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Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah


When sixteen-year-old Amal decides to wear the hijab full-time, her entire world changes, all because of a piece of cloth…

It shows how awfully scared Amal is to wear the hijab, something She chose and wants to do, because of how it changes the way people look at her. Instead of seeing the same person, a teenager, they automatically start seeing a sign that reads “I am Muslim” and judge her right away.

What I loved most, though, was how eye-opening it is to how differently each Muslim understood their religion and approached their children’s demonstration of it. it teaches you to never Stereotype people, and to never let politics tell you how to treat someone. A bad Muslim/christian/Jewish doesn’t mean all Muslims/Christians/Jews are the same, and certainly, doesn’t mean that neither Islam nor Christianity, or Judaism are bad.

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I was really anticipating reading Does My Head Look Big In This? after being recommended to me as a great book with a Muslim protagonist. I have to say, hearing about Amal’s faith was by far my favorite part of the novel! I get so happy watching others speak about things they are passionate about, and Amal’s dedication to her religion was absolutely wonderful to read about!


Brace yourselves because I’ll probably be talking about this book for the next 20000 years.


Let me start out by saying that this book is a book that NEEDED to be written, and one that, definitely, should be read.
This follows the life of a Muslim teen struggling to live her life according to her own beliefs, religion, and culture while surrounded by the never ending prejudice and ignorance. It’s written in an easy, funny way so it doesn’t get too depressing or boring.

It shows how awfully scared Amal is to wear the hijab, something She chose and wants to do, because of how it changes the way people look at her. Instead of seeing the same person, a teenager, they automatically start seeing a sign that reads “I am Muslim” and judge her right away.

What I loved most, though, was how eye-opening it is to how differently each Muslim understood their religion and approached their children’s demonstration of it. it teaches you to never Stereotype people, and to never let politics tell you how to treat someone. A bad Muslim/christian/Jewish doesn’t mean all Muslims/Christians/Jews are the same, and certainly, doesn’t mean that neither Islam nor Christianity, or Judaism are bad.

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Weight 0.22 kg