• The Commanding Self

    • Paperback: 332 pages
    • Publisher: Octagon Press, Limited; New edition edition (June 1, 1997)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0863040705
    • ISBN-13: 978-0863040702
    • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 1 inches

    The commanding self in Sufi terminology is that mixture of primitive and conditioned responses, common to everyone, which inhibits and distorts human progress and understanding. The book serves to illustrate and amplify Idries Shah’s preceding (over 20) books on the Sufi Way.

    Described by the author as a key to the entire corpus of his work, The Commanding Self describes the mixture of primitive and conditioned responses, common to everyone, that inhibits and distorts human progress and understanding. This book is designed to offer a way to transcend the limits imposed by this “commanding self.”

    While complete in itself as an anthology of hitherto unpublished work, the book serves to illustrate and amplify Idries Shah’s preceding books on the Sufi Way. Based on tales, lectures, letters, and interviews, it offers both an introduction to Sufi thought and further study for those already acquainted with Shah’s writings.

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  • Black Taj Mahai – a Sufi Love Story

    According to Shemiza Rashid of the Creative Muslim Network, Black Taj Mahal is “…an enigmatic book that takes you beyond a Spiritual Journey..” A journey of two souls that parallel the meeting of the drop with the Ocean. An easy witty narrative that begins in London and ends in the mystical Black Taj Mahal. Illustrated with Islamic Calligraphy and Mughal inspired miniatures, the spiritual fantasy can be interpreted on many levels. Poetry, coloured in a contemporary style, is embedded in the story to create another dimension within the paperback. The book includes a handy non-fiction section and is the perfect present from one spiritual lover to another. Whether you are young or old, beast or flower, there is something in this book for everyone; a real breath of sunlight.

    • Paperback: 161 pages
    • Publisher: al-Oblong Books (July 1, 2010)
    • ISBN-10: 1905015089
    • ISBN-13: 978-1905015085
    • Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.8 x 0.4 inches
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  • Turning the Tide: Reawakening the Woman’s Heart and Soul

    Author: Suma Din
    Publisher: The Islamic Foundation
    Size/Vol.: A5 (14.8×21 cm – 5.83×8.27 inch)
    ISBN : 9780860373995
    Language : English-
    Pages: 178-
    Binding: PaperBack
    Size: Medium – 20 x 20 x 1 cm-

    Turning the Tide: Reawakening the Woman’s Heart and Soul
    In ‘Turning the Tide’, Suma Din takes the reader on a journey through the stages of life, from the inception of the soul to the end of life on earth. Words of wisdom, guidance and compassion from the Qur’an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad pave the way, and inspire the reader to reawaken their heart and soul. With contemporary thoughts and voices flowing through the book, this voyage is one of contemplation, discovery and self-knowledge.


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  • Tulip in the Desert: A Selection of the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal

    The national poet of Pakistan, Muhammed Iqbal (1887-1938), is widely credited with having lanched the idea of a seperate Muslim homeland which came to fruition with Jinnah’s campaign for an independent Pakistan. However, Iqbal is best known for his Persian and Urdu poetry, which with its deep philosophical insights, has captured the minds of many readers. This translation presents in English a representative selection of Iqbal’s works.

    • Paperback: 184 pages
    • Publisher: Mcgill Queens Univ Pr (December 1999)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0773520376
    • ISBN-13: 978-0773520370
    • Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 5.5 x 8.5 inches
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  • The Crossing

    The Crossing: My Journey to the Shattered Heart of Syria

    • Paperback: 288 pages
    • Publisher: Ebury Press; Reprint edition (July 1, 2016)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 184604488X
    • ISBN-13: 978-1846044885
    • Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.8 x 8 inches
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  • Language of the Heart

    • Paperback: 350 pages
    • Publisher: Blue Dome Press (October 16, 2012)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1935295144
    • ISBN-13: 978-1935295143
    • Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.8 x 8.9 inches

    This book seeks to examine how Sufi thought might provide critical understanding of contemporary life and a pathway towards the recovery of a more meaningful existence. Rumi’s mystical teachings are of great value at a time of rampant materialism and indiscriminate consumerism, and have the potential to illuminate the precarious state of the world, as well as revitalise contemporary social critique, ecophilosophy and biosemiotics in what is increasingly being regarded as a post-secular age.

