A selection of Health and Wellness Books at Tarbiyah Books Plus, Abuja. Nigeria’s leading retailer of audio books and other products.

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    The natural ZAM ZAM water is a product that is known for it uniqueness of been in it’s pure state without any means of adulteration. The REFRESHING ZAM ZAM water is used to quench thirst and useful for metabolism of the body in or. The well which is located at in masjid Al HARAM IN  by MECA is visited by millions of Muslim every year. However the HOLY ZAMZAM water is also known to cure various diseases in the body as it is all known that Water cures all diseases, ZAMZAM is not an exception in that area. As Muslims we are sure to enjoy the numerous benefits of this natural water in our daily use as long as we have our fate in it’s usage.

    ZAM ZAM WATER (5LITRES) Saudi Arabia

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    For Those Left Behind by Omar Suleiman

    As our community encounters death at an increasing rate, how do we honor those who have left us beyond the Janazah? How can the families of our deceased brothers and sisters cope and grow, while staying connected to their loved ones? This book is meant to provide guidance spiritually to those who are grieving, while also covering the rulings associated with death and mourning for practical purposes. We pray that this will offer clarity and comfort to those who need it most in these difficult times.

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    Road to Recovery: Healing from Domestic Violence

    Description from the publisher:

    Road to Recovery is a sympathetic and reassuring guide for Muslim female survivors of domestic violence and abuse. It is a companion book to the Road to Recovery Programme developed by the author but can be used as a stand-alone resource to aid in the recovery process.

    It contains:
    – A comprehensive look at the various forms of domestic violence and abuse
    – Practical advice on how to get through the aftermath of abuse including self-care, setting goals and parenting
    – Emotional support and understanding of the obstacles faced in the recovery process
    – Both an Islamic and psychological approach in order to gently guide survivors within their recovery journey.

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    Al-Abrar Pure Honey – 1.5Kg

    Al-Abrar Pure Honey Natural Bee Honey is one of the most delicious and most useful substances in the world and has so many good effects on and in the human body and is useful for a wide variety of other things.

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    By (author) Madiha Saeed MD

    Have you ever opened a book and automatically connect to the author’s passion and expertise on a topic? This is one of those books. The immense amount of content so simply laid out is in absolute requirement in today’s age with so much confusion around health.

    A book like this is perfect because it draws from a rich base of health found within religious context and scientific research.

    If you are concerned about what you you put into your and your families body and want to read past the incorrect labeling, deceitful marketing of food conglomerates, this is a must read to gain crucial understanding of health presented in holistic manner.

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  • Islamic Creed Series (Vol 1-8) Complete Series- by Dr. ‘Umar S. al-Ashqar

    This package includes all 8 volumes of the Islamic Creed Series. These deeply written books explain, thoroughly, all the creeds and fundamentals of Islam, like the beliefs, the unseen creations, and the hereafter. They are written in an easy-to-understand method, and cover all of the creeds that are essential to being a Muslim.

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  • Ibn Taymiyah’s Essay on The Jinn (Demons)

    Ibn Taymeeyah’s treatise provides a very clear, concise and authentic view of this intriguing subject based on the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the interpretation and experience of the Sahaabah (companions of the prophet and the early scholars of Islaam. The Translator has also added an appendix consisting of a recent article written on the subject of spirit-possession and exorcism by one of the leading scholars of Saudi Arabia confirming Ibn Taymeeyah’s views as both relevant and orthodox

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    This spiritual guide to the self is a handbook of tazkiyah or ‘self-purification. Not only does it illustrate the maladies of the human spiritual condition, it recognises the struggles and insecurities we all succumb to from time to time, and offers up the remedies too.

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    Hemani Honey With Blackseed – 250g

    An invigorating Immune System tonic made with a sensational blend of honey and herbs. Great for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of Black Seed and maintain optimum health without taking capsules or oil. This rich-tasting honey can be added to tea, smoothies, energy shakes, or deserts, and may be used in cooking.

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  • Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence in the life of Muhammad – by Farhan Al Bastaki

    This book was written with the intention of increasing awareness of Emotional Intelligence so that people would use its tools more and it can therefore enhance people’s effectiveness in all aspects of their lives through all of their tasks and roles.

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  • Oregano Oil

    Oregano Oil (30ml)

    Oregano oil helps in relieve of illnesses such as cough, digestion, respiratory diseases, stomach problem, cold sores and Sinus headaches.
    Helps in the treatment of bacterial infections on skins and wounds. Oregano Oil aids in the process of digestion, It gives relief from allergy as it is sedative in nature and it helps to reduce lice when applied externally.

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  • Rose Oil

    Rose Oil (30ml)

    Rose Oil (Latin Name: Rosa)

    Famously known as one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Rose contains anti-depressant properties and other psychological properties.

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