A selection of Interfaith Studies Books at Tarbiyah Books Plus, Abuja. Nigeria’s leading retailer of audio books and other products.
Islam Is Your Birthright
Majed Al-Rassi’s popular booklet, compiled from the works of respected writers on the subject of comparative religion, has been revised and greatly expanded in this new edition. Islam is Your Birthright is a useful and comprehensive guide for Muslims who would like to know how to address non-Muslims on the subject of the relationship between Islam, Christianity and other religions. It is as well a helpful, easy-to-follow explanation of the basic precepts of Islam that interested non-Muslims can pick up and read, without having had any prior study of Islam.
Izhar ul Haq
Izhar-ul-Haq is internationally recognised as one of the most authoritative and objective studies of the Bible. It was originally written in Arabic in 1864 by the distinguished nineteenth century Indian scholar, Maulana Rahmatullah Kairanvi in response to the Christian offensive against Islam in British India, and specifically to counter the subversive attack made by the Reverend Fonder in his Urdu book, Meezam-ul-Haq. It was subsequently translated into Urdu and then into English by Muhammad Wali Razi. This is the revised edition of the Wali Razi translation.
Creed & Grievance: Muslim-Christian Relations & Conflict Resolution in Northern Nigeria – by Abdul Raufu Mustapha & David Ehrhardt
Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!
Kitab At-Tawheed – Explained By Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab
Kitab At Tawheed – Explained By Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab is about when he embraced Islam in 1983, by the grace of Allah (swt ), one of the first books which I was given to read was a translation of Kitaab At-Tawheed by the renowned scholar, Muhammad Ibn `Abdil Wahhaab: I understood very little of it and was driven to the conclusion that this was because I was new to Islam and therefore lacked knowledge.
Good Argumentation With the Doubters of Islam By Shaykh Subh
These questions were sent by some Christian missionaries intending to distort the image of Islam and challenge Muslims thereby.
Clash of Kingdoms By Charles Dyer, Mark Tobey
ISIS, Russia, and Iran are daily atop headlines and are among chief sources of intensifying unease among Americans about how current world conflicts will unfold. Using the Old Testament texts of prophets Ezekiel and Daniel as foundational passages, Bible experts Charles Dyer and Mark Tobey
The Cross And The Crescent By Muhammad Arif Zakaullah
The Cross And The Crescent By Muhammad Arif Zakaullah is a pioneering study, filling a strategic intellectual void by initiating a Muslim tradition of the scientific study of the West.
Why Jesus and Mohammad? By Dr. Sherif Wahby
This book Why Jesus and Mohammad? By Dr. Sherif Wahby focuses on the importance of returning to God. It also highlights the reason God created the human being. God wants mankind to live in harmony. He wants us to build, not destroy, to improve, not corrupt. He wants justice to prevail and discrimination to disappear.
Answers To Non-Muslims Common Questions About Islam by Zakir Naik
Dr. Zakir Naik has answered all these most common misconceptions about Islam giving most authentic proofs logically and socially in the light of Islam.
The Quran and The Bible in the Light of Science By Dr. Zakir Naik
Dr. Zakir Naik, rejoinder to Dr. William Campbell from Cleveland Ohio in dispelling many mis-conception about Islam in relation to the established science as also in acquainting the people with the present Bible.
The Choice Islam and Christianity (Volume 1 & 2) By Ahmed Deedat
Ahmed Deedat, Debator Extraordinaire and founder of the Islamic Propogation Centre in South Africa, this book of Ahmed Deedat’s is a collection of his most popular series of booklets on Islam and Christianity.