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Anatomy Of Female Power


Anatomy of female power: A masculinist dissection of matriarchy by Chinweizu
Anatomy of Female Power–Powerful and must read!!

Chinweizu is an institutionally unaffiliated Afrocentric scholar. A historian and cultural critic, his books include The West and the Rest of Us (1975), Second, enlarged edition (1987); Invocations and Admonitions (1986); Decolonising the African Mind (1987); Voices from Twentieth-century Africa (1988); Anatomy of Female Power (1990). He is also a co-author of Towards the Decolonization of African Literature (1980). His pamphlets include The Black World and the Nobel (1987); and Recolonization or Reparation? (1994) He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

He was was educated at Government Secondary School, Afikpo and later attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and SUNY, Buffalo. While studying in America, during the civil rights era, Chinweizu became influenced by the philosophy of a black arts movement. He is commonly associated with Black orientalism.

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Anatomy of female power: A masculinist dissection of matriarchy by Chinweizu
Anatomy of Female Power–Powerful and must read!!

Chinweizu is an institutionally unaffiliated Afrocentric scholar. A historian and cultural critic, his books include The West and the Rest of Us (1975), Second, enlarged edition (1987); Invocations and Admonitions (1986); Decolonising the African Mind (1987); Voices from Twentieth-century Africa (1988); Anatomy of Female Power (1990). He is also a co-author of Towards the Decolonization of African Literature (1980). His pamphlets include The Black World and the Nobel (1987); and Recolonization or Reparation? (1994) He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

He was was educated at Government Secondary School, Afikpo and later attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and SUNY, Buffalo. While studying in America, during the civil rights era, Chinweizu became influenced by the philosophy of a black arts movement. He is commonly associated with Black orientalism.