• Shattered Glass

    Shattered Glass, Healing A Broken Heart Paperback – by Yasmin Mogahed

    Human being generally is very educated on how to treat a broken leg. We are very educated on how to treat a gunshot wound. But we are not very educated on how to treat a broken heart. Emotional trauma is something that as a human race, we are handicapped in. We do not teach, we do not have tools, and beyond that, we are not very supportive of the healing process that is necessary for healing a broken heart. When you get a wound or when you get hurt by something, how do you get yourself treated? What or who helps you in the healing process?

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  • Repentance

    Repentance: Breaking the Habit of Sin Paperback – by Omar Suleiman

    Keep the door of repentance open between you and Allah because He is always ready to forgive you.

    Allah (s.w.t.) mentions in surah Ali Imran, verse 135, “And those who, when they commit immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins…” Keep the door of repentance open between you and Allah because He always ready to forgive you.


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  • Show Up


    A personal story of the author reflecting on her journey of life with references to quotes from the Qur’an, Hadith and contemporary thinkers.

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  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck By Mark Manson

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck By Mark Manson

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck By Mark Manson is his antidote to the coddling, let’s-all-feel-good mindset that has infected modern society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.

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  • Time Alive By Alexandra Stoddard

    Time Alive By Alexandra Stoddard

    This treasury of brief essays is chock-full of the wise ideas, personal anecdotes, and practical strategies that have inspired millions of her readers and audiences to live more beautifully and meaningfully every day.

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  • Choosing Happiness By Alexandra Stoddard

    Choosing Happiness By Alexandra Stoddard

    In this book Choosing Happiness By Alexandra Stoddard she shares what she has learned about the small but significant changes you can make to be happier day by day.

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  • How to Stop Worrying and Start Living By Dale Carnegie

    How to Stop Worrying and Start Living By Dale Carnegie

    The book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living By Dale Carnegie mentions fundamental facts to know about worry and magic formula for solving worry-some situations.

    Psychologists & Doctors’ view:

      • Worry can make even the most stolid person ill.
      • Worry may cause nervous breakdown.
      • Worry can even cause tooth decay
      • Worry is one of the factors for High Blood Pressure.
      • Worry makes you tense and nervous and affect the nerves of your stomach.
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  • Dream Big By Bob Goff

    Dream Big By Bob Goff

    In Dream Big By Bob Goff he shows how to

    • learn to define clearly your dreams for yourself,
    • identify the obstacles holding you back,
    • come up with a specific plan for reaching goals, and
    • develop the tools that will help you act on the plan.

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  • Good Vibes

    Good Vibes, Good Life By Vex King

    Good Vibes, Good Life By Vex King overcame adversity to become a source of hope for thousands of young people, and now draws from his personal experience and his intuitive wisdom to inspire you to:

    • Practise self-care, overcome toxic energy and prioritize your wellbeing
    • Cultivate positive lifestyle habits, including mindfulness and meditation
    • Change your beliefs to invite great opportunities into your life
    • Manifest your goals using tried-and-tested techniques
    • Overcome fear and flow with the Universe
    • Find your higher purpose and become a shining light for others
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  • Enjoy Your Life by Dr Muhammad Al Areefi (Darussalam)

    The aim of the book Enjoy Your Life by Dr Muhammad Al Areefi (Darussalam) is to train the reader to enjoy living his life by practicing various self-development and inter-personal skills.

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  • Ritual of Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef

    Ritual of Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef

    Ritual of Worshipping Heart By Dr. Muhammad Musa Ash-Shareef. In an all-encompassing manner, Rituals of a Worshiping Heart describes the heart, it’s been responsible for perception and cognitive response, its virtues, and importance, and follows with discussions regarding how the heart becomes corrupted and how it can be remedied.

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  • Are you hurt?

    Are You Hurt: 20 Formulas for a Forbearing Heart ? by Ibn Taimiyyah

    The Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

    “If the Muslim relates with the people and forbears when they hurt him, he is better than the Muslim who would not relate with the people nor forbear over hurt they direct to him. ” (At-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah)

    Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah رحمه الله mentioned the virtues of returning forbearance and kindness when envy and hurt were directed toward us. He summarized 20 formulas that will help us how to exercise patience in this invaluable book.

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