Majlis Ulema of South Africa
Paperback, 68 Pages
13.7 x 21.3 cm
ISBN: 81-7101-520-4
IdaraIshaat E Diniyat (P) Ltd.
Has it happened with us that after the death of one of our close relatives we began to look out for people who could perform their last rights, even the ghusl, with proper sharaee etiquettes?
As a Muslim, it is incumbent upon us to learn sharaee rules linked to our lives and profession and no one can say that death is something unrelated to them.
The book ‘Kitabul Janaiz’ is written in simple English from the perspective of a layman detailing the ahkam related to the death and burial of a Muslim. Including the rules of bathing the dead and various issues pertaining to the burial of a child, stillborn, martyr, men, women, the book also mentions other related ahkam under the chapter ‘miscellaneous.’
A must read for all Muslims.