50 Questions and Answers on Islamic Monotheism
Believing in the Oneness of Allah is a basic fundamental in Islam. This belief establishes the relationship between human beings and their Rubb (Lord). As a Muslim, we firmly believe that Allah is the Creator, Sustainer and the true God; only He has the right to be worshipped, there is no partner with Him and only He has created the universe. In this booklet, which is basically meant for the children, we gave prepared 50 questions on the belief of Islamic Monotheism and provided short and simple but comprehensive answers to them.
In Search of God
Some thinker has said, ‘A smattering of knowledge turns people away from God. Grater knowledge brings them back to Him’. The author concludes in this book by examining various theories that the choice humanity have is not between the universe with God and the universe without God. The real option is between the universe with God and no universe at all. Therefore humanity is compelled to opt for the proposition the universe with God. Hence it is logical to say I exist, therefore, God exist.
Standing Firm in Islam: Weakness of Faith and the Means to Steadfastness
Standing Firm in Islam talks about the weakness of faith and the means to steadfastness.
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Death and Inheritance, The Islamic Way
Death & Inheritance-The Islamic Way
By Dr. Abdul Hai Arifi
264 pages, Papercover
Translated by Professor Muhammad Shameem
Publisher: Idara Isha’at Deniyath Weight 350 gramThis book is an English translation of Ahkam-I-Mayyit, and is a necessary hand book for Muslims explaining rules pertaining to the deceased.
this book is the English translation of Ahkam-I-Mayyit of Dr. Abdul Hai Arifi, a world renowned highly respected spiritual master in this part of the world. This is a necessary book for Muslims. It contains indispensable rules and basic information about the teaching of the Holy Prophet when death approaches near, when it takes place and what to be done after death. Rules for distribution of inheritance of the deceased according to Islamic Shari is also comprehensively added.
Fair presentation in simple and comprehensive language is the special feature of this book.
Table of Contents
Translator’s Note
IntroductionCHAPTER I
Sickness, Medical Treatment and Visiting the SickCHAPTER II
The Time of DeathCHAPTER III
Bathing and Shrouding (Ghusl and Kafn)CHAPTER IV
Salatul-Janazah : the Prayer for the DeceasedCHAPTER V
Rules of Burial for a ShaheedCHAPTER VI
The ‘Idda of DeathCHAPTER VII
Inheritance and its DistributionCHAPTER VIII
Understanding Bid’ahCHAPTER IX
Post-Death States of a True MuslimThe author, Dr. Abdul Hai Arfi was the Khalifah of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and the Sheikh of Mufti Taqi Usmani.
The Souls Journey After Death by Ibn Qayyim
This important book The Souls Journey After Death by Ibn Qayyim covers an area about which most people have very little knowledge but which is, at the same time, of vital interest to all human beings.
Read then write your Will
This book Explaining about the importance of having an Islamic will. Author Hisham Ibn Fahmi Ibn Moussa AlAref, through textual proofs of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, explained what a will is and how important it is in Islam. Islam highly encourages, if not obligates, writing a will as soon as possible, since one does not know when Allah will take the Muslim’s soul back to Him. Many manmade laws also recognize such importance, while its absence brings endless problems. It can include both financial and religious matters and can be a document for reference and application without disputes.
Death Resurrection Hell
Death may catch up with us anytime. It is necessary to be prepared to face Death; to face the life in the Hereafter. These lines can be the last opportunity, the last reminder, the last warning before death comes upon you. This books helps us to face the ultimate reality in life with courage by heeding the warning and setting ourselves on the right path.
Life, Death and the Life After
This book includes: introduction, forms of life, why to live, life on this planet, method of reproduction, death, why to die, the soul, life in grave, end of life, method of rebirth, precursors to day of assembly, day of assembly, day of judgment, life in hell, life in paradise, ladies in paradise, our life cycle, unseen living creatures, life on other planets, final remarks, and a poem, operation death.
Eternity Has Already Begun by Harun Yahya
In this book you will find explanations about eternity, timelessness and spacelessness that you will never have encountered anywhere else and you will be confronted by the reality that eternity has already begun. The real answers to many questions people always ponder such as where Allah is, the true nature of death, resurrection after death, the existence of an eternal life, and the time when all these things will happen, are to be found here…
Desire for the Aa-khirah By Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Author: Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Publisher: Kutub Khana
Translated by: Muhammad bin Abdurrahman Ebrahim
Pages: 122
Printed: India
ISBN: 81-7947-059-8
Binding: Soft Cover
Book Condition: New
Weight: 149gr.
Description from the publisher: The basic concept of writing this book is to develop the awareness amongst the two categories of persons, first, who desire strongly and inclined towards the mortal world, where Sin dominates which not only invites the sorrow, grief, discomforts and fear but also lead them to Jahannam (Hell). Second, who inclined to the immortal world, the life hereafter and fears Allah by remembering death, which not only makes the society better but also leads to Jannah (Paradise).
The author Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rah) also narrates about Akhirah the final day of judgement, the honour for a Muslim from death to burial, the meeting of the Ruh, Malaikah accompanying the Janazah and comfort in Mahshar. The Book has been Translated into English by Muhammad bin Abdurrahman Ebrahim -
The Life of This World Is a Transient Shade
This book is very valuable for the modern Muslim, as it talks about this world as a temporary state. Author Abdul Malik AlQasim explains very concisely the modern world and its temporary pleasures and joys and how everything is made insignificant by Allah when He describes the beauty of the Hereafter. The book serves as a timely reminder of how this world, for all its pleasures and thrills, is only a temporary temptation and that Allah’s paradise is the true permanent and beautiful world.
After Death Life
- Paperback: 235 pages
- Publisher: Goodword Books,India (December 31, 1998)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 8185063346
- ISBN-13: 978-8185063348
- Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
- Shipping Weight: 9.1 ounces
Facing death is a highly traumatic business, both for those who are dying, and for those who are caring for them. There are so many fears, so many questions, so many worries about coping after the death has taken place. This book is written primarily for those who have lost loved ones and are struggling with bereavement and coming to terms with that loss.
Muslims accept the existence of life after death as a part of their faith. When faced with the fact of death, it naturally becomes a prime concern, and colours the way the dying person and the bereaved think and act.