• Who is Allah & His Prophet

    Who is Allah & His Prophet

    This Publication presents information about Allah and his Prophet (Peace be upon him) from the authentic Islamic sources. The concept of one God and its justification, His Attributes and his Qualities, His blessings and His Graces, His Compassions and His Punishments, all have been presented in an intellectual style. The Qur’an and its authenticity has also been discussed. The high respect Islam gives to the prophet ‘Isa, the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is clearly highlighted. A brief but concise description of the life and mission of the Last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has been presented to clear any misunderstanding that has been created for defamatory purposes.

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  • Kitab At-Tauhid By Muhaamad Bin Abdul Whhab (Hardcover)

    Kitab At-Tauhid By Muhaamad Bin Abdul Wahab

    New full color edition of Kitab At-Tauhid which is one of the best books on the subject of Tawheed (Tauheed, Tawhid – Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity.

    In this book Kitab At-Tauhid By Muhaamad Bin Abdul Whhab, all the relevant verses of the Qur’an have been discussed reasonably, rationally, and sincerely. The essence of the Qur’an and Sunnah is placed in a very simple manner in this book.

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  • Let us Remember Allah & Praise Him

    Remembrance, praise and supplication – dhikr and du‘â’ – are the core of worship of the Divine. The Noble Qur’an and the last Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) have stressed this point and taught us how to attain Allah’s pleasure through calling on Him and remembering Him in words of praise and thankfulness. This small book is a valuable collection of daily supplications from the Qur’an and the authentic hadiths. It contains the Arabic text, full transliteration and clear translation of the meaning of dozens of phrases of remembrance (dhikr) and supplication (du‘â’).

    This new and revised edition of Let Us Remember Allah and Praise Him is designed to be easy to use: its full-sized page format ensures that the print is large enough to read effortlessly, and yet its ultra-slim volume makes it no trouble to slip into a handbag or backpack. It is truly a practical handbook for every Muslim desiring to seek peace in this earthly life and salvation in the hereafter.

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  • Islamic Verdicts – Fatawa Sirat-e-Mustaqeem

    (Questions and Answers on various topics faced by Muslims every day) FOREWORD All praises be to Allah, Lord of honor and glory, who has guided us to be Muslims and made us among the followers of His last Prophet (peace be upon him). We are pleased to present this valuable and noble collection of ‘Fatawa Sirat-e-Mustaqeem’ (Islamic verdicts, questions and answers) which have been selected and compiled from the Urdu monthly magazine ‘Sirat-e-Mustqaeem’ published by Markazi jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith, UK. The ‘Fatawa’ (verdicts) to the readers queries and questions on Islamic matters were initially given by the Late Maulana Mahmood Ahmed Mirpuri. His effective method of replying in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as in accordance to the current issues, no doubt benefited readers worldwide rather than just the one questioner. So, we had numerous demands to compile this series into a book.

    When this book (in Urdu) was presented in the UK, the response from the community was very encouraging and a huge demand arose for the translation of this collection into the English language, so that the English speaking community and especially the younger generation of Muslims may benefit from this valuable knowledge also. Maulana M. Abdul Hadi al-Oomeri performed the great task of the translation of these Fatawa, who tried to use the simplest vocabulary possible to make this book easy to read and easy to understand for everyone, because this book is not for the purpose of literature nor for academics alone, it is for the benefit of all.

    The translation of any book is a very sensitive issue, especially when trying to keep the same meanings and essence of the subject. Maulana M. Abdul Hadi al-Oomeri has tried not to flow away from the original text but have added references for the quotations from the Quran and Sunnah which had not been mentioned in the Urdu version. May Allah give them all – the writer, compiler, translator, editor, publisher and everyone else who participated in any means – the best reward in this world and in the hereafter, for having supported in the completion of such a valuable collection. Aameen.

