• Shariah A Divine Code Of Life by AbdurRashid Siddiqui

    Shariah A Divine Code Of Life by AbdurRashid Siddiqui

    This simple and concise guide to the Shariah (Islamic law) explains its meaning, scope and operation, as well as helping readers understand and appreciate its value and importance in the believer’s life.

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  • Comprehensive Islamic Jurisprudence By Ash-Shawkani

    This book Comprehensive Islamic Jurisprudence By Ash-Shawkani, which you now hold in your hands dear reader is a very important book by al-Imam Ash-Shawkani (May Allah shower His Blessings on him).

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  • Al-Mantiq al-Jilani: A Primer in Classical Logic By Sayyid Muhammad Zarqani

    Al-Mantiq al-Jilani: A Primer in Classical Logic By Sayyid Muhammad Zarqani

    An introduction to classical logic which basically points to the practice of defending the tenets of Islam through rational argument.

    It is possibly one of the first books translated into the English language for the benefit of the Students in the Darse-Nizami Alimiyyah Course.

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  • The Devil's Deceptions(Talbis Iblis): Ibn al-Jawzi

    The Devil’s Deceptions(Talbis Iblis): Ibn al-Jawzi

    Deception (talbis) is to present falsehood in the image of the truth. And misleading (ghuroor) is a form of ignorance that causes you to believe falsehood to be the truth, and bad to be good. It is caused by the presence of doubtful matters. lblis influences people as much as possible. His influence depends on how alert, negligent, ignorant and knowledgeable they are.

    About The Book

    It is from enmity and hopelessness of the devil that his endeavour to misguide mankind from the Path of Allah will persist. This misguidance takes many shades and forms; be it from planting seeds of doubt, or giving rise to deviant ideas antithetical to the sacred teachings of Islam, and essentially becoming entangled within regressive intellectual and rhetorical discourses. The Ummah has suffered varying levels of deviation, some of which remain prevalent today, while more continue to be uncovered – and such is the impact of delusive plottings of the devil and his allies.

    This book is the sixth instalment from Dar as-Sunnah of the illustrious Imam, Abu’l-Faraj Ibn Jawzi. Being a complete translation of his well-known and prized work, Ibn Jawzi enumerates within it, many of the mechanisms and modus operandi used by the devil in deceiving and leading mankind away from the Straight Path. It is of particular value and importance because only by unearthing and accentuating some of the traps of the devil, can mankind avoid them as well as navigate others away from falling prey to his harm.

    Speaking about the devil and his plotting, the author wrote that, “he was only able to do so while creeping during the night of ignorance. Had the dawn of knowledge shone on him, he would have been exposed. Thus I decided to warn from his plots for identifying evil is a form of warning from it.”

    This translation of Tablees Iblees will provide important analysis in developing self-awareness and critical thinking to ward off many deceptions of the devil, which have plagued mankind from the time of Adam. For such reasons alone, this work is a valuable addition to the scholarly discourse it presents to the English speaking world.

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  • Guide to Advocates Tuhfatul Hukkam

    Guide to Advocates: Tuhfatul Hukkam (Part One)

    By Abbas Abdullahi Machika

    Guide to Advocates: Tuhfatul Hukkam

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  • Shariah The Islamic Law By Abdur Rahman I. Doi

    Shariah The Islamic Law By Abdur Rahman I. Doi

    This book Shariah The Islamic Law By Abdur Rahman I. Doi considers both the sources of Islamic Law and its application to all aspects of life, including family relations, marriage and divorce, crime and punishment, inheritance and disposal of property, trading and commerce, economics including the collection of zakat and taxes, international laws and jihad.

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  • Faza il e Tijarat Virtues of Merchandise Shaikhul Hadeeth Hazrat Maulana

    Faza’il-E-Tijarat (Virtues of Merchandise) by Shaikhul Hadeeth Hazrat Maulana


    • Weight1.00 LB
    • ISBN Number81 85738 61 0
    • Author/Translator/OratorZakariyya Kandhlavi
    • Publisher/ManufacturerIdara Isha’at
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  • Al-Muwatta The Approved

    Al-Muwatta: The Approved (2 Vol. Set)

    By Imam Malik ibn Anas

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  • Economic Justice in Islam, Monetary Justice and the Way out of Interest (Riba) (Hifzur Rab)

    Economic Justice in Islam, Monetary Justice and the Way out of Interest (Riba) (Hifzur Rab)

    ISBN: 9830652157
    Author: Hifzur Rab
    Publisher: A.S. Noordeen (2006)
    Pages: 336 Binding: Paperback

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  • Enjoining Right And Forbidding Wrong: Ibn Taymiyyah / Morgan

    Enjoining The Rights And Forbidding The Wrongs by Ibn Taymiyya

    A message by Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah on enjoining good and forbidding evil, first published by Sheikh Muhammad Hamid al-Faqi in 1956 and then published by another manuscript by Dr. Salahuddin al-Munajjid

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  • The Criterion By Ibn Taymiyyah / Dr. Hassan El Rashid

    The Criterion By Ibn Taymiyyah / Dr. Hassan El Rashid


    By: Ibn Taymiyyah / Dr. Hassan El Rashid
    Language: EnglishSoftcover

    The Criterion (Between the Allies of the Most Merciful and the Allies of the Devil) , by Ibn Taymiyyah, here translated to English.

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  • The Signs of the Hypocrites

    The Signs of the Hypocrites by Shaykh Aa`id `Abdullah al-Qarnee

    The book The Signs of the Hypocrites by Aid Al-Qarni’s is that if Muslims can recognize the signs of hypocrisy, they can avoid them and save themselves from the punishments and awaits hypocrites in the hereafter.

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  • Juristic Decisions on Some Contemporary Issues

    Juristic Decisions on Some Contemporary Issues

    Juristic Decisions on Some Contemporary Issues. Guidance on Intricate Contemporary Matters (Vol. 1 & 2)

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  • Lawful and Unlawful Al-Imam by Abu Hamed Al-Ghazali

    Lawful and Unlawful Al-Imam by Abu Hamed Al-Ghazali

    The Book of the Lawful and Unlawful Al-Imam by Abu Hamed Al-Ghazali is the 14th chapter of The Revival of the Religious Sciences, which is widely considered as the greatest work of Islamic spirituality. Written by one of the most famous of theologian-mystics of all time.

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  • Ghibah: Backbiting - The Root Cause of All Evil

    Ghibah: Backbiting – The Root Cause of All Evil

    By Shakil Ahmad Khan

    Islam is a religion of peace, love and compassion. Lies, suspicion, backbiting, slander, vain talk -all these are anathema to Islam. Backbiting in particular, according to the Quran, is not just a common social eveil, but rather an abhorrent act, a major sin-the equivalent of eating one’s brother’s flesh. This book highlights the need to keep our society free from this ignoble malaise.

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  • The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam (Al-Halal Wal Haram Fil Islam)

    The Lawful And Prohibited in Islam By Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi

    This popular book The Lawful And Prohibited in Islam By Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi dispels the ambiguities surrounding the honorable Shari’ah, and to fulfill the essential needs of the Muslims in the current age.

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