• Don't Forget Your Crown By Derrick Jaxn

    Don’t Forget Your Crown By Derrick Jaxn

    Don’t Forget Your Crown By Derrick Jaxn puts the power in your hands to change that by bringing every aspect of relationships back to what the foundation should have been from the beginning; self-love.

    Ladies, I’m not here to tell you how many secret ways you can bend over backwards to get some man to come and validate you. You’ve heard enough of that.

    Men, I’m not here to tell you how to attract more women in an effort to chase the fulfillment your heart yearns for but you never learned how to keep. You’ve tried that already. It did not, and still has not worked.

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  • Daily Inspiration from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

    By Robin Sharma

    A gift of the Monk’s daily insights in a new perpetual calendar.

    Based on the massively successful books of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari collection, this new addition to the beloved series will become a must-have gift for over a million Robin Sharma fans. Each page of this thoughtful daily calendar book—which is never out of date—contains an unforgettable quotation from one of the series’ bestsellers: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari;Leadership Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His FerrariFamily Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His FerrariWho Will Cry When You Die?; and Discover Your Destiny with the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. It’s a daily prescription of uplifting, practical wisdom for personal and professional success. Perfect for work, home and family life, Daily Inspiration from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is published in a handsome compact format, complete with ribbon marker and coloured endpapers. It’s a beautiful and timeless gift of wisdom, for a loved one or for yourself.

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  • The Prick of a Thorn By Dr Aisha Utz

    The Prick of a Thorn By Dr Aisha Utz

    This book The Prick of a Thorn By Dr. Aisha Utz will help the reader to understand the logic of events in a seemingly chaotic world, to comprehend the rationale for seemingly unbearable trials and tribulations, and to implement sound Islamic methodology in finding the most effective coping techniques.

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  • Reflections Of A Man II: The Journey Begins With You

    By Mr. Amari Soul

    This second book in Mr. Amari Soul’s “Reflections Of A Man” series (following the release of the inspirational best seller “Reflections Of A Man”) will help you to get past your pain, get rid of the self-doubt and help you to see yourself in a new light… a light which illuminates through all of the darkness and shines through to the Beautiful, Strong Woman inside of you.

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  • The Power Paradox

    The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence

    By Dacher Keltner

    A revolutionary and timely reconsideration of everything we know about power. Celebrated UC Berkeley psychologist Dr. Dacher Keltner argues that compassion and selflessness enable us to have the most influence over others and the result is power as a force for good in the world.

    Power is ubiquitous—but totally misunderstood. Turning conventional wisdom on its head, Dr. Dacher Keltner presents the very idea of power in a whole new light, demonstrating not just how it is a force for good in the world, but how—via compassion and selflessness—it is attainable for each and every one of us.

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  • revive your heart

    Revive Your Heart – Nouman Ali Khan

    Revive Your Heart is a call for spiritual renewal and an invitation to have a conversation with one of the world’s most recognisable voices on Islam, Nouman Ali Khan.

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  • VIP

    VIP: How to Influence with Vision, Integrity, and Purpose

    The Bible says that God has “assigned to you an area of influence” (2 Corinthians 10:13). The question is what will you do with it?

    Product details

    • Hardcover: 128 pages
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (March 8, 2016)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 9780718078492
    • ISBN-13: 978-0718078492
    • ASIN: 0718078497
    • Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.6 x 7.3 inches
    • Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces
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  • The Book of (Even More) Awesome by Neil Pasricha

    EVEN MORE of the little things that make us smile every day!

    Neil Pasricha is back with a collection of hundreds more awesome things that deserve celebration including:
    Coming back to your own bed after a long trip Sneaking cheaper candy into the movie theater Stepping on dry crunchy leaves on the sidewalk Letting go of the gas pump perfectly so you end on a round number When a baby falls asleep on you Finally peeing after holding it forever Pulling a weed and getting all the roots with it Seeing old people holding hands When your pet notices you’re in a bad mood and comes to see you When your windshield wipers match the beat of the song you’re listening to The smooth feeling on your teeth after you get your braces off When the hiccups stop Driving from a rough road onto a smooth one Puppy breath When the houseguest leaves When the person you’re meeting is even later than you are Getting the keys to your first apartment There’s even space for you to write your very own Awesome Things in the back.

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  • The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness By Gary Zukav


    With the rare combination of profound psychological insight and deep spirituality that has already drawn millions of readers to his two great national bestsellers, The Seat of the Soul and Soul Stories, prizewinning author Gary Zukav now joins with his spiritual partner Linda Francis to help us develop a new emotional awareness that is central to our spiritual development.

    In The Seat of the Soul, Zukav brilliantly set forth his fundamental concepts, explaining how the expansion of human perception beyond the five senses leads to a new understanding of power as the alignment of the personality with the soul — “authentic power.” In Soul Stories, he showed how such concepts as harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life express themselves in other people’s lives. Now, in The Heart of the Soul, he and Francis take the next major step forward in showing us the importance of emotional awareness in applying these concepts to our own daily lives.

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  • 7 Steps to Moral Intelligence By Musharraf Hussain

    7 Steps to Moral Intelligence By Musharraf Hussain

    This handbook 7 Steps to Moral Intelligence By Musharraf Hussain tells us how to go about changing ourselves in seven steps. Based on Imam Ghazali’s teachings, this handbook is attractively laid out and easy to understand.

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  • 7 Steps to Spiritual Intelligence (Kube Publishing)

    7 Steps to Spiritual Intelligence (Kube Publishing)

    How do we develop spiritual intelligence? How do we change ourselves so that we can live by the universal spiritual values?

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  • Friend: An Islamic Perspective by Siratt

    Friend The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

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