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The Malady and the Remedy By Muhammed Imran


The basic cause of the malady of Muslim Empire, rule and domination, economic and social backwardness were, the throwing away the life affirming principles of Islam, half-hearted approach of Religious duties and responsibilities or abandonment of forbidden.

The Author, Muhammad ‘Imran, has made an attempt to pinpoint the various dimensions of maladies, referring historical fact and books of well repute, in the light of Qur’anic advices and Ahadeeth.

The comprehensive and praise worthy book on the subject is of course interesting and knowledgeable for Muslims who has a sensitive feeling about Ummah and also wants to follow the straight path.

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The basic cause of the malady of Muslim Empire, rule and domination, economic and social backwardness were, the throwing away the life affirming principles of Islam, half-hearted approach of Religious duties and responsibilities or abandonment of forbidden.

The Author, Muhammad ‘Imran, has made an attempt to pinpoint the various dimensions of maladies, referring historical fact and books of well repute, in the light of Qur’anic advices and Ahadeeth.

The comprehensive and praise worthy book on the subject is of course interesting and knowledgeable for Muslims who has a sensitive feeling about Ummah and also wants to follow the straight path.

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Weight 0.44 kg

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