• Knit: The Lost Girl Paperback-by Yaseer Abdullahi

    New revelations soon befall the readers only to leave them wondering yet again, was Taylor alive or not? And if he was, where could he possibly have vanished to?With a captivating mash-up of fantasy, action, romance and mystery, the lost girls so much to the table with a newly imagined world waiting to be explored.

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  • Knit: The Male Connoisseur By Yaseer Abdullahi

    Taylor wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how he ended up there. He and his mysterious uncle who went to take him home on the day he was discharged got attacked by an even more mysterious ax-wielding stranger. He later began to have unusual dreams that hurt him physically, searching for answers, he went to his aunt who told him something that opened a new strange part of his life.

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  • The Textual Translation For The Quran The Supreme -By Abdulaziz F. Almubarak


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  • Hayya Natakallam Al-Arabiyyah

    Let’s Speak Arabic هيا نتكلم العربي

    Is a lively and imaginative work which aims to teach spoken modem standard Arabic. with particular appeal to the teenage student.
    Unlike most contemporary Arabic textbooks which concentrate primarily on written Arabic and the complexities of its grammar. often to the exclusion of the spoken genre. this book aims instead to encourage the learner to start using the language from the outset through spoken communication.

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  • Gateway to Arabic Poster Pack One (Gateway to Arabic)

    أنر واشرق غرفة ابنك و صفه بهذة المجموعة من ثلاث ملصقات ملونة حجم A1 (23.4″ * 33″) وتغطي ثلاثة مجالات لمفردات العربية: وسائل النقل, الخضار والفواكه, الطقس والفصول. تم توضيح كل كلمة باللغة العربية والانجليزية مع الكتابة الحرفية بالانجليزية للكلمة العربية لتسهيل التعليم. و تحتوي صفحة الغلاف حجم A3 (11.7″ * 16.5″) جدول تعليم أصوات الحروف على الخلف للمساعدة على تمييز الحرف و تطوير مهارة القراءة.
    يحتوي على:
    ملصق A1 حجم (23.4″ * 33″) و يتضمن مفردات الخضار والفواكه
    ملصق A1 حجم (23.4″ * 33″) و يتضمن مفردات وسائل النقل
    ملصق A1 حجم (23.4″ * 33″) و يتضمن مفردات و تعابير متعلقة بالفصول, أوقات اليوم والطقس.
    بالإضافة الى

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  • Gateway to Arabic Picture Pad (English and Arabic Edition)

    The Gateway to Arabic Picture Pad is a colourfully illustrated topic-based aid for teaching Arabic vocabulary, providing an effective tool for learning key words and expressions. Its flipchart format ensures that it can be used easily in the classroom as well as for individual home study. To assist with the accurate reading of the words and phrases, the Arabic text is vocalised throughout. In addition, a twelve-page transliteration guide is supplied with the Picture Pad as an aid to correct pronunciation.

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  • Gateway to Arabic Flashcards Set Three: Fruit and Vegetable Vocabulary (English and Arabic Edition)

    This pack of 64 double-sided flashcards focuses on fruit and vegetables and it includes the food items featured in Gateway to Arabic Book Two, among others. Each of the 30 fruit and 34 vegetable cards is illustrated with a high-quality color photograph. The singular form of each word is given on the reverse, together with the English meaning and transliteration to assist the student in learning the correct pronunciation. In addition, plural forms are provided where appropriate.

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  • Gateway to Arabic Flashcards Set Five: Action Words (Arabic and English Edition)

    The English translation of the verb is also provided, together with a pronunciation guide and the verb form number. The cards may be used by self-taught students to build up their Arabic vocabulary as well as serve as a valuable teaching resource within the classroom.

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  • Gateway to Arabic: Gateway to Arabic Flashcards 2: School and classroom vocabula (Set 2)

    This second set of flashcards teaches vocabulary relating to the school and classroom environment and includes 52 school-themed nouns in their Arabic singular and plural forms supported by English transliteration, as well as additional useful questions and phrases for classroom games.

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  • Gateway to Arabic Flashcards Set Four: Food and Drink Vocabulary (English and Arabic Edition) Cards- by Dr. Imran Hamza Alawiye (Author)

    Each word is given in its Arabic singular form on one side of the card, together with the English meaning and a guide to the correct pronunciation. Each item of vocabulary is illustrated with a high-quality colour photograph on the reverse.

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  • Arabic without Tears: Bk. 2: The Second Book for Younger Learners Paperback by Imran Hamza Alawiye (Author)

    There is a thorough analysis of the phonic components making up each word, opportunity for copying and writing practice, as well as the chance to use each new word in a variety of meaningful contexts through a range of activities. Mini flashcards at the end of the book are provided to help test the child’s recognition and understanding of the key words.

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  • Arabic Without Tears Book 1 العربية بلا دموع by Imran H. Alawiye (Author)

    Arabic Without Tears is a colourful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils. This first book aims to teach the Arabic alphabet in its basic form through simple written exercises supported by the clear, arrowed diagrams over which the child can trace, thus encouraging him or her to develop confidence and independence in writing the isolate letters.

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