation and African Security: History, Challenges and Prospects
Globalisation and African Security: History, Challenges and Prospects is a critical analysis of globalisation and its positive and negative impacts on African states. The world has been characterized by gradual but dramatic sea changes in the second half of the twentieth century. These have continued at a jet speed in the new millennium. These changes were further accelerated by the sudden collapse of the former Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR) as a superpower, thereby bringing the cold war to an abrupt end. The demise of the soviet union has automatically created a unipolar world in which the United States of America (USA) has emerged as the undisputed sole power, with hegemonic influence and power pervading the entire world.
Nigerian National Security Agencies: Functions, Challenges and Prospects
One of the cardinal roles of government of any nation-state is the provision of security to protect or secure the life and property of its citizens. Because of this reason, Nigeria’s constitution expressly establishes a number of security and intelligence agencies that make up the national security architecture, which includes agencies ranging from the armed forces, the police and other security and other intelligence agencies.
National security activities are governed by the laws set forth by the National assembly. These laws define the authorities and powers of security and defence agencies, establish guidelines and boundaries for their activities, and guide presidential orders that shape their future.
The Trump Prophecies by Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert
In THE TRUMP PROPHECIES readers will discover:
- How the Lord can and will use anyone regardless of education, background, or health to communicate His message to the Church of Christ
- What led to the miracle of the 2016 election, the role of we the people for the will of God in the future, and what the Body of Christ needs to do to keep His blessing on our nation
- How the enemy has utilized techniques of distraction to keep the Body’s focus off of God and onto internal, demoralizing disputes and how this can be overcome
- Astounding, world-altering changes in our US government Mark sees on the horizon
- The positive message of hope and encouragement that points to fresh methods of spreading the Gospel to the lost.
The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and the President by Sean Spicer
The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and the President by Sean Spicer is the first insider account written by someone who worked on the Trump campaign, with the Trump transition team, and in the Trump White House
Internal security management in Nigeria: A study in counter-terrorism
No single security-related issue has dominated Nigerian strategic and political terrain since the end of the Nigerian civil war in 1970 as terrorism. The changing security landscape that has emerged since the return to democratic governance in 1999 continues to evolve in manners that are largely unforeseen a few decades ago. The Nigerian security environment has become far more complex, dangerous, uncertain and threatening than anything that had been seen before. The terrorist unable and in fact unwilling in some cases, to face up with the realities on the ground have increasingly resorted to whatever means available to wreak havoc and destruction physically, economically and psychologically, unhindered and uncontrolled by conscience or civilized ethos.
It is in light of the aforementioned serious security challenges that internal security management in Nigeria is a timely educative book
Trials of the State: Law and the Decline of Politics by Jonathan Sumption
Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!
The Mueller Report by Robert S. Mueller III
The wait for The Mueller Report is over. This strikingly designed edition has been prepared by expert typographers – allowing for an optimised, immersive reading experience.