• Usborne Growing Up for Girls & Boys What’s Happening to me Series Collection Set

    Title : Usborne Growing Up Collection for Boys and Girls 7 Books Set Pack
    Author : Usborne
    Pages : Varies
    Format : Paperback
    ISBN : 9781474900522
    Publisher: Usborne 
    SKU : U5-GrownUp-7bks

    What’s happening to me? (Girls)

    A sensitive, detailed and informative guide to female puberty, this book will prove invaluable for both young girls and their parents alike, tackling key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to practical matters, such as buying your first bra. Bright, original colour illustrations and diagrams reveal everything young girls need to know about the changes they will experience as they approach puberty. The stunning artwork is accompanied by witty, yet clear and informative factual text that helps to demystify this often confusing and tricky subject. Approved by a team of top-notch consultants, this remarkable and reassuring book is entertaining, approachable and authoritative.

    What’s happening to me? (Boys)

    This volume is a detailed and sensitive guide to male puberty. It tackles key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to the emotional upheaval this can cause.

    Why should I bother to keep fit?

    This is an informative guide to two of the hottest debates surrounding children today: Junk food and healthy eating. Written in a conversational style, this book offers children an approachable source of information on key subjects such as why keeping fit is good for you, how to choose the appropriate exercise regime and a how to stay healthy in day-to-day life.

    What’s happening to me? (Girls)

    A sensitive, detailed and informative guide to female puberty, this book will prove invaluable for both young girls and their parents alike, tackling key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to practical matters, such as buying your first bra. Bright, original colour illustrations and diagrams reveal everything young girls need to know about the changes they will experience as they approach puberty. The stunning artwork is accompanied by witty, yet clear and informative factual text that helps to demystify this often confusing and tricky subject. Approved by a team of top-notch consultants, this remarkable and reassuring book is entertaining, approachable and authoritative.

    What’s happening to me? (Boys)

    This volume is a detailed and sensitive guide to male puberty. It tackles key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to the emotional upheaval this can cause.

    Why should I bother to keep fit?

    This is an informative guide to two of the hottest debates surrounding children today: Junk food and healthy eating. Written in a conversational style, this book offers children an approachable source of information on key subjects such as why keeping fit is good for you, how to choose the appropriate exercise regime and a how to stay healthy in day-to-day life.

    Why shouldn’t I eat junk food?

    This is an informative guide to two of the hottest debates surrounding children today: Junk food and healthy eating. Written in a conversational style, this book offers children an approachable source of information on key subjects such as food labelling, the effects of eating too much junk food, the importance of a varied diet and how food is grown. It is accompanied by the witty and vibrant illustrations of Adam Larkum. It is written in conjunction with child nutrition experts.

    Growing Up

    This text describes exactly what takes place in the body at the time of puberty. It contains sections on sex and contraception, food, exercise, hygiene and drugs and other problems both physical and emotional.

    Growing up for girls

    This book prepares girls for what to expect from puberty and offers advice on what they can do to cope with the emotional, psychological and physical changes and stay happy and confident as they go through their early teens. It covers all the topics that girls want to find out about, including moods and feelings, periods and how to survive them, what happens to boys, diet, eating disorders, exercise, body image, sex and relationships, contraception, sexual health, self-confidence, drink and drugs, exam stress, cyberbullying, and staying safe – both out and about and online. It guides young teenagers through this exciting and sometimes daunting stage as they start taking full responsibility for many aspects of their own lives for the first time.

    Growing up for boys

    This book prepares boys for what to expect from puberty and offers advice on what they can do to cope with the physical, psychological and emotional changes and stay happy and confident as they go through their early teens. Covers all the topics that boys want to find out about, including moods and feelings, what happens to girls, diet, exercise, body image, sex and relationships, contraception, sexual health, self-confidence, drink and drugs, exam stress, cyberbullying, and staying safe both out and about and online. Guides young teenagers through this exciting and sometimes daunting stage as they start taking full responsibility for many aspects of their own lives for the first time.

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  • The Prophetic Medical Science Hardcover – 2013

    The Prophetic Medical Science

    Product details

    • Hardcover
    • Publisher: idara impex (2013)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 8171016634
    • ISBN-13: 978-8171016631

    The Prophetic Medical Science is a combination of religious and medical information, providing advice and guidance on the two aims of medicine, the preservation and the restoration of health, in careful conformity with the teachings of Islam as enshrined in the Qur’an and hadith. Written in the fourteenth century by the renowned theologian Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya as part of his work Zad al-Ma’ad.

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  • Cures from the Quran - inside colour pages - Pocket (Arabic

    Cures from the Quran – inside colour pages – Pocket (Arabic, English and Urdu)

    Product details

    • Paperback
    • Publisher: Idara Ishaat-E-Diniyat (2011)
    • Language: Arabic
    • ISBN-10: 8171016073
    • ISBN-13: 978-8171016075

    Full-colour Pocket sized book containing various remedies from the Holy Qur’an, like

    When Something is stolen

    For Bad Dream

    Success in exams

    To Achieve success in Business…… etc.

