99 Steps To the Top By Dr. Murat Kaya
This booklet entitled 99 steps to the top he authors wants to point out how important are the hadiths regarding the principle of law, guide and warning on the social moral and wisdom aspects.
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman’s brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our “two minds”—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny.
Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about being smart.
The best news is that “emotional literacy” is not fixed early in life. Every parent, every teacher, every business leader, and everyone interested in a more civil society, has a stake in this compelling vision of human possibility.
The Wise Counsel of Luqman
Al-Hikmah is a divine prerogative. It is a gift from Allah granted to whomever
He Wills from among His servants. Some define it as ‘beneficial knowledge
that corroborates with good righteous deeds’; others say it is ‘doing an
appropriate act at the most appropriate time and place’; and yet others
deem it to be foresightedness, comprehension, felicitous conduct and good
opinion. All of these definition are in fact befitting and apt.
Allah, The Most High bestowed Luqman (upon him be peace) with much
foresight, intelligence and profound judgement – injecting it deep into his
heart whereby his words, deeds and manners were grounded in wisdom.
Allah Revealed: “And indeed we bestowed upon Luqman Al-
Hikmah…” [Luqman (31): 12]
The instructions and advices found in the story of Luqman Al-Ḥakim
comprise noble guidance and contain perfect conduct in inviting people
towards Allah, and nurturing of children. It speaks of proper upbringing
of a generation, describing ways to success and teaching people holistic
goodness. Making it incumbent upon every mentor, father and teacher to
pay attention to the prescriptions found therein; providing contemplation and
deriving exemplary lesson plans in the field of propagating and education.
These lessons can tangibly facilitate in drawing hearts and enriching minds.
Consisting of elementary details that appeal to one’s good conscience; for
indeed putting across Allah’s Message to mankind requires proper planning
and tact that is plentiful within the story. One who advises to such a degree
is indeed blessed with prudence – a blessing from Allah, not just for Luqman
but for anyone who takes him as a role-model. -
The Greatest Invocation for Forgiveness
Allah the Most High, Said, “”Every soul will taste death…”” [ Al-Anbiya (21): 35]
The inevitable reality of death is greater than life itself, for life is something uncertain – one may plan for the future, yet know not whether he will live long enough in order to achieve his hopes and ambitions – for the arrival of the Angel of Death may precede those very hopes. The prudent one understands this great reality and prepares for its eventuality. Untold number of humanity has passed through the stages of death, and current generations will be replaced by future generations.
The Principles of Leadership (Islamic concepts)
In this book The Principles of Leadership (Islamic concepts), Dr. Yusuf bin Uthaman al-Huzaim (the writer of the book) explores the theory of administrative leadership within developed Western nations in an attempt to reunite them with Islamic principles of leadership.
Money Won’t Make You Rich: God’s Principles for True Wealth, Prosperity, and Success
- Paperback: 256 pages
- Publisher: Golden Pen Ltd.; 2 edition (March 22, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1908040483
- ISBN-13: 978-1908040480
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 15.8 ounces
How to Change Your Life: Who am I and What Should I Do with My Life?
How to Change Your Life: Who am I and What Should I Do with My Life? by Bonetti, Benjamin
Trials and Tribulations: A Lecture by Mufti Menk (Audio CD)
Mufti Menk Selected Lectures on: Trials and Tribulations
1. Allah loves You
2. Allah’s plan prevails
3. Attitude Towards Life’s Tests
4. Desperately seeking Help
5. Response to Advice on Anger
6. Test of Life
7. Test and sacrifice
8. The Accident
9. Traveling Light -The Harm of Excess Baggage. -
Attitude is Everything: 10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude into Action
- Paperback: 272 pages
- Publisher: HarperBusiness; Revised edition (May 3, 2005)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0060779721
- ISBN-13: 978-0060779726
- Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 0.6 x 8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 7.8 ounces
Hero (The Secret) by Rhonda Byrne
What is your true calling and why aren’t you already living it?
Imagine if there was a map that showed you step by step how to get from where you are now to your true calling and the life you were born to live—the most brilliant, rich, fulfilling, and dazzling life you could ever dream of. You are holding in your hands such a map. The hero is the map for your life.
By following the journeys of twelve of the most successful people on the planet today, you’ll learn how to use your inner powers to overcome obstacles and to make impossible dreams come true. You’ll be inspired to find your own calling and start taking the steps toward making the life of your dreams an everyday reality.
Be the hero you are meant to be.
How Good People Make Tough Choices
Dr. Kidder provides guidelines for making the important decisions in situations that may not be that clear cut—from most private and personal to the most public and global. Former U.S. senator and NBA legend Bill Bradley calls How Good People Make Tough Choices “a valuable guide to more informed and self-conscious moral judgments.”
Diseases of The Heart and their Cures by Shaykuhl- Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Know O beloved reader that it is most important to spend one?s time and energy in treating the
heart, and hastening to correct and purify it from sickness and all sins. This is due to the heart occupying a great and lofty position in Islam, for it is the place to which the Lord looks and the storehouse for
Tawhid, faith, and sincerity. Actions are distinguished, one from the other, with respect to their excellence in the Sight of Allah in accordance with the condition of the heart, not by their number or form, but rather due to the strength of the caller, his or her truthfulness, his or her sincerity and the extent to which he or she prefers Allahm over himself or herself.The heart forms the foundation, it is the owner of the limbs, and the limbs are its soldiers, so when the owner becomes purified its soldiers become purified, and when the owner becomes sullied then its soldiers become sullied.
Al-Hafidh ibn Hajr al-Asqalani, said: ?The heart has been singled out for this because it is the leader of the body, and through the purification of the leader the subjects become purified, and with his corruption they become corrupted.
So if you, O servant of Allah, want to cure your heart then it is upon you to be truthful with regards to seeking refuge with Allah and putting your trust in Him, to pray a great deal of superogatory prayers, to perform the actions of obedience to Allah frequently, to pray the night prayer while the people are sleeping, and to treat your heart by making it continuously stick to the remembrances and by befriending only the righteous… and to frequently recite the Qur?an. And Allah will indeed allow all of this to be preserved by him.?
So my brother Muslim, this is a treatise by Shaykhul-Isla-m Ibn Taymiyyah concerning the topic, ?Diseases of the Hearts and their Cures.? I found it amongst his, ?Fatawa? and saw it to be a beautiful work, containing many benefits. So it is upon you O Muslim to hurry to distribute this amongst your beloved friends and your brothers so that perchance Allah may correct their hearts and Allah?s aid is sought.
This is a beautiful book, containing many benefits related to curing the heart from many sickness. It covers a wide range of topics, including ailments of the hearts, envy of the heart, sickness of the hearts, the diseases of desire and passionate love. As well as remedies to cure the heart from the Qur?an and Sunnah. This work also includes an appendix from Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah on the types of hearts. It is a very beneficial read, for everyone.