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The Right Way: A Summarized Translation


The Right Way is a summarized translation of Ibn Taimya’s great work, Iqtida-us-Siratil Mustaqeem. I hope and pray that the living topics discussed herein in a highly erudite but lucid style, which has been more or less transferred into English, would enlighten the readers and guide the seekers of truth.A brief account of the life of Sheikhul Islam is also produced on the forthcoming pages.

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The Right Way is a summarized translation of Ibn Taimya’s great work, Iqtida-us-Siratil Mustaqeem. I hope and pray that the living topics discussed herein in a highly erudite but lucid style, which has been more or less transferred into English, would enlighten the readers and guide the seekers of truth.A brief account of the life of Sheikhul Islam is also produced on the forthcoming pages.