Gateway to Arabic, Book 3 (Arabic)
- Paperback: 68 pages
- Publisher: Anglo Arabic (2006)
- ISBN-10: 0954083326
- ISBN-13: 978-0954083328
- Product Dimensions: 11.9 x 8.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 9 ounces
Gateway to Arabic, Book 2 (Arabic)
Gateway to Arabic is a well-structured, progressive course that has been carefully designed to teach Arabic in a non-Arabic-speaking environment to learners from a broad age range. It is highly popular with evening and weekend madrasahs, Muslim schools, as well as with adult learners.
As students progress in building up their knowledge of Arabic grammar and vocabulary, they are able to put into practice the skills they have acquired through written exercises, spoken passages of dialogue and comprehension exercises. Gateway to Arabic Book Two builds on the basic reading and writing skills acquired in Book One (Starter Book). With a vocabulary of over 350 words and easy-to-follow explanations, supported by 250 illustrations, Book Two provides learners with a basic knowledge of Arabic grammar, enabling them to take their first steps in understanding and using non-verbal sentences.
Gateway to Arabic, Book 1 (Arabic)
This is a new curriculum series and has had remarkable success in its first year of usage. A well-structured progressive course designed to teach Arabic to students in a non-Arabic speaking environment. It contains a wealth of exercises to reinforce vocabulary and the understanding and application of grammar.
Extensive research and piloting ensures that materials are easy to learn from and to teach. Books are designed to cater to the Muslim child learning Arabic in English speaking countries. With its wealth of practice materials, Gateway to Arabic Book One teaches the skills necessary for reading and writing the language.
This book covers: Recognition of Arabic letters in their isolate form Formulation of letters in their written isolate form, with clear arrows to indicate the correct writing direction The three short vowels: fatha, kasra and damma The recognition and formulation of letters in their joined forms Nunation (al-tanween) The three long vowels (al-madd) Al-sukun Al-shadda The sun and moon letters (al-huruf al-shamsiyyah wa’l-qamariyyah), and their associated rules Al-alif al-maqsura Al-hamza.
English Translation of Jami At-Tirmidhi
By Hafix Abu Tahir Zubair ‘Ali Za’i (Editor), Abu Khaliyl (Translator)
- Hardcover: 3450 pages
- Publisher: Darussalam (2007)
- Language: Arabic
- ISBN-10: 9960996794
- ISBN-13: 978-9960996790
- Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
English Translation of Sunan An-Nasa’i (Volume 1 – 6)
After years of efforts, finally the Sunan An-Nasai is now available in English. It is available in its complete version in 6 volumes. Great care has been taken to translate it correctly, in simple yet lucid English language and high quality publishing, just like the other translations of the six books of the Hadith.
Juz Amma For School Students
By Husain A. Nuri and Mansur Ahmad (Author)
The book is a student friendly presentation of the 30th Part of the Qur’an. The book contains large and clear Arabic text, transliteration in English and translation in three-column format. Each surah starts with a short introduction.
The surah is followed by explanation of the verses based on authentic commentary. A “word to know” section provides root and derivatives of several key words used in the surah. This is further elaborated in to a word-to-word meaning of the entire surah. Each chapter ends with some teachings in the surah that the children can apply in their everyday life. A short question section reinforces the materials learned.
The Fortress of Tawhid By Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Nassir Al- Sa’di
Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!
Hajj: A reflection on its Wisdom and Purpose
Get this book at the best bookshop in Abuja. Order now!
Hajj Mabrur and Umrah
In this book, Cheikh Osman Nuri Topbaş Hoca Efendi expaln than an Hajj Mabrur or an accepted pilgrimage is an act of worship which is filled with spiritual beauties from its beginning to the end. While stating the results of righteous deeds performed during a major or minor pilgrimage, the Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) expressed it goal as follows:
“Combine the performance of Hajj and Umrah, for they eliminate the sins just as the bellows eliminate rust from iron. Umrah, or minor pilgrimage, which is advised in this tradition to combine with the hajj as a mean of purification, is also very important in Islam but unlike Hajj, which is required to be done only once and in certain days of the years, Umrah can be performed any time of the year and as many times as one wishes.
Life Its Meaning Degree & Worth – (English)
Author(s) : B.Said Nursi
ISBN : 8174353739
Publisher :ADA-0004
Weight (Kgs) :0.25 -
Sharhu Riyadis Saliheen: The Meadows of the Righteous (Abridged)
1112 (out of 1900) Ahadith compiled over 344 Chapters which can be generalised as follows:
The Book of Good Manners
The Book about the Etiquette of Eating
The Book of Dress
The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping
Lying and Sitting, etc
The book of Greetings
The Book of Visiting the Sick
The Book of Etiquette of Travelling
The Book of Virtues
The Book of I’tikaf
The Book of Hajj
The Book of Jihad
The Book of Knowledge
The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah
The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah’s Messenger (phuh)
The Book of the Remembrance of Allah – The Book of Du’a (Supplications)
The Book of the Prohibited Actions
The Book of Miscellaneous Ahadith of Significant values
The Book of Forgiveness