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Hemani Black Seed Oil – 100% Pure and Natural 60ml


Cure of many diseases and complications. Nigella sativa is just another name for black seed oil.. Studies have shown that black seed oil is an effective anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory remedy

Directions :
One tablespoon daily with a meal. It can be mixed with juice or other beverages to get a better taste.


HEMANI Black Seeds Oil – 100% Pure & Natural 60ml

HEMANI Black Seeds Oil. Cure for many diseases and complications. Nigella sativa is just another name for black seed oil.

Extracted and prepared from 100% Natural Black seed using the latest technology. This Herb possesses great healing power and has been in use for centuries. It helps in strengthening of the immune system.

The ingredients of black seed oil enable it to act as a multi-purpose natural remedy for just about anything and everything. Take a look at some of the compelling properties within the black seeds:

  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-cancer
  • Antiasthmatic
  • Antihistamine
  • Anti-viral
  • Anticoagulant

These are just to name a few since there are over 101 black seed oil benefits. The 2 most potent chemicals black seed contains that cause it to be such an effective remedy is thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone. These 2 compounds are the main responsible elements that you can credit the wonderful healing effects too.

They assist your body’s immune system directly, giving it aid wherever needed. These powerful anti-inflammatories

  • Extracted and prepared from natural black seeds oil using the latest technology.
  • This herb possesses great healing power and has been in use for centuries.
  • It helps in strengthening of the immune system.
  • This herb has been used for ages in Middle East, Africa & South Asia as a remedy for allergies, Inflammation, purification of blood and strengthening the Immune System.
  • Effective against diseases such as Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuropathies and poor digestion.
  • Used for relieve in congestion and it acts as a general tonic to boost immune function.
  • Famous for enhancing blood circulations
  • Regular usage has shown that Black seeds oil controls blood pressure and cholesterol as well

Directions :
One table spoon daily with meal. It can be mixed with juice or other beverages to get better taste.

Additional information

Weight 0.43 kg