    Contains Arabic text. Contents & method to recite are mentioned in English and Urdu.

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  • Remedies to Spiritual Maladies

    Remedies to Spiritual Maladies

    Maulvi Hakeem Akhtar

    Paperback, 115 Pages
    13.9 x 21.2 cm
    ISBN: 81-7101-258-2
    Idara Ishaat E Diniyat (P) Ltd.

    How many times have we failed to lower out gaze? How many times have we said words in anger that we should not have said? How many times we felt jealous about a relative’s well furnished house and a high paid job? How many times have we boasted of our snazzy car and our Ibadat? Spiritual Illnesses have far more disastrous consequences than the physical diseases that we get affected by because it not only destroys the peace of mind in the duniya but also ruins our akhira.

    This book by Maulvi Hakeem Akhtar, written from a practical point of view, traces the path to come out of such spiritual maladies. These days when deteriorating spiritual health among the masses has taken the form of an epidemic, the book offers the cure.

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  • Explanation of the Supplication for the Sick and Afflicted (Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Ibn Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad)

    Description from the publisher: 

    The author highlights in this extremely beneficial book a number of ways, derived from the texts of the Quran and the authentic Sunnah, to treat the evil eye, magic, depression, anxiety, pain, sickness and other common ailments. This should be of no surprise to the Muslim as the Prophet (salallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Allah has not sent down an illness, except that he also sent down its cure.” Bukhari

    Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said: “The intent is to speak regarding these two Soorahs [Al-Falaq and An-Naas] and to clarify the greatness of their benefit and the extreme need for them; rather, the necessity of them, and the fact that no one at all can do without them. Similarly, [to clarify] the fact that they have a great effect, specifically on the repelling of magic, the evil eye and the other manifestations of evil. And [to clarify] the fact that the servant’s need for seeking refuge with these two Soorahs is greater than his need for air, food, drink, and clothing” (Badaa’i Al-Pawaa’id by Ibn Al-Qayyim 19912)

    Ibn Al-Qayyim said: “This remedy had an effect upon this disease and it removed it to the point that it was as if it never existed. It is the easiest and most convenient [form of] treatment. If the slave were to properly treat the ailment with Al-Faatihah, he would see an amazing effect in terms of [recovery] and healing.

    I had stayed in Makkah for a period of time and some illness had afflicted me. I was not able to find a doctor or any medicine. So I would treat myself with Al-Faatihah, and I saw that it has an amazing effect. I would mention that to those who had complained of pain and many of them were healed quickly (by way of it):’ (Al-Jawaab Al-Kaafee p. 5)

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  • High Quality Electric Mosquito Trap with Purple LED

    High Quality Electric Mosquito Trap with Purple LED

    1,Use insects’ favorite purple light to lure them come closer,then will catch them with the built-in DC fan which has strong suction and makes them into basket and prevent them from escape,then make them dry to die.
    2,LED mosquito trap insects eradication process is completely physical way. It is airless, tasteless with no pollution.
    3,Equipped with super silence DC fan, which makes insects kill silently and create a quiet and comfortable sleep environment.
    4,High quality led bead is adopted to provide good lighting,energy saving and long lifespan.
    5,Contemporary design can match a variety of decoration style.
    6,Adopting antiflaming ABS material shell with no high pressure surface
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  • The New Science of Overcoming Arthritis

    The New Science of Overcoming Arthritis: Prevent or Reverse Your Pain, Discomfort, and Limitations

    Battle the growing arthritis epidemic by taking steps now.

    Arthritis is truly an epidemic: more than 40 million Americans currently have arthritis, it is the leading cause of disability among people age 65 and older, and the overall annual costs to society are figured to be more than 65 billion. While it is present in nearly everyone by age 70, the problem is growing as arthritis more commonly appears in people as young as their 30s.

    But there is good news—while you can’t cure arthritis, you can stave it off or manage it and dramatically improve your life. The New Science of Overcoming Arthritis offers a plan for anyone who wants to prevent or reverse their pain, discomfort, and limitations. It is the first book on arthritis that incorporates the latest research and treatment strategies for a disease that the vast majority of baby boomers will inevitably have to learn to live with. What’s more, it provides younger generations with an easy-to-follow game plan for minimizing and even avoiding the more debilitating aspects of arthritis. It answers the most pressing questions, including:

    • Why do we get arthritis?
    • Which arthritis supplements are worthwhile?
    • What are the best arthritis exercise and diet strategies?
    • Which alternative therapies are sensible and safe?
    • What is the latest science about stem cells and future therapies involving our genes and biology?

