• Law School Labyrinth: The Guide to Making the Most of Your Legal Education

    Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!

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  • Corporations in Evolving Diversity

    Corporations in Evolving Diversity: Cognition, Governance, and Institutions

    The 2008-9 financial crisis demands we look anew at the role of corporations, and the working of financial markets around the world. In this challenging and insightful book, one of our most eminent economists provides a compelling new analysis of the corporate firm; the role of shareholders, managers and workers; and institutional governance structures.

    In recent decades the firm has predominantly been seen as an organization run and governed in the interests of shareholders, where management act as the agent of shareholders, and the workers simply as instruments for share-value maximization. This book reverses this viewpoint. It sees corporations as associational cognitive systems where “cognitive actions” are distributed amongst managers and workers, with shareholders supplying “cognitive tools” and monitoring their use in the systems. Aoki analyses the different relationships that can exist between shareholders, managers, and workers from this perspective, and identifies a range of different models of organizational architecture and associated governance structures. He also discusses ways in which corporations act as players in social, political, and organizational games, as well as global economic games; how these inter-related social dynamics may change particular, distinctive national structures into the diversity incorporated in the global corporate landscape; and how they now call for new roles for financial markets

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  • Getting Unstuck

    Getting Unstuck: Break Free of the Plateau Effect

    Just try harder.
    Just work harder. Just do more.
    But what happens when working harder doesn’t seem to be getting you better results? You’ve got to get unstuck.
    In Getting Unstuck, Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson show the different kinds of plateaus that can hold you back and how they can be overcome. Using case studies of both success and failure—including Derek Jeter, Blockbuster, and Google—they identify how to avoid pitfalls and to incorporate the peak behaviors that place breakthroughs within anyone’s grasp. If you’ve ever given more and more to a broken relationship, a weight-loss regimen, or a stalled career—only to get less and less in return—Getting Unstuck will change your life.

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  • Hoover's Vision

    Hoover’s Vision: Original Thinking for Business Success

    This books is an eye-opening, hands-on, look at how entrepreneurs and innovative leaders come up with new ides. Hoover offers practical how-to techniques and advice on how to focus on each step required for building a great enterprise. Starting with observing the world around us and seeing patterns where others see only fragments, Hoover shows how to weave together a passionate vision that is clear, consistent, unique, and worthwhile

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  • Economics (A Brief Insight)

    Economics (A Brief Insight)

    Why are some lives—and some countries—so wealthy, and others so deprived? This apparently simple question is the starting point of Partha Dasgupta’s contemporary, intelligible introduction to economics and how it shapes our lives. Combining examples from everyday life with a global approach that considers not just the economics of the West but that of the world’s 2.4 billion poor, Dasgupta reveals how economics can give us deep insight into some of our most intractable problems—and provide solutions to them, too.


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  • You Can Choose to Be Rich

    You Can Choose to Be Rich: Rich Dad’s 3-step Guide to Wealth

    • File Size: 244 KB
    • Print Length: 118 pages
    • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
    • Publication Date: September 27, 2010
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B0044XV2S8
    • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
    • X-Ray:
    • Word Wise: Not Enabled
    • Lending: Not Enabled

    This best selling book’s goal is simply to provide information from Quran, Hadith, and Scholarly explanations / Quranic interpretations to increase the chances of Dua’s getting accepted.

    In this information packed book, you will learn the following:

    – Why making dua to Allah is not an option, but a necessity?
    – Understanding the life transformational powers of Dua
    – What mistakes people make that make Dua’s “suspended” rather than accepted;
    – Dua CAN change what is already decreed
    – Mistakes related to the topic of Dua that makes Allah angry?
    – What are the benefits of dua?
    – Why should we make dua when everything is Already decreed?
    – What are the sayings of Allah with regard to dua?
    – What if someone asks Allah something that is sinful?
    – How to Invoke Allah in Dua?
    – What is the Best Position for Making Dua?
    – What can hold acceptance of Dua?
    – What happens when a dua appears to be unanswered?
    – What circumstances make Dua accepted?
    – What about the wait in getting Dua accepted?
    – Can Dua be made in prayers?
    – What are the stipulations for acceptance of dua?