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  • Al-Fawaed: The Benefits

    • Pages: 352 pages
    • Publisher: Dar Al-Manarah (2004)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN: 977-599-799-2

    This book gives helpful advices, secrets, and tips to help benefit us in this life and the hereafter. The benefits are mostly from the Qur’an and Sunnah. They are thoroughly explained and reviewed. The book contains a long list of reminders and treasures which are immensely valuable and overwhelmingly precious. (“The goodness may be in what we hate; patience with victory; the most marvelous things; the appearance of the Lord; the most honorable of pleasures.”)

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  • Book of Religious Learnings: Ihya Ulum Id Din (4 volumes)

    by Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali

    The masterpiece of Imam al-Ghazali, unquestionably one of the greatest thinkers and theologians of Islam. He reflects on the totality of his studies in Tasawwuf (Sufism) and its related components (purification of the heart, soul, mind and body), tazkiyya, scepticism, philosophy, and spiritual retreat. This work, known in English as “Revival of the Religious Sciences.” Volume 1 – Book of Worship, Volume 2 – Book of Worldly Usages, Volume 3 – Book of Destructive Evils, Volume 4 – Book of Constructive Virtues. Translated by Fazal Kareem

    Hardback, Four Volumes,1422 pp.

    • Hardcover: 1320 pages
    • Publisher: Islamic Book Service (November 30, 2004)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 817231101X
    • ISBN-13: 978-8172311018
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  • Tazkiyah Made Simple

    This book helps you to understand and have the knowledge of what Tazkiyaz really is, this book also focuses on the essential aspects of Tazkiyah such as spirituality and self development.

    Description from the publisher:

    Improve your knowledge of Tazkiyah, or purification of the soul, with this easy-to-read pocket reference book. – gain a meaningful and deeper understanding of Tazkiyah – focus on the essential aspects of Tazkiyah, such as contemplation, spirituality, self-development and remembrance of Allah – learn about and reflect upon the relevance of Tazkiyah in the present time and its importance in spiritual development – a 7 page pull out chart showing Tazkiyah at a glance

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  • Tazkiyah: Purification of the Soul

    Tazkiyah literally means purification. In the extended sense it means growth. In this respect, tazkiyah means intellectual development. The mind is not something stagnant, it is ever-growing, like a tree. It is this process which is called “adding faith to their faith” (48:4) in the Quran. Adding faith to faith means development in consciousness, which is another name for intellectual development. The real faith is one which does not stagnate, but grows continuously in its conviction about God.

    How does tazkiyah or intellectual development take place? The path to this is contemplation. Contemplation is in itself a continuous process – contemplating the Quran and Hadith, the life of the Prophet, the lives of the Companions, the various human disciplines, the universe, the earth and the heavens. There is also the kind of contemplation which takes place during serious discussions. In this process of contemplation, new ideas emerge, deeper meanings come to light, new aspects hitherto unexplored of different events and realities are discovered, and every experience will bring him closer to God.

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  • Du’a Selected supplications

    Selected supplications according to the Qur’an and Sunnah with English Translation.

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  • The Way of Sufi Chivalry

    • Paperback: 128 pages
    • Publisher: Inner Traditions; New Edition of Book of Sufi Chivalry: Lessons to a Son of the Moment edition (April 1, 1991)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0892813172
    • ISBN-13: 978-0892813179
    • Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.4 x 8.2 inches

    A highly respected Sufi saint and scholar of the 10th century, Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami compiled this book as a guide to enlightened behavior for the spiritual aspirant. In its pages, he records the teachings of renowned spiritual masters (available for the first time in English translation) as well as tales and quotations from the Koran and Hadith. The teachings reveal the true meaning of compassion, love, friendship, generosity, and hospitality, as well as the right actions associated with these virtues.

    According to the Sufis, Futuwwah is a code of honorable behavior that follows the example of the prophets, saints, and sages. By adhering to its precepts, the student learns detachment from the ego. The Way of Sufi Chivalry addresses the reader directly, providing the aspirant of today with living guidance on the path of perfection and the way of Sufism.

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