• Natural Clove Oil

    Internal use :

    1- Resist the general weakness and laziness 2- Tonic for the nervous system 3- Useful in the case of indigestion and bloating 4- Useful in the case of nerve pain

    how to use : – Take 1 teaspoon with a warm drink twice a day

    external use :

    1- Useful in case of wounds and ulcers and skin diseases 2- used in case of Toothaches through punctuation 3- Eliminates muscle pain after muscular effort 4- used externally through Massaging

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  • Coconut Oil [Pure Natural Sri Lankan]

    Hemani Pure Natural Sri Lankan Coconut Oil 13.5 FL OZ Edible coconut oil, can be used in cooking as well as hair care. Pure natural coconut oil of Sri Lanka origin. Brand of the year award Live natural

    • Manufactured By: Hemani International KEPZ
    • Country of Origin: Product of Pakistan
    • Ingredients: Pure Sri Lankan Coconut Oil
    • Storage Instructions: Keep in Dry and Cool Place.
    • Package: Tin Jar

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  • Miswak (Herbal Toothpaste with pure Miswak Extract)

    Miswak (Herbal Toothpaste with pure Miswak Extract)

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  • Islamic Medicine By Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad

    Islamic Medicine By Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad

    In this book, Islamic Medicine – The Key to a Better Life By Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad the author relates numerous natural super foods and holistic remedies, which if applied to our every day lives, will not only help make our life become better,

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  • Dahn Naam Jamid Alasly “Fresh Ointment of Ostrich”

    Dahn Naam Jamid Alasly “Fresh Ointment of Ostrich”

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  • The Islamic Guideline on Medicine (Hardcover)

    • Hardcover: 285 pages
    • Publisher: Dar-us-Salam Publications; 1st edition (August 1, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 6035000460
    • ISBN-13: 978-6035000468
    • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6.6 x 0.8 inches

    What is Islamic medicine? Is it medical knowledge that is completely subject to the will of Allah The Exalted, or is it the art of treatment adopted and followed by Muslims when the Muslims were at the peak of their development? Or is it the most modern medicine, guided by divine teachings and completely in accordance with them?

    On the basis of Islamic teachings in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, this book devises the following six basic categories for Islamic medicine:

    • Adhering to Islamic teachings and etiquette.
    • Adhering to logic in practicing medicine.
    • Holistic approach, paying equal attention to the body, mind and soul, for individuals as well as societies.
    • Universal approach, taking into account all resources and aiming to benefit all people.
    • Scientific approach, based on logical conclusions drawn from sound observations, accurate statistics and trustworthy experience.
    • Excellence, achieving what other kinds of treatment have failed to achieve
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  • Fortifying man against djinns and satan and lawfull enchants from the Holy Coran and the Sunna

    Edition: 1st edition.
    Published/Created: Beirut : Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, 2012.
    Description: 285 p. ; 22 cm.
    Language: English.
    Binding: Hardcover.
    ISBN: 9782745173263.

    Fortifying man against djinns and satan and lawfull enchants from the Holy Coran and the Sunna

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  • therapy-from-the-quran-and-ahadith-1

    Therapy from the Quran and AHadith

    By: Dr. Feryad A. Hussain
    Pages: 324
    Binding: Hardback
    Size: 5.7×8.5×1″ (14.5×21.5×2.5 cm)

    The re-emergence of Islamically – centered therapy has increased over the past few decades. This has been motivated by the need for a therapeutic approach to treating mental illness that is ideologically acceptable within the boundaries of Shari’ah. This has become a concern not only for Muslim therapists and their patients but in fact for all Muslims, as part of their adherence to Islam and towards improving their Iman.

    Muslim psychologists around the world are working hard at developing faith -based models of therapy that are acceptable to their peers and Muslim scholars alike. This book is precisely that; An easy-to-use collection of Qur’anic ayaat and authentic ahadith and their interpretations, that allow biidhnillah individuals to challenge distressing psychological thoughts and behaviors. Written by an experienced clinical psychologist, the text may be used as a therapeutic aid or reference for clinicians or simply as a general guide to character development. The use of analogy means that the book is relevant to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike with the aim of using guidance from Islam to alleviate difficulties and to improve our understanding of human distress. Only the Creator best knows the creation.

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  • Islamic Medicine by Edward G. Browne

    • Paperback
    • ASIN: B0021IO5LE
    • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches

    In this book the author indicates the part played by the scholars and physicians of Islam, especially of Persia, in the transmission of medical science through the dark ages, from the decline of the ancient to the rise of the modern learning. He also suggests to lovers of Arabic and Persian literature that they had hitherto allowed the poets and euphuists to occupy a disproportionate amount of attention to the exclusion of the scientific weltenschauung which forms the background of these lighter, through more artistic efforts.

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  • Islamic Approaches to Patient Care: Muslim Beliefs and Healthcare Practices for Caregivers

    • Paperback: 224 pages
    • Publisher: amana publications; first edition (June 30, 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 159008070X
    • ISBN-13: 978-1590080702
    • Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.9 x 0.6 inches

    Why do Muslims bury their dead within 24 hours? Why do Muslim patients want same-gender care? Does Islam really sanction female circumcision? Does it permit contraception and abortion? If so, under what circumstances? Islamic Approaches to Patient Care Muslim Beliefs and Healthcare Practices for Caregivers answers these and many more questions from a Muslim perspective. It offers what s not been published before: a detailed and practical step-by-step guide to culturally sensitive care.

    For most Muslims, Islamic practices and beliefs permeate many aspects of day-to-day life and these become particularly evident in a healthcare setting. In this book, the author a Muslim hospital chaplain explains why. She interfaces Islamic law and medical ethics with such issues as abortion, autopsy, childbirth, female and male circumcision, death and dying, euthanasia, fertility regulation, infertility treatment, organ transplantation, stem cell research, suicide, and assisted suicide.

    She also explores dietary restrictions and haram (forbidden) foods, gender modesty and the veiling of women, piety and prayer, and many other relevant topics. In addition, the book includes an extensive section on commonly used phrases and prayers in transliterated Arabic, as well as applicable passages from the Qur an. As the world s Muslim population continues to surge, particularly in non-Muslim countries, Islamic Approaches to Patient Care can serve as a much-needed resource: a timely, informative, and clearly articulated guide.

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  • Healing Body & Soul

    Healing Body & Soul: Your Guide to Holistic Wellbeing Following Islamic Teachings by Amira Ayad

    This book Healing Body & Soul: Your Guide to Holistic Wellbeing Following Islamic Teachings by Amira Ayad the author presents the guidance of the Prophet in dealing with a variety of health issues, including treatment of ailment and preventive remedies to keep the body fit.

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  • Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (PBUH) -By Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah

    • Hardcover: 359 pages
    • Publisher: Dar-us-Salam Publications; First Edition edition (November 1, 1999)
    • ISBN-10: 1591440432
    • ISBN-13: 978-1591440437
    • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.8 x 0.9 inches

    “Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Al-Tibb al-Nabawi)” was compiled by Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah some 650 years ago. Darussalam has brought this marvelous script with English translation by Jalal Abdual Rub. It’s an ideal compilation for those interested in Prophetic medicine.

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