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Unleash the Power of Almighty Allah within you


By Ismail A Kalla

“He who knows himself, Knows Almighty Allah. Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him” ( The Noble Messenger of Allah, Muhammed (SAW) ). This book helps one develop mentally to succeed and improve your life.

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By Ismail A Kalla

“He who knows himself, Knows Almighty Allah. Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him” ( The Noble Messenger of Allah, Muhammed (SAW) ). This book helps one develop mentally to succeed and improve your life. Through the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of Nabi (SAW) this book empowers the reader to increase their spirituality and help develop themselves mentally by controlling their conscious and sub conscious minds.” With knowledge man rises to the heights of goodness and to a noble position and attains to the perfection of Happiness in the next world ” ( The Noble Messenger Muhammed (SAW) ).Knowledge of Quran and Sunnah helps us to understand our spiritual self and discover the leads and the signs to unleash our higher self. In turn it will bring us peace and happiness in this world and the next.

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Weight 0.31 kg