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  • The Rules to Break

    The Rules to Break: A Personal Code for Living Your Life, Your Way

    • Paperback: 208 pages
    • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (July 21, 2014)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0133980472
    • ISBN-13: 978-0133980479
    • Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches
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  • Who Says Government Has No Business in Business?

    Who Says Government Has No Business in Business?

    Nigeria in the 70s was looked upon as adequately ebdowed with great potentials to become one of the emerging economies alongside countries like India, Malaysia, Brazil, South Korea, Iran amongst others and more importantly as a beacon of hope for sub-Saharan Africa and the Black nations. All these aforementioned counties have lived uo to expectations and in some cases surpassed them. Nigeria has refused to grow and develop. it still depends wholly on imports for its equipment, plant and machineries, spares, food and even fuel to move her citizen around. This book x-rays the Industrial Revolution, the processes and routes undertaken by other nations to indutrialize and bring porsperity to their reverse the situation in Nigeria. this in debth exposition clearly indicate that government do have business in business. Who is then saying government has no business in business? This book is a must read for all Nigerians especially those who are yearning and waiting for this dream and aspiration of all the Black nations of the World to be fulfilled in this entity called Nigeria.

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    Evidence Act 2011: Synoptic Guide is in its second edition. this book contains the text of the Act itsef, section by section. it also followed by synoptic guide providing summaries together with relevant cases and questions. it is fully updated to cover the new innovations contained in the Act.

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  • The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise

    The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise : How the Alliance Revolution Will Transform Global Business

    Beyond the multinational corporation—even beyond the mega-corporation built from aggressive mergers and acquisitions—a new form of global business is emerging, and it is changing the competitive landscape forever. In his visionary book, The Trillion-Dollar Enterprise, Cyrus Freidheim offers a front-row seat to this seismic shift, through which a few dominant enterprises will control two-thirds of the global market in their respective industries. But they won’t be corporations as we’ve known them. They will be vast networks of corporate alliances—global coalitions of independent firms acting in concert as single entities, and combining assets that exceed the entire output of many nations.Drawing from fifteen years of groundbreaking research at Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Freidheim convincingly demonstrates that the rise of networks of this magnitude is natural and inevitable, as companies forego traditional—and riskier—methods of expansion in favor of alliances, joint ventures, and other collaborative arrangements that capture the best capabilities of the participants while avoiding the bureaucratic disadvantages of size. Already, we are witnessing the convergence in industries as diverse as telecommunications, aerospace, and commercial aviation into alliance networks, clustered around a few dominant players. For example, the global airline industry is coalescing around networks, led by United and Lufthansa in the Star Alliance and by American Airlines and British Airways in another.From the global stage, Freidheim takes up deep into the heart of ”Trillion-Dollar Enterprises” in development, identifying the key elements of successful network formation, and outlining new roles and responsibilities for managers, executives, teams and boards. Freidheim ultimately calls for revolutionary changes in how business leaders should be educated and rewarded, as the skills of diplomacy and negotiation take priority over functional expertise.In his provocative conclusion, Freidheim takes us twenty-five years into the future to explore looming public issues as the forces of commercial globalization and political sovereignty collide, challenging existing paradigms of anti-trust, trade, and labor policies—and even national security.

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  • Know Your Limits - Then Ignore Them

    Know Your Limits – Then Ignore Them

    National best-selling author John Mason shows you how to take the lid off and capture momentum for your life. Each nugget is a source of sound wisdom, proven insight, and practical principles. In this book you will learn how to: Overcome fears and find success. Go farther than you can see. Use what you already have to go to the next level. Make your problem your promotion. Lift limits and multiply your opportunities…and 96 other valuable nuggets. Know Your Limits-Then Ignore Them is a powerful book that will help you live a fulfilled life.

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  • The Master Key System

    The Master Key System

    A MUST OWN! The Master Key System is a personal development book by Charles F. Haanel that was originally published as a correspondence course in 1912. Though originally a 24 week correspondence course, it was published in book form in 1916. It was first published as a book in 1916 by Psychology Publishing, St. Louis and The Master Key Institute, New York.

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