• Hadith Terminology and Classification: A Handbook

    Hadith Terminology and Classification: A Handbook

    Islam is a complete way of life that enlightens through the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the true path of guidance and success in this world and the hereafter. However, one must accurately comprehend what has been ordained through the Sunnah and identify the authentic hadiths of the Prophet ( blessings and peace be upon him ). To do that, it is imperative to understand the rules that govern the classification and definitions of hadith methodology and criticism.

    Hadith Terminology and Classification is a concise handbook that aims to facilitate independent seekers of knowledge and students of Hadith Science. It seeks to acquaint them with the commendable endeavours of the early Muslim scholars in sifting through the immense treasure of hadiths and recognising the authentic gems that form the words and acts of the Prophet ( blessings and peace be upon him ).

    This is a complete guide that introduces the origin, provenance and development of the science of Hadith. It also provides taxonomy of hadiths according to different criteria, including the number of its narrators, authenticity of reports and efficacy in law. Furthermore, it classifies weak hadiths and details the means of eliminating their effect.

    This handbook is an excellent, in-depth study that significantly elaborates hadith terminology and criticism, making it easier for the reader to understand the regulations that authenticate a hadith.

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  • Recognizing the Mistakes of the Worshippers - Islam - General Topics
  • The Reasons for Revelation of the QURAN

    The Reasons for Revelation of the QURAN

    Great respect and reverence is shown towards the Qur’an by Muslims all over the world, and by multitudes recite its verses regularly. Yet, beyond our daily recitations of its verses – which is a form of worship that is praiseworthy and highly rewarded by ALLAH – few of us make such effort to understand the meaning of these verses in depth.

    Such an understanding, however, is critical in order to thoroughly comprehend the guidance laid out for us by Allah in this majestic book. Many of the verses of the Qur’an were revealed in response to a particular question that arose in the young Muslim communities of Makah and Medina.

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  • The Spectacle of Death including Glimpses of Life beyond the Grave

    Based on the Teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, the book helps the reader have the reflection of death ever present in his mind to lead a worth life here in the hope of a better life hereafter which is eternal and where blessings are ever lasting.

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  • An Inspired Life: A Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

    An Inspired Life informs and inspires with its insights into the birth of the Islamic Faith and the tribulations encountered by its Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) and his steadfast followers prior to the acceptance and establishment of the religion. The author has provided a fascinating glimpse into the life the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), which clarifies his role of Messenger and extols his attributes and personal qualities as a model Muslim. The work is very relevant today, as in the current political and social climate the intended ethics of Islam have become blurred and somewhat distorted. Dr. Abbas Tawfiq has highlighted the essence of the faith through his focus on the behavior of its Prophet. This book is a must for anyone who is drawn to further their knowledge of Islam and will appeal to both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

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  • You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life

    You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life

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  • Mishkat al-Masabih: The Niche of Lamps

    Mishkat al-Masabih: The Niche of Lamps

    The complete set of the celebrated and much-studied collection of hadith: Arabic text with English translation

    Complete English translation of the Mishkat al-Masabih which surpasses other currently available translation such as the well known Al-Hadith: English Translation & Commentary of Mishkat ul Masabih by Maulana Fazlul Karim and the partial translation Mishkat-ul-Masabih: Arabic-English, in 3 volumes by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui.

    The Mishkat has enjoyed wide popularity in the world of Islamic learning Since 516 AH when it was first compiled by Waliuddin Abu ‘Abdullah Mahmud Al-Tabrizi.

    Mishkat al-Masabih, which means “A Niche for Lamps”, is an expanded version of Masabih al-Sunnah by Abu Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah Khatib Al-Tabrizi (d. 741H), who was known as Muhyi As-Sunnah (Reviver of the Sunnah). Al-Tabrizi added to it the chains of transmission, the narrators and the authenticity of the hadith, thus making it more beneficial to those not having an advanced knowledge of the science of hadith.

    The Collection is divided into twenty-nine books (kutub) and each book is divided into several chapters (abwab). Thereafter each chapter is further divided into three sections (fasl).

    The Mishkat has enjoyed wide popularity in the world of Islamic learning since 516 AH when it was first compiled by Al-Tabrizi. Most of the ahadith are from the Sahih Sitta. (the six authentic hadith books).

    Waliuddin Abu ‘Abdullah Mahmud Al-Tabrizi was a renowned muhaddith (scholar of hadith) of his time. He was well-versed in the intricacies of the Arabic language and rhetoric. It is unfortunate, however, that not much is known about his life. Al-Tabrizi is to be commended for successfully improving upon Al-Baghawi’s Masabih al-Sunnah.