    Dr. Vangsness, a seasoned surgeon and team physician for USC Athletics, specializes in sports injuries and is a medical advisor on the cutting edge of arthritis research. He provides practical advice culled from his years working with star collegiate athletes, who are often on the front line in uncovering the best practices for dealing with injuries and the deterioration of the body’s joints. While genetics play a large role in determining who will suffer from arthritis, and even how severely, there are strategies for staying active, pain-free, and healthy no matter who you are.

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  • Aging Without Growing Old

    Aging Without Growing Old

    “Essential information for people of all ages who seek a lifetime of good health” This is not just a book on aging, but a complete nutrition book that will teach you how to stay well

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  • Why Diets Fail (Because You're Addicted to Sugar)

    Why Diets Fail (Because You’re Addicted to Sugar): Science Explains How to End Cravings, Lose Weight, and Get Healthy

    This revolutionary eating plan reveals definitive proof that sugar is addictive, and presents the first science-based program to cut out the sugar, stop the cravings that cause most diets to eventually fail, and lose weight–permanently.

    If you’re like most people, you’ve tried a few  (or maybe many) different diets without success. The truth is, most diets work for a while, but there’s usually a point at which the dietary restrictions become too difficult to maintain. Why? Because whether you’re following a low-carb, paleo, gluten-free, or even an all-liquid green juice diet, the addictive nature of sugar causes cravings to take over and sabotage your diet-of-the-moment.

    In Why Diets Fail, Dr. Nicole M. Avena and John R. Talbott reveal definitive proof that sugar is addictive and present the first science-based program to stop the cravings and lose weight—permanently. A neuroscientist and food addiction expert, Dr. Avena has conducted groundbreaking research showing that sugar triggers the same responses in the brain as addictive drugs like cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol. And like those other substances, the more sugar you eat, the more you need to get the same pleasurable feelings. (No wonder your last diet didn’t stick.)

    Avena and Talbott’s eight-step plan walks you through the process of going sugar-free and surviving the make-or-break withdrawal period—those first few weeks when your body feels the absence of its favorite sweetener most acutely. An easy-to-use Sugar Equivalency Table developed by Talbott lists the amount of sugar in hundreds of common foods so you know precisely what to eat and what to avoid. And when it comes to what you can eat, you have a lot to choose from. In fact, you’ll probably eat more on this diet than you normally do—while continuing to lose weight.

    This science-based program is the diet to end all diets. It will help you break the yo-yo dieting cycle, end those maddening sugar cravings, and develop a new longing for the good food that will keep you fit, healthy, and happy.

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  • Health

    Health, Hygiene and First Aid

         Hygiene (or cleanliness) is an innate characteristic of human beings. It is necessary for a person that he be clean and remain clean. This is so because people experience peace and health in this way. I should mention the following truth one more time: Cleanliness is not only for people, but also for animals, plants, and all animate and even inanimate beings. They all have a need for cleanliness and it should not be put off for later. Mountains and rocks are washed by rain, ducks are inspired to clean themselves in streams, and cats are given the ability to clean themselves. Allah, exalted be He, who created all these things, also desired that people would clean themselves by their own will. A real Muslim should have clean bodies and smell pleasing, have a good look, appearance, and his imaginings and thoughts do not contain anything dirty. In this state, a true Muslim resembles a precious flower, constantly radiating beauty. It is necessary for all mankind to understand and try to live like the Prophet Muhammad, (saws) who is at the peak of all forms of cleanliness so the book you are holding has been written in the light of is sayings and Qur’anic verses. This book, explains not only what may be done and how we may contribute to having clean air, soil and water and a clean environment, but also in a detailed way the connection between cleanliness and health and the importance of ensuring a clean body, room, house, alley, street, city, and country. Neslihan Nur TÜRK has written this book, Health, Hygiene and First Aid, to be conductive to make a generation pure and healthy, physically and in all areas of meaning, and with the hope that future mothers and fathers may raise awareness in these issues.

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  • Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

    Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman’s brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our “two minds”—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny.

    Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about being smart.

    The best news is that “emotional literacy” is not fixed early in life. Every parent, every teacher, every business leader, and everyone interested in a more civil society, has a stake in this compelling vision of human possibility.

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  • 101 Tips on Nutrition for People with Diabetes (101 Tips Series)

    101 Tips on Nutrition for People with Diabetes (101 Tips Series)

    A bestseller in the American Diabetes Association’s “101 Tips” series, “101 Nutrition Tips for People with Diabetes, 2nd ed.”, answers the most commonly asked questions about diabetes and nutrition. Healthy eating is the most important part of diabetes self-care, and this book gives readers handy tips on meal planning, managing medication and meals, weight loss, sugar and sugar substitutes, and much more. This second edition contains over 15 new tips and is completely updated throughout!

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