Why Nations Fail By Daron Acemoglu
Why are some nations more prosperous than others? Why Nations Fail sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argued new theory: that it is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions.
The Leader’s Code: Mission, Character, Service, and Getting the Job Done
What does it take to be a great leader? In a word: character. This unique book by decorated U.S. Marine Corps veteran Donovan Campbell, the New York Times bestselling author of Joker One, draws on his years of training and combat experience to reveal the specific virtues that underpin effective leadership—and how anyone can stand up, serve others, and make a difference in the world by bringing out the best in a team.
The Leader’s Code is a practical action plan that can be applied to any situation in which exemplary leadership is required, whether that be at home or in the workplace. Moreover, The Leader’s Code unpacks the military servant-leader model—a leader must take care of his mission first, his team second, and himself a distant third—and explains why this concept of self-sacrifice is so needed in today’s world. Focusing on the development of character as the foundation of servant-leadership, Campbell identifies character’s six key attributes: humility, excellence, kindness, discipline, courage, and wisdom. Then, drawing on lessons from his time in the Corps and stories from history, Scripture, and American business, he shows us how to develop those virtues in order to take the helm with confidence, conviction, and a passion to bring out the best in others.Being a leader is about being worthy of being followed. True leaders, Campbell argues, foster compassion for others and they pursue excellence in all that they do. They are humble and know how to self-correct. Campbell’s exploration of these vital qualities is wide-ranging, as he takes us from the boardrooms of the world’s most successful companies to the Infantry Officer Course, the intense twelve-week training gauntlet that Marines use to prepare their leaders to sacrifice themselves for the welfare of others.
With faith in our political and business leaders at an all-time low, America is in the midst of a crisis of trust. Yet public opinion polls show that there is one institution that still commands widespread respect because of its commitment to character and sacrifice: the United States military. The Leader’s Code shows that this same servant-leader model can help us all become our best selves—and provide a way forward for our nation.
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (with bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen)
The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror.
If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles (plus the bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen). We’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles to select the most important ones to help you maximize yourself.
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to:
Stay engaged throughout your 50+-year work life
Tap into your deepest values
Solicit candid feedback
Replenish physical and mental energy
Balance work, home, community, and self
Spread positive energy throughout your organization
Rebound from tough times
Decrease distractibility and frenzy
Delegate and develop employees’ initiativeThis collection of best-selling articles includes: bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen, “Managing Oneself,” “Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?” “How Resilience Works,” “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time,” “Overloaded Circuits: Why Smart People Underperform,” “Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life,” “Reclaim Your Job,” “Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership,” “What to Ask the Person in the Mirror,” and “Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance.”
Fish! For Life: A Remarkable Way to Achieve Your Dreams Hardcover
A Remarkable Way to Achieve Your Dreams
There’s a new FISH! in the pond! Here’s a brilliant parable for everyone who wants to lead a fuller, happier life illions of business people have already used the bestselling FISH! books to improve the way they work. Now, the authors turn their attention to life’s daily personal challenges, helping readers deal with them simply and effectively.
By applying the FISH! principles of Play, Make Their Day, Choose Your Attitude, and Be Present, FISH! for Life shows readers how to confront life’s issues and to reach their full potential. With advice on such life issues as weight loss, personal finance, and relationships, the book is a road map for achieving personal happiness and well-being in all areas of life. After all, life shouldn’t be work.
Inside ISIS: The Brutal Rise of a Terrorist Army
Despite numerous warnings from intelligence services, ISIS’s rise to power has left countries around the world floundering for solutions. Today, we face a threat that is more violent, powerful and financially stronger than ever before. In this book, Journalist Benjamin Hall will provide insights by answering the basic questions we still don’t have the answers to; Who are they? Where did they come from? How are they so successful, so quickly? How can they be stopped?
By embedding himself behind enemy lines, Hall provides a riveting narrative based on firsthand experience and personal interviews. He goes beyond the vicious jihadis, to reveal a generation of chaos, and uncover a volatile region engulfed in turmoil. Hall reveals why ISIS is a problem that will define the Middle East – and the West – for decades to come.
The Nuclear Terrorist: His Financial Backers and Political Patrons in the US and Abroad
The threat of nuclear terrorism and weapons of mass destruction has never been greater, yet, as this devastating exposé makes clear, America’s leaders, including the last two Presidential administrations, have been shockingly lax and often chillingly reckless when it comes to protecting the United States―and the world―from the spreading threat of nuclear proliferation and the very real possibility that terrorists will stage a nuclear bombing or meltdown on American soil . . . with catastrophic results.
Taking no prisoners, Robert Gleason’s The Nuclear Terrorist demonstrates how time and again both the Bush and Obama administrations have placed politics and profiteering over public safety; how the government has failed to effectively guard and regulate a “peaceful” nuclear industry that is both cataclysmically expensive and apocalyptically dangerous; how America’s nuclear power plants remain vulnerable to both physical and cyber attacks; and how our elected leaders and their advisors continue to do business with rogue states, untrustworthy and unstable “allies,” and terrorist backers, while turning a blind eye to the all-but-inevitable consequences of such deals with the devil.
End the IRS Before It Ends Us: How to Restore a Low Tax, High Growth, Wealthy America
As the recent scandal shows, the IRS is big, bad, and out of control. Grover Norquist analyzes the problems within the agency and presents solutions to rein them in.
The driving force behind the American Revolution was our forefathers’ refusal to accept unfair taxation. Citizens rose up, won a war against impossible odds, and established the most unique government on the face of the earth, with taxes set at about 2 percent.
How much has changed since 1776?
The strength of Americans resolve is still unrivaled, and Grover Norquist, founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, knows that once liberty-loving Americans learn the truth behind the oppressive and prosperity-stifling taxes we face today, they’ll rise up again.
Urging his fellow citizens to join him, Norquist tells a powerful and urgent story that will convince you we must act now to END THE IRS BEFORE IT ENDS US. -
How to Say It: Be Indispensable at Work by Jack Griffin
This book How to Say It: Be Indispensable at Work by Jack Griffin will help you work wisely and well in any economy so you can build your career, your future, and your personal brand. You’ll discover how to: