S is for Survivor Sickle Cell Anemia, My Story Samira Haruna Sanusi
Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!
Vitamins That Heal Natural Immunity for Better Health H.K Bakhru
- Paperback: 216 pages
- Publisher: Orient Paperbacks; 2005 edition (March 30, 2005)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 8122202241
- ISBN-13: 978-8122202243
- Product Dimensions: 4.9 x 0.6 x 7 inches
- Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces
Everywoman, A Gynaecological Guide For Life, Derek Llewellyn – Jones
EVERYWOMAN is the essential guide for women who want to learn more about their bodies and health. Written in a sensible and straightforward way, it provides the medical and Gynaecological facts as well as the social aspects of women’s sexuality and wellbeing. This groundbreaking book has again been revised and updated to meet the needs of women of all ages as they head towards the next century.
By: Dr. Shamim Nikhat
Publisher: Islamic Book Service
Paperback, 24 pages -
The Prophet’s Prayer (PBUH) Decribed from the beginning the end as though you see it
Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!
The Interpretation of Dreams By Ibn Sirin
The Interpretation of Dreams (Dar al-Taqwa) This Book has always provoked interest in all societies. even in secular ones like ours. From the Dreams of the Prophet Joseph and Nebuchadnezzar down through the ages to our own time, there has been no community that has not regarded dreams as messages to be decoded so that their meaning can be understood and benefited from in the spiritual as well as the temporal domains.
Interpretation of Dreams By Ibn Raashid Al-Bakri Al-Qafsi
By: Ibn Raashid Al-Bakri Al-Qafsi
Pages: 488
Binding: Hardback
Size: 6×9″ (15×23 cm)
Format: 2 Color Printing
SKU/ISBN: 9786035000376
Edition: 1st, July 2010
Publisher: Dar-us-Salam
Shipping Weight: 2.15 lbsThe present book tackles the issue of the interpretation of dreams in the light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, based on the Prophet’s hadeeth in which he said, “The dream of a Muslim is one of the forty-six parts of prophethood.” In this book, the author provides a definition of the word ‘dream’, discusses the various types of dreams, mentions some dreams that were interpreted by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), etiquette to be observed by the person who has a dream and the person who interprets it , and provides the interpretation of a large number of dreams, among some other issues related to the subject.
The author is the well-known erudite scholar Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah ibn Raashid al-Bakri (d. 736 AH/1336 CE). The English reader will definitely find this book highly interesting and thought-provoking.
The jinn & Human Sickness By Dr. Abu’l-Mundhir Khaleel ibn Ibrahim Ameen
This book The jinn & Human Sickness By Dr. Abu’l-Mundhir Khaleel ibn Ibrahim Ameen cuts through all the confusion and identifies correct Islamic teachings on all these subjects. The jinn are real and they can indeed harm humans, but this book will teach you how to protect yourself in the manner taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Shape: Ultimate Bikini Body Workout
- Format: Color, NTSC
- Language: English
- Number of discs: 1
- Studio: Shape – Gaiam
- DVD Release Date: April 21, 2009
- Run Time: 60 minutes
Get the Body You Want
to show off in summer dresses, short shorts, or the tiniest bikini. The ULTIMATE BIKINI BODY WORKOUT is a quick way to lose weight and get sculpted and tonedwhile improving your overall fitness. This dynamic workout strengthens and tones yourthighs, hips, arms, butt, and everyone s trouble spot, the abs, while you burn fat fast.With these exercises, you WILL be ready to show off in that bikini!
In this high-energy, total body workout, you ll experience powerful cardio conditioning to burn fat, shed extra pounds fast, and increase your overall fitness level. The intense sculpting moves will help you target and reshape your bikinitrouble zones, giving you the body you ve always wanted.
Flatten your abs, trim your waistline, and firm up your butt.10 minutes at a time. Each unique 10-minute workout isspecifically designed to target the bikini problem areas abs, thighs, butt, arms and give you fast results. Focus onone trouble spot or do both workouts for even greater results.
This exhilarating, heart-pumping bonus cardio workout is tons of fun! Blast away the fat for even more body-slimming results.About your FITNESS EXPERT Dominique Hall is a New York City based personal trainer and fitness coach. In addition to being a Pre- and Post-Natal Specialist, she s also a certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor, Medical Exercise Specialist and a USA Weightlifting coach. Hall created magazine s five-month Bikini Body Countdown program in 2009, which was the catalyst for this DVD