Waqf Anthology: A Collection of Articles and Papers by Zeinoul Abedien Cajee
The articles Waqf Anthology: A Collection of Articles and Papers by Zeinoul Abedien Cajee are written by both scholars and activists who are deeply committed to the greater conceptual understanding and the practical implementation of the waqf system internationally.
The First Sin: Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Perspectives
Both Jewish and Islamic sources relate the story of the first known sin in the universe, i.e., Satan refusing to obey God’s command to bow down to Adam. In the present volume, Dr. Dirks explores both Jewish and Islamic sources on the first sin, compares and contrasts them, and identifies the underlying root cause behind Satan’s refusal to bow down to Adam, which was arrogance.
The Challenge of Things: Thinking Through Troubled Times
The Challenge of Things joins earlier collections like The Reason of Things and Thinking of Answers, but this time to collect Grayling’s recent writings on the world in a time of war and conflict. In describing and exposing the dark side of things, he also explores ways out of the habits and prejudices of mind that would otherwise trap us forever in the deadly impasses of conflicts of all kinds.
- Paperback: 320 pages
- Publisher: Bloomsbury Paperbacks; UK ed. edition (10 Mar. 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1408864622
- ISBN-13: 978-1408864623
- Product Dimensions: 19.8 x 2.2 x 13 cm
Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance
This book is a call to Muslims to a greater awareness that Islam teaches the need for dialogue and that Muslims are called to be agents and witnesses to God’s universal mercy. On the other hand, it’s an invitation to non-Muslims to move beyond prejudice, suspicion, and half-truths in order to understand what Islam is really about.
Jesus and Muhammad By Daniel Hummel
This book Jesus and Muhammad By Daniel Hummel approaches this topic from a different perspective. The time that Muhammad preached in Mecca is compared to the time Jesus spent preaching throughout Palestine.
The Collected Works of Kahlil Gibran
Included in this volume are The Madman, The Forerunner, The Prophet, Sand and Foam, Jesus the Son of Man, Earth Gods, The Wanderer, The Garden of the Prophet, Prose Poems, Spirits Rebellious, Nymphs of the Valley and A Tear and a Smile.
Poet, artist, and mystic Kahlil Gibran was born in 1883 to a poor Christian family in Lebanon and emigrated to the United States as an adolescent. His masterpiece, The Prophet, a book of poetic essays written in his youth, has sold over eight million copies in more than twenty languages since its first publication in 1923.
But all Gibran’s works – essays, stories, parables, prose poems – are imbued with equally powerful simplicity and wisdom, whether meditating upon love, marriage, friendship, work, pleasure, time or grief. Perhaps no other twentieth-century writer has touched the hearts and minds of so remarkably varied and widespread a readership. Included in this volume are The Madman, The Forerunner, The Prophet, Sand and Foam, Jesus the Son of Man, Earth Gods, The Wanderer, The Garden of the Prophet, Prose Poems, Spirits Rebellious, Nymphs of the Valley and A Tear and a Smile.
Bearing True Witness
Bearing True Witness (Or, “Now that I’ve Found Islam, What Do I Do With It?”)
Dr. Brown is a practicing ophthalmologist, a revert to Islam, and the author of several ground-breaking books of Islamic Dawa (i.e., invitation). His first book, The First and Final Commandment, is a comprehensive argument in support of the Islamic claim of continuity of revelation. This present book, Bearing True Witness, is designed to assist the new convert in navigating the more controversial issues of their new, chosen religion of Islam. Inspired, assisted and approved by Shaykh Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi, this book as well as Dr. Brown’s other works
Why Women Are Accepting Islam
This book is a compilation of the numerous narratives about the lives, experiences and previous beliefs as well as Islamic impressions and reasons of different lucky women, belonging to all walks of life, as to why they reverted to Islam. Darussalam has already published one book from the same compiler on the same focus that was very much appreciated by the readers. We hope this study will help those non-Muslims women whose concepts are not clear about Islam, and those people who are working in Da’wah field.
Publishers Note
The Graces of Allah upon the humankind are numerous. But the greatest one is the Faith of Islam bestowed to humanity. Those who have been blessed with it are actually the most fortunate persons. If one is awarded with Faith and guided to the Straight way, it matters little for him whether he has been provided with worldly blessings like wealth, power, dignity etc. or not.
Islam is highly beneficial to humanity both in this life and in the life hereafter. It is a source of goodness and virtues in this world as it guides a man to lead a righteous life, elevates the mind and moral standards, and takes him out from darkness to light. And as regards in the life hereafter, it insures for him the Paradise adorned with the articles of pleasure and delight.
The book under study ‘Why Women are accepting Islam’ comprises the personal remarks and observations by those lucky women who were blessed with Islam. It has a detailed description as to how they were so impressed with Islam that obliged them to take such a major but uphill decision to abandon the religion of their forefathers. It is evident enough that Islam is the only religion which is so widely accepted by the large number of people each day.
Their opinions about veiling and other moral issues concerning mingling of both sexes freely are worth reading. They are appreciating the place of women and their importance in the Islamic society.The Compiler of this book, Mr. Muhammad Haneef Shahid is a beloved son of Pakistan, a renowned scholar, author of a number of books. He has a deep love for Islam. He has spent most of his life in the field of Learning and knowledge. He has dedicated his life to impart knowledge, especially of Islam to a wide range of people. I was introduced to him in 1993 and was greatly impressed with his virtues and qualities.
Why Islam is our Only Choice
Why Islam is Our only Choice is a compilation of the numerous narratives about the lives, experiences, and previous beliefs as well as Islamic impressions and reasons of different personalities belonging to all walks of life as to why they reverted to Islam. It includes scientists, intellectuals, nobles, professionals, dignitaries, laureates, influentials etc.
Descent of Jesus Christ
Descent of Jesus Christ By Dr. Muhammed Muhsin Khan This Book talks about the Descent Of Jesus Christ taken from the English translation of the meanings and commentary of the Noble Quran by Dr. Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhsin Khan.
Singing & Music in Islamic Perspective
This compelling and beautifully researched book clarifies the rulings on singing and music and the harm they inflict on the heart, the individual, the family, and the ummah. It warns Muslims about the danger of these matters, which causes corruption and immorality. These things turn people away from the Qur’an, worship, and obedience – the keys to the beautification and serenity of the heart; the removal of all worries and distress; and happiness in this world and the next.
Is Jesus Christ The Only Way To God? By Muhammad Danjuma Manga
Is Jesus Christ The Only Way To God? By Muhammad Danjuma Manga