• The Sokoto Caliphate -by Murray Last

    The Sokoto Caliphate was a West African Empire that became a part of northern Nigeria. It was founded by the charismatic Fulani Islamic scholar and political leader Usman dan Fodio upon his conquer of the Hausa people. Usman dan Fodio created a unified political and economic polity while promulgating a reformist Islamic movement meant to correct syncretic, lax, or superficially Islamic practices in the region.

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  • Sects & Social Disorder: Muslim Identities & Conflict in Northern Nigeria – by Professor Abdul Raufu Mustapha

    Nigerian society has long been perceived as divided along religious lines, between Muslims and Christians, but alongside this there is an equally important polarization within the Muslim population in beliefs, rituals and sectarian allegiance. This book highlights the crucial issue of intra-Muslim pluralism and conflict in Nigeria.
    Conflicting interpretations of texts and contexts have led to fragmentation within northern Nigerian Islam, and differentIslamic sects have often resorted to violence against each other in pursuit of ‘the right path’.

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  • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Paperback -by John Perkins

    From the author of the phenomenal New York Times bestseller, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, comes an exposé of international corruption, and an inspired plan to turn the tide for future generations

    With a presidential election around the corner, questions of America’s military buildup, environmental impact, and foreign policy are on everyone’s mind. Former Economic Hit Man John Perkins goes behind the scenes of the current geopolitical crisis and offers bold solutions to our most pressing problems.

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  • Obasanjo, Nigeria and the World Hardcover – Illustrated, January 20, 2011 – John Iliffe (Author)

    Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!

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  • My Life: The Autobiography of Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto

    Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Premier of the Northern Region of Nigeria, was thought by many to be the most powerful figure in Nigeria. The descendant of the great reformer, Shehu Usuman dan Fodio, the Sardauna grew up in the atmosphere of the Muslim and aristocratic tradition of the Fulani conquerors of Northern Nigeria. He reached maturity in a Nigeria that was rapidly advancing towards independent nationhood, with political institutions deriving largely from the traditions of the Christian West. As leader of the Northern Peoples Congress, the majority political party in Northern Nigeria, the Sardauna became the first Premier of that region in 1954.

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  • I Am Because We Are: An African Mother’s Fight for the Soul of a Nation- by Chidiogo Akunyili-Parr

    I Am Because We Are illuminates the role of kinship, family, and the individual’s place in society, while revealing a life of courage, how community shaped it, and the web of humanity that binds us.

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  • DAUGHTERS OF EVE: Islam and Female Emancipation- by M. Jamal Haider

    This book succinctly establishes how female conditions changed from ancient past to the modern times—it narrates what were the issues women have faced in the past, and what they are still facing in modernity. It discusses topics like why the Prophet married a number of times, the contributions of Muslim female scholars, and towards the end of the book, it clarifies some of the common misconceptions about Islamic injunctions regarding women.

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  • This house has fallen

    This House Has Fallen: Nigeria In Crisis – by Karl Maier

    To understand Africa, one must understand Nigeria, and few Americans understand Nigeria better than Karl Maier. This House Has Fallen is a bracing and disturbing report on the state of Africa’s most populous, potentially richest, and most dangerously dysfunctional nation. Each year, with depressing consistency, Nigeria has been declared the most corrupt state in the entire world. Though Nigeria is a nation into which billions of dollars of oil money flow, its per capita income has fallen dramatically in the past two decades. Military coup follows military coup.

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  • The Art of War (Shambhala)

    The Art of War – Denma Translation Group- by Sun Tzu

    Previous translations of The Art of War have presented Sun Tzu’s classic from the point of view of military strategy, Chinese history, or Taoist philosophy. This translation—accompanied by the translators’ in-depth essays and illuminating line-by-line commentary—offers a fresh perspective on this ancient Chinese text.

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    A PROFILE IN COURAGE – by Major General Paul Tarfa

    A Profile of Courage is the memoir of Paul Chabri Tarfa, retired Major General of the Nigerian Army. In lucid prose, he recounts his upbringing in Garkida, his choice of a career in the Army, his role in frustrating the January 15th, 1966 coup at the Federal Guards, Lagos, and his active participation in the military through the Civil War, coups and counter-coups until his retirement in 1988. Revised in view of restating his truth to today’s Nigeria,


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  • Sankara

    Sankara – by Jude Idada

    The African Renaissance is the concept that African people and nations shall overcome the current challenges confronting the continent and achieve cultural, scientific, and economic renewal.

    At thirty-three, in 1983, Thomas Sankara came to power with the goal of eliminating corruption and eliminating the vestiges of colonial domination. He immediately launched one of the most ambitious programmes for social and economic change ever attempted on the African continent.

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    THE TRAGEDY OF VICTORY – by Brigadier General Godwin Alabi-Isama

    The Tragedy of Victory: On-the-Spot Account of the Nigeria-Biafra War in the Atlantic Theatre is a detailed chronological narrative of the war that lasted from July 6, 1967, to January 15, 1970. With about 500 photographs and maps, the book dwarfs all other previous publications on this subject matter in terms of depth of facts, coverage and accuracy.

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