    If you want just one collection of ahadith, then this must be the one.

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    The Governmental System of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – by Dr.Hashim Y.Al-Mallah

    The book consists of five chapter and a conclution. The first chapter explains how the islamic state was established and extended to govern most of Arabia. The second chapter presents the idea with the three authorities legislative,executive,and judiciary in the islamic state. In the fourth chapter the writer tries to define the nature of the governmental system of the prophet and the relations between its powers. The fifth chapter is devoted to explaining the position of the islamic state on the rights of equality and liberty. The conclution contain the summary of the main point dealt with in this study.

    Author : Dr Hashim Y.Al-Mallah

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  • Health, Hygiene and First Aid

    Health, Hygiene and First Aid

         Hygiene (or cleanliness) is an innate characteristic of human beings. It is necessary for a person that he be clean and remain clean. This is so because people experience peace and health in this way. I should mention the following truth one more time: Cleanliness is not only for people, but also for animals, plants, and all animate and even inanimate beings. They all have a need for cleanliness and it should not be put off for later. Mountains and rocks are washed by rain, ducks are inspired to clean themselves in streams, and cats are given the ability to clean themselves. Allah, exalted be He, who created all these things, also desired that people would clean themselves by their own will. A real Muslim should have clean bodies and smell pleasing, have a good look, appearance, and his imaginings and thoughts do not contain anything dirty. In this state, a true Muslim resembles a precious flower, constantly radiating beauty. It is necessary for all mankind to understand and try to live like the Prophet Muhammad, (saws) who is at the peak of all forms of cleanliness so the book you are holding has been written in the light of is sayings and Qur’anic verses. This book, explains not only what may be done and how we may contribute to having clean air, soil and water and a clean environment, but also in a detailed way the connection between cleanliness and health and the importance of ensuring a clean body, room, house, alley, street, city, and country. Neslihan Nur TÜRK has written this book, Health, Hygiene and First Aid, to be conductive to make a generation pure and healthy, physically and in all areas of meaning, and with the hope that future mothers and fathers may raise awareness in these issues.

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  • Fiqh - 1

    Fiqh – 1

    The Word Fiqh which is an Arabic one can be comprehend as “understand in depth, grasp, and comprehend”. In the Holy Qur’an it is (with its It and its other derivatives words) mentioned in twenty places where its meaning is used as “deep understanding” and “comprehension” In addition to the above mentioned literal there are two different Terminological definition: The first one from Imam Abu Hanifa is: “Fiqh is the knowledge of rulings pertaining to good and bad (conduct).” The second from Imam Shafi’i: “Fiqh is the knowledge of religious-practical rulings derived from the detailed sources.” So regarding the Islamic thought Fiqh can be interpreted as Islamic jurisprudence from the interpretation done by the Muslims scholars. This book summarize the Islamic Fiqh presentation.

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  • Fiqh - 2

    Fiqh – 2

    While the first volume of the book summarize the Islamic Fiqh presentation with the acts of worship, the second one explain more in details what are the method and component of the İslamic fiqh. İt explains first of all the methodology and sources of Islamic law (Fiqh) then after relates the family, economical aspects before to finish with the important aspect of lawful and unlawful in İslam

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  • History of Religions

    History of Religions

    This study book as for aim to transmit h the religion’s history as the Muslims teachers have taught. This book include a global definition of religion notions and then after the specificity of each religion called “monotheist”. You will find in this book as for all other study books questions of revision and tests of knowledge.

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  • I Love My Religion Islam - 1 (Hanafi)

    I Love My Religion Islam – 1 (Hanafi)

    Super! This book which teach us our religion begin with basmallah and continue with the different acts of worship then end with the good attitude. All of these with small stories for the children are doing the good Muslim. This first volume teach the fundamentals of the Muslim faith and after that resume the acts of worship regarding the Hanafi Madhab.

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  • The Secret in the Love for God by Osman Nuri Topbas

    The Secret in the Love for God by Osman Nuri Topbas

    The greatest fruit of the blessing of faith is to look at creation with the eyes of the Creator and to approach all creatures with love. This elevates the life of a human being to higher levels and causes him or her to enter a world of forgiveness, mercy and love.

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  • Contemplation In Islam - Osman Nuri Topbaş

    Contemplation In Islam – Osman Nuri Topbaş

    In this humble work at hand, we will therefore attempt to focus on the importance of contemplating and sensing, a primary legacy of the Blessed Prophet upon him blessings and peace-, their benefits and their proper way of actualization.

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