• Reach the Top in Finance by Sally Percy 

    Reach the Top in Finance by Sally Percy

    Reach the Top in Finance by Sally Percy provides the ambitious finance professional of today with the guidance, insight and knowledge they need to become the respected CFO or senior partner of tomorrow.


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  • An Economist Gets Lunch

    An Economist Gets Lunch: New Rules for Everyday Foodies by Tyler Cowen

    An Economist Gets Lunch is his response to all the fashionable thinking about food. Provocative, incisive, and as enjoyable as a juicy, grass-fed burger, it will influence what you choose to eat today and how we feed the world tomorrow.

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  • Brand Portfolio Strategy by David A. Aaker

    Brand Portfolio Strategy by David A. Aaker

    Brand Portfolio Strategy by David A. Aaker demonstrates how powerful, cohesive brand strategies have enabled managers to revitalize brands, support business growth, and create discipline in confused, bloated portfolios of master brands, subbrands, endorser brands, co-brands, and brand extensions.

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  • Videocracy by Kevin Allocca

    Videocracy by Kevin Allocca

    From YouTube’s Head of Culture and Trends, a rousing and illuminating behind-the-scenes exploration of internet video’s massive impact on our world

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  • Learning Outside The Lines by Jonathan Mooney and David Cole

    Learning Outside The Lines by Jonathan Mooney and David Cole

    Written by two Ivy League graduates who struggled with learning disabilities and ADHD, Learning Outside the Lines teaches students how to take control of their education and find true success with brilliant and easy study suggestions and tips.

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  • Managing Genius

    Managing Genius: Master the art of managing people by Denny Long

    The author researched highly successful senior managers to discover what is behind their Managing Genius and boiled down the common denominators to provide essentials for managing excellence.

    Managing Genius: Master the art of managing people by Denny Long everything you need to manage people.

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  • Design Basics Index by Jim Krause

    Design Basics Index by Jim Krause

    This book Design Basics Index by Jim Krause Cover your basics with the book that covers everything from typography and color to layout and business issues! Jim Krause, author of the popular Index series, guides you through the understanding and practice of the three elements every successful visual design must have:

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  • Secrets of Closing the Sale

    Secrets of Closing the Sale

    This new edition includes fresh opening and closing chapters as well as tips and examples throughout that illustrate the relevance of these truths in the marketplace today. Also includes a foreword written by Tom Ziglar.

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  • Survival Investing

    Survival Investing By John R. Talbott

    Most individuals and institutions hold the preponderance of their investments in common stocks, corporate bonds, mutual funds, index funds, muni bonds, money markets, bank CDs, and Treasury securities. But these conventional investments will not do well in a world dominated by corrupt, debt-laden governments and thieving bankers, brokers and middlemen.

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  • How Schools Work by Arne Duncan

    How Schools Work by Arne Duncan

    How Schools Work follows Arne (as he insists you call him) as he takes on challenges at every turn: gangbangers in Chicago housing projects, parents who call him racist, teachers who insist they can’t help poor kids, unions that refuse to modernize, Tea Partiers who call him an autocrat, affluent white progressive moms who hate yearly tests

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  • The business of the 21st Century

    The Business Of The 21St Century

    In The Business of the 21st Century, Robert Kiyosaki explains the revolutionary business of network marketing in context of what makes any business a success in any economic situation. This book lends credibility to multilevel marketing business, and justifies why it is an ideal avenue to make money.

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  • The Logic of Life by Tim Harford

    The Logic of Life by Tim Harford

    Love seems irrational, and so does divorce. On a larger scale, life seems no fairer or easier to fathom: Why do some neighborhoods thrive and others become ghettos? Why is racism so persistent?

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