• The Personality of Allah's Last Messenger by Abdul Waheed Khan

    The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger by Abdul Waheed Khan

    In this book The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger by Abdul Waheed Khan, has attempted to feature out the true personality of the last Messenger of Allah to demolish all the distortions and misconceptions which have been propagated by biased or ignorant writers and hopefully, to induce in the reader a sense of reverence and respect for this greatest man in the history of the world.

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  • the girl from aleppo

    The Girl From Aleppo

    • Paperback: 320 pages
    • Publisher: William Collins (20 April 2017)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0008192812
    • ISBN-13: 978-0008192815
    • Product Dimensions: 12.9 x 2.5 x 19.8 cm
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  • Muhammad (pbuh) A Mercy To All The Nations

    Availability: In Stock
    Product ID: BK1781
    Author: Al-Hajj Qassim Ali Jairazbhoy
    Publisher: Goodword

    In the history of the world the holy prophet is regarded as the greatest of all benefactors, and this is a fact that even the greatest of commentators have had to acknowledge. It is a great pity that the world today puts things of no worth before that which can bring love and peace to humanity. It is high time we realized that world peace and harmonious international relations can only be achieved in following the principles of Islam. If read in this perspective, the book can be more worthy for the readers.

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  • The Prophet of Mercy Muhammad Scenes From His Life

    Published: August 18th 2010 by Erkam Publications
    ISBN13: 2940011096570

    The author, Osman Nuri Topbas, currently lives in Istanbul. He has received both a traditional and a modern education. He has written many books on different aspects of Islam as a religion and as a civilization. One recurring theme in his writings bears on the importance of mercy, love, and care in our social relations as the very fabric of an authentic Islamic way of life.

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  • The Daily Practices of Prophet (PBUH)

    By: Abdullah bin Hamoud al-Furaih
    Pages: 235
    Binding: Paperback
    Size: 5.5×8.5″ (14×21 cm)
    Format: 2 Color
    SKU/ISBN: 9786035002844
    Edition: 1st (2014)
    Publisher: Dar-us-Salam

    The Daily Practices of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is a compilation of some Sunnan -practices of the Prophet and acts of worship. It is the very Sunnan that has been passed down to us through generations, whether they be known or unknown acts of worship, or those that are neglected, all of which are blessings of Allah the Almighty, only for this nation. Therefore, by adhering to them one increases their own acts of worship, as these Sunnan help to increase and multiply a person’s reward. Such a reward was not granted to any previous nation since Allah the Almighty has favored this nation above all nations. He bestows great rewards upon those who hasten to practice such Sunnan, thus, they are greatly sublime, and fruitful.

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  • The Hadith for Beginners by Dr. Muhammad Zubayr

    The Hadith for Beginners by Dr. Muhammad Zubayr

    This book The Hadith for Beginners by Dr. Muhammad Zubayr has been composed in order to present to the English-reading public, Muslim as well as non-Muslim, the viewpoint of orthodox Islam with regard to Hadith Literature, its origin and development and its criticism by the Muslim doctors.

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  • Road to Good Friendship By Abdul Malik Al-Qasim

    By: Abdul Malik Al-Qasim
    Translator: Jalal Abualrub
    Pages: 55
    Binding: Paperback
    Size: 5.5×8″ (14×20 cm)
    SKU/ISBN: 9789960717852
    Edition: 1st – 11/1999
    Publisher: Dar-us-Salam

    The distinguished feature of the booklet is to enhance the good friendship in society. The Author has selected the illuminating sayings of the Prophet (S) and those of his companions and the Salaf. These advices will encourage good friendship in the Muslim society and will open the door wide to establish a civilized Islamic culture. This society based on true friendship will breed justice, equality and love for humanity.

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  • Ways to the Quran By Khurram Murad

    Original title: Way to the Koran
    ISBN 0860371565 (ISBN13: 9780860371564)

    SubhanAllah I stumbled upon this gem a few weeks ago, originally published in 1985 by Khurram Murad. Brother Murad, a Pakistani with ties to the UK/US, was one of the first to write in English for a “convert” audience. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to grow closer to Allah the most magnificent through the Quran. It is one of the few books, in my experience, that focuses on reading the Quran in your native language rather than forcing yourself to repeat words in an alien tongue. I plan to read the Quran again before Ramadan using the skill sets I learned from this book. Below are a few aspects I thought I’d share that the book highlights:

    Why is the Quran important for us in the 21st century?

    Anas Ibn Malik once said: ‘Often one recites the Qur’an, but the Qur’an curses him because he does not understand it.’ The sign of faith, according to Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar, is to understand the Qur’an: ‘We have lived long … a time has come when I see a man who is given the whole Qur’an before he has acquired faith; he reads all the pages between al-Fatihah and its end, without knowing its commands, its threats, and the places in it where he should pause he scatters it like the scattering of one fleeing in haste.“ Aishah once heard a man babbling over the Qur’an and said: ‘He has neither read the Qur’an nor kept silent.”Ali said: ‘There is no good in the Qur’an reading which is not pondered over.’ Abu Sulayman al-Darani said: ‘I recite a verse and remain with it for four or five nights and do not pass on to another verse unless I have ended my thinking on it.’

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  • The Collection Of An-Nawawi 40 Hadith

    Author: Imam An-Nawawi

    Translator: Abdul Malik Mujahid
    Publisher: Darussalam
    Pages: 143
    Binding: Softcover
    ISBN: 9960-740-27-7

    About the Book:
    This small book contains 40 renowned Ahadith collected by Imam An-Nawawi which gained popularity through centuries.

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  • More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night

    More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night

    The large size of the book ‘More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night’. Based on the Arabic Book ‘Akthar min alf Sunnah fee-al-yawm wa al-laylah’.

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  • Thulaathiyyaat

    Thulaathiyaat: Three Narrators from Musnad al-Imaam ahmad bin Hanbal

    Thus the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alehe Wasallam) provide evidence against mankind. One of the scholars through whom Allah preserved the Sunnah was Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullah), and one of the books that he wrote to preserve the Sunnah is al-Musnad, which is one of the major collections of the noble Sunnah.

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  • Gems and Jewels by Abdul-Malik Mujahid

    Gems and Jewels by Abdul-Malik Mujahid

    Gems and Jewels by Abdul-Malik Mujahid is an excerpts and passages collected from many books written by the scholars of Islam have been compiled in this book. The writings will be of equal interest to all Muslims whether they are Children or Adults, and similarly they will gain a lot of virtues, develop good character patterns, and adopt intellectual behavior in their lives from the examples of the great personalities of Islam.

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