The Importance of Following the Good Word
By Harun Yahya
This book, rather than merely describing what the Good Word is, also focuses on the loss upon those who avoid it, in the light of the verses of the Qur’an. Unlike those who resist the call, however those who adhere to it will be rewarded generously. This truth may be recognized in this world but will become apparent in the Hereafter. Witnessing the ultimate futility of one’s efforts once in Allah’s presence will surely be a profound disappointment, incomparable to any other form of grief. The only way to avoid this disappointment is to adhere to the Qur’an, and every Word Good offered to remind us of its verses, before it is too late.
The Sunnah and its role in Islamic Legislation (Hardcover)
by Dr Mustafa as-Sibaee
- Hardcover: 576 pages
- Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH); 1st edition (2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9960850285
- ISBN-13: 978-9960850283
Minhajul Abideen: The Best way for the Worshipers (Hardcover)
- Hardcover 416 pages
- Publisher: Idara Islamiyat-e-Diniyat (2001)
- ISBN-10: 8171012388
- ISBN-13: 978-8171012381
- Author: Abu Hamid Mohammad Al Ghazali (died 505 AH)
One of the most outstanding personalities in Islam is Al Ghazali, who holds a unique position as an outstanding Thinker and Sufi of all times. Al Ghazali dictated this book to a very few and selected students in his very last days. This book may rightly be considered as a summary of ‘Ihya Uloomuddin’ done by Al Ghazali himself. It is widely read by men and women of all ages and by common people and Ulema alike.”
365 Hadith by Mohd. Harun Rashid
365 Hadith – Inspiring Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad by Mohd. Harun Rashid is an anthology of the sayings of the Prophet.