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  • Minhajul Abideen: The Best way for the Worshipers (Hardcover)

    • Hardcover 416 pages
    • Publisher: Idara Islamiyat-e-Diniyat (2001)
    • ISBN-10: 8171012388
    • ISBN-13: 978-8171012381
    • Author: Abu Hamid Mohammad Al Ghazali (died 505 AH)

    One of the most outstanding personalities in Islam is Al Ghazali, who holds a unique position as an outstanding Thinker and Sufi of all times. Al Ghazali dictated this book to a very few and selected students in his very last days. This book may rightly be considered as a summary of ‘Ihya Uloomuddin’ done by Al Ghazali himself. It is widely read by men and women of all ages and by common people and Ulema alike.”

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  • The Concept of GOD in Major Religions

    There has always been a question in the minds of people about the existence of God. All major religions have believed in one god or another. Thus, believing in a supreme being that is omnipotent and omniscience is essential to the existence of mankind.

    This full-colored book tackles the issue of existence of God from a different perspective including starting off with how different people view God. It first categorizes the belief of the major religions into 5 types of religions. Then, it describes the concept of God for world’s several major religions including Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and others. The book ends with a detailed analysis of concept of God in Islam and how it perfects the concept of God.

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  • Faith in Predestination

    Belief in predestination (Qada wa Qadar) is an undisputed article of faith in Islam. For some people, this belief leads to contentment and satisfaction, even in the face of hardship and adversity. But for others, it provides justification for their wrongdoing: how often do we hear people arguing that they should not be blamed for their disobedience since it has already be decreed by Allah that they will sin?

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  • 50 Questions and Answers on Islamic Monotheism

    Believing in the Oneness of Allah is a basic fundamental in Islam. This belief establishes the relationship between human beings and their Rubb (Lord). As a Muslim, we firmly believe that Allah is the Creator, Sustainer and the true God; only He has the right to be worshipped, there is no partner with Him and only He has created the universe. In this booklet, which is basically meant for the children, we gave prepared 50 questions on the belief of Islamic Monotheism and provided short and simple but comprehensive answers to them.

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  • In Search of God

    Some thinker has said, ‘A smattering of knowledge turns people away from God. Grater knowledge brings them back to Him’. The author concludes in this book by examining various theories that the choice humanity have is not between the universe with God and the universe without God. The real option is between the universe with God and no universe at all. Therefore humanity is compelled to opt for the proposition the universe with God. Hence it is logical to say I exist, therefore, God exist.

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  • Standing Firm in Islam: Weakness of Faith and the Means to Steadfastness

    Standing Firm in Islam talks about the weakness of faith and the means to steadfastness.

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    Death and Inheritance, The Islamic Way

    Death & Inheritance-The Islamic Way
    By Dr. Abdul Hai Arifi
    264 pages, Papercover
    Translated by Professor Muhammad Shameem
    Publisher: Idara Isha’at Deniyath Weight 350 gram

    This book is an English translation of Ahkam-I-Mayyit, and is a necessary hand book for Muslims explaining rules pertaining to the deceased.

    this book is the English translation of Ahkam-I-Mayyit of Dr. Abdul Hai Arifi, a world renowned highly respected spiritual master in this part of the world. This is a necessary book for Muslims. It contains indispensable rules and basic information about the teaching of the Holy Prophet when death approaches near, when it takes place and what to be done after death. Rules for distribution of inheritance of the deceased according to Islamic Shari is also comprehensively added.

    Fair presentation in simple and comprehensive language is the special feature of this book.
    Table of Contents
    Translator’s Note

    Sickness, Medical Treatment and Visiting the Sick

    The Time of Death

    Bathing and Shrouding (Ghusl and Kafn)

    Salatul-Janazah : the Prayer for the Deceased

    Rules of Burial for a Shaheed

    The ‘Idda of Death

    Inheritance and its Distribution

    Understanding Bid’ah

    Post-Death States of a True Muslim

    The author, Dr. Abdul Hai Arfi was the Khalifah of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and the Sheikh of Mufti Taqi Usmani.

    Original price was: ₦1,000.Current price is: ₦800.
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  • the souls journey after death by Ibnul Qayyim

    The Souls Journey After Death by Ibn Qayyim

    This important book The Souls Journey After Death by Ibn Qayyim covers an area about which most people have very little knowledge but which is, at the same time, of vital interest to all human beings.

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