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Gateway to Arabic, Book 1 (Arabic)


This is a new curriculum series and has had remarkable success in its first year of usage. A well-structured progressive course designed to teach Arabic to students in a non-Arabic speaking environment. It contains a wealth of exercises to reinforce vocabulary and the understanding and application of grammar.

Extensive research and piloting ensures that materials are easy to learn from and to teach. Books are designed to cater to the Muslim child learning Arabic in English speaking countries. With its wealth of practice materials, Gateway to Arabic Book One teaches the skills necessary for reading and writing the language.

This book covers: Recognition of Arabic letters in their isolate form Formulation of letters in their written isolate form, with clear arrows to indicate the correct writing direction The three short vowels: fatha, kasra and damma The recognition and formulation of letters in their joined forms Nunation (al-tanween) The three long vowels (al-madd) Al-sukun Al-shadda The sun and moon letters (al-huruf al-shamsiyyah wa’l-qamariyyah), and their associated rules Al-alif al-maqsura Al-hamza.


  • Series: Gateway to Arabic
  • Paperback: 68 pages
  • Publisher: ANGLO ARABIC; 2Rev Ed edition (2006)
  • Language: Arabic, English
  • ISBN-10: 0954083318
  • ISBN-13: 978-0954083311
  • Product Dimensions: 11.6 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces

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Weight 0.3 kg