• Rohingya of the Arakan – the most persecuted people: Conflict, Crisis and Solutions – Nurul Islam

    The Rohingya people have a long history of crisis. The crisis is not an issue of illegal immigration but of intolerance. The Rohingya have faced a continuous process of de-legitimization, systematic persecution and worsening abuses culminating in genocide. Since 1942, intermittent waves of Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh and other countries to escape persecution. The United Nations has described the Rohingya as the most persecuted people in the world. In 2017, hundreds and thousands of Rohingya fled to neighboring Bangladesh when families were massacred, villages scorched, women gang-raped and babies thrown into the flames. The foremost priority of the Rohingya people is to return home in safety, in dignity and with justice. But they cannot return where genocide is still ongoing. There must be credible accountability to ensure victims see justice served and the cycle of violence is not repeated. For a permanent solution the root causes of the crisis must be addressed effectively. Their ethnic identity “Rohingya” and “full citizenship” must be legally recognized and restored. They should be able to peacefully coexist in Rakhine State as equals with their “collective rights’ on par with other ethnic nationalities of the Union of Myanmar.

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  • A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal- Jamaah by Abdullah bin Abdul-Hamid Al-Athari (author)

    The Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah Author: Abdullah bin Abdul-Hamid Al-Athari Description: This book, ‘Al-Wajeez fi Aqeedati Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah wal-Jamaah), has been compiled in a simple and easily understandable manner-the complete and comprehensive guidance of the scholars regarding the matters of creed and methodology. It ignores the faulty and distorted views of the people of innovation, while presenting sound and convincing proofs which are quite sufficient to satisfy sincere seekers of the truth.

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  • False Caliphate: A Critical Analysis of Hizb Ut-Tahrir’s Political and Creedal Views by Wasim A Ismail (Author), AbuBilaal Yakub (Editor)

    Modernity, in proportions unprecedented in the Islamic Tradition, has spawned several Political Activist Groups that have reduced their understanding of Islām to something of a political machine. They have lost the fundamental understanding that while politics is a part of the Islamic Sharī‘ah, Islām itself is not a political movement nor an ideology. We hope that the dissertation in this book gently reaches the ears of those who are adamant in establishing a modernized Islamic state, while simultaneously, perhaps unknowingly, are dismissing the very essence of the Religion, the Tawḥīd, to the back seat.

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  • Commentary on the Creed) of Imam At-Tahawi – By Ali Ibn Abi Al Izz (Author), Dr. Muhammad Abdul Haqq Ansari

    The purpose of this treatise was to state the creed of the early scholars of the Hanafi madhab and to indicate its correlation with the views of Ahl As-Sunnah Wal Jamaah in general. Imam Dhahabi (673-748 AH) said about At-Tahawi – He was the muhaddith and faqih of Egypt, equally distinguished in both fields. Whoever reads the word of this Imam is sure to acknowledge his erudition and width of vision. Ibn Kathir (702-774 AH) said – He was the most reliable and correct narrator of hadith and one of the greatest scholars of hadith. Ibn Hajr Al Asaqalani (773-853 AH) said – He was a reliable narrator, a great scholar , famous jurist , very knowledgeable concerning the controversies of the jurists and a man of keen interests.

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  • The Inevitable: Reflections on Death and Beyond -by Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni

    This book ” The Inevitable – Reflections on Death and Beyond ” authored by Dr. Aid al-Qarni is a timely reminder of death, for thinking of death deters one from persisting in sin and prompts one to do righteous deeds that may lead one to paradise, whereas forgetting about death may lead to one following whims and desires, and committing evil deeds that could lead one to hell.

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  • Society’s Hidden Wound Wastefulness -by Osman Nuri Topbaş

    What tragic loss and disappointment is the end of a life that is spent in wastefulness that Allah, glorified and exalted be He, declares, “Surely the squanderers are the fellows of the shaitans and the shaitan is ever ungrateful to his Lord”.

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  • The Islamic Approach to Reason and Philosophy- by Osman Nuri Topbaş

    ‘What is the place of philosophy in Islam? To what point can reason, viewed by philosophy as the most important means to reaching truth, take a person? Does the scales of reason hold the power to weigh up all truths? How can progress be made after the point at which reason stalls?’ Those questions which continue to preoccupy human beings today as they have throughout history.

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  • THE MUSLIM 100


    Who are the Muslim worlds most influential people? What were their ideas, thoughts and achievements? Why is it important to know about Islamic thought, history, culture and civilisation? Find out by reading this book. 2021 Revised Edition.

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    This child-friendly book contains 30 selected supplications from the Quran and Sunnah including du’as to seek forgiveness, to trust and obey in Allah, and to ask Him to increase us in knowledge and piety, amongst many others!

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    This child-friendly book contains 30 verses from the Quran; it includes verses for those who feel burdened with worries, loneliness and sadness, those who have lost loved ones, and those who are in pain.

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    This child-friendly book contains 30 short Sahih Hadith that mention the acts and supplications a believer should engage in to help them reach Jannah. These include short memorable du’as, and acts of religious devotion that are easy to teach children.

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  • Minarets in the Mountains

    Minarets in the Mountains: A Journey into Muslim Europe – Bradt Travel Guides (Travel Literature) (Paperback) – by Tharik Hussain

    A rare excursion into the heart of Muslim Europe, Minarets in the Mountains tours the Western Balkans in a fascinating portrait of the history and culture of a region neglected by most scholars.

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  • Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence in the life of Muhammad – by Farhan Al Bastaki

    This book was written with the intention of increasing awareness of Emotional Intelligence so that people would use its tools more and it can therefore enhance people’s effectiveness in all aspects of their lives through all of their tasks and roles.

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  • The Modernist Menace To Islam

    The Modernist Menace To Islam

    Modernism is the religion of the colonizer. Modernism is the religion of the imperialists who bomb and occupy the Muslim world. Modernism is the religion of secularists subjugating Muslims around the world. Modernism is the religion of those who publish cartoons insulting the Prophet. Modernism is the religion of the governments that ban the hijab and halal meat.

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  • Explanation of Important Lessons for Every Muslim

    Explanation of Important Lessons for Every Muslim – by Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz

    This book is a short work to explain what every Muslim needs to know about the religion of Islam

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  • Commentary on the Three Fundamental Principles of Islam

    Commentary on the Three Fundamental Principles of Islam

    This book is a clear explanation of that which we should all know about our religion. In fact, it is a detailed answer to the three questions that we will all be asked in our graves, as such this book will prove to be beneficial for everyone.

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