Some selected Islamic Books on Supplication, Dua and Dhikr to be recited in the morning and night.
A collection of dua’a and prayers of supplication for use in a range of situations in the morning and night from Tarbiyah Books Plus, the leading Islamic Bookshop in Abuja, Nigeria.
Best Islamic Books on Supplication for Morning and Night
Islamic books on Supplications (Dua – Du’a) including Du’a The Weapon Of The Believer: A Treatise On The Status And Etiquette Of Du’a In Islam, A Selection Of Supplications, Fortress of the Muslim & Mashari Rashid Dua Qunoot.
Prayers of the Pious by Omar Suleiman

This inspirational collection of prayers and reminders is the perfect companion for anyone who wishes to connect to the Divine.
Doors of release by DKi

“Door of Release” is a book written by Sayyid Mohammad ben Alawi Al-Maliki AlHassani. It contains important supplications and prayers reported by the Prophet (S.A.W) and many pious ancient jurist.
Golden Stories of Accepted Prayers By Abdul Malik Mujahid

If you’re facing any difficulties or trouble you should immediately turn to Allah for help. The best invocations are those narrated by the Prophet (S). If you don’t speak Arabic, you can pray in your mother tongue.
Prayers can be made at any time, but there is a greater possibility our prayers will be accepted if we do so at specific times…
Words of Remembrance and Words of Reminder (with CD)

This is a book of Dua with accompanied cassette-tape. It is different from other Dua books in that it has commentary and discusses some of the hadeeth (Dua) of weak status. It is also a general reminder of the remembrance of Allah.
This book is translated, transliterated and accompanied by a professional CD which features in a clear voice the pronunciation of the various Duas.
The Greatest Invocation for Forgiveness

Some of the scholars used to say, “”Those who often remember death, Allah honours them with three: Their repentance is expedited; Their heart is given satisfaction and; Their worship is energised. And those who forget remembering death are afflicted with three: Their repentance is postponed; Their contentment is stripped and; Their worship is neglected.
The Accepted Whispers (Big size)

A collection of over 200 du’as from the Qur’an and Hadith for daily reading. Translation and commentary in English by Khalid Baig. Includes transliteration and comprehensive references Du’a (supplication) is the essence of worship.
Daily Wisdom: Islamic Prayers and Supplications (Hardcover)

This beautiful presentation of Islamic prayers and supplications from the Qur’an and recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection.
With 365 prayers covering the whole year, this is a must for every home. With accompanying Arabic text, and the prayers fully referenced, this book is also an authentic and reliable compilation.
Daily Wisdom: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Hardcover)

This attractive presentation of the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection. With 365 traditions covering the whole year, Daily Wisdom explores Islamic morals and manners in all aspects of everyday life. Beautifully presented, this ideal gift item is a must for every home.
Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Holy Qur’an

This beautiful presentation of a selection from the Holy Qur’an engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection. Edited for ease of comprehension, English-speaking readers will find this compilation both spiritually enriching and easy to understand. With 365 verses covering the whole year, this is a must for every home.
Prime Invocations Ad-Dua’a Al-Mustaja’ab from The Qur’aan & As Sunnah

This is a new presentation of the most useful dua’a booklet, with a very unique selection of supplications from the Quran and the Sunnah for various everyday use – including during the hajj and umrah. It also presents a simple yet very comprehensive guidelines, on HOW, WHEN and WHERE we can attain our dua’a to be accepted by the almighty Allah whom is The Giver and The Answerer.
The Most Excellent Names of Allah

Allah Almighty Said: “And to Allah belong the most excellent names, so invoke Him by them. And leave (the company of) those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing,” {Surat Al Aaraf 7:180}.
Selected Prayers of Prophet Muhammad

This book consists of Islamic prayers Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and some Muslim saints adopted for various occasions: morning and evening prayers, purification, eating, drinking, pilgrimage and everyday life situations. Additional sections include the Most Beautiful Names of Allah,prayer for help and success, and other prayers to be recited any time.
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah: Gift of a Lifetime

This book presents ninety-nine of Allah’s beautiful names. In defining these names, the author has relied on the verses of the Qur’an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Hadith) and, from these verses and traditions, she has deduced many meanings which make it possible for the reader to experience the glory and greatness of Allah, and to derive many other meanings from Allah’s Beautiful Names.
The Beautiful Names and Attributes of ALLAH

The pristine beliefs of the early Muslims are preserved in this vitally important masterpiece written by one of the most outstanding scholars of our time, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen. This new revised edition by Dar-us-Salam has been printed in full colour with hardback bounding for an excellent presentation.
ALSO READ: Blessed Names and Attributes of Allah
Fortress of the Muslim – Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah by Dawah Corner

This book is an abridgment of my earlier work entitled, Adh-Dhikr wad-Du’a wal-‘llaj bir-Ruqyah mina’-Kitab was-Sunnah. In order to make it small and easily portable, I have chosen only the section on words of remembrance for this abridgment. To achieve this, I only mentioned the text of the words of remembrance instead of the entire Hadith.
The Supplication Which Receives An Answer (Hardcover)

This book is the English translation of the very popular Al-Dua W’al-Mustajab. The supplications in this book are arranged in accordance with the number of the days of the week so that the devotee may keep on declaring his being in want and need of his Lord, so he will supplicate Him with humility, fear and without loudness.
The Prayer of the Oppressed

Comes with a Audio CD The Power of this prayer of Imam Muhammad al-DarÏ lies in its simplicity, its purity, and its sincere supplication. It is essentially a plea to God that our transgressions be overlooked, that divine mercy be bestowed upon us, that social justice be restored in spite of us, that wrongs be righted, and that righteousness reign once again in our lands, so that the destitute may no longer be in need, the young may be educated, the animals purpose fulfilled, rain restored, and bounties poured forth.
Selected Beneficial Supplications From the Quran and the Sunnah

This book was compiled by our eminent Shaikh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz (rahimahullah) as a tool to assist Muslims in performing this most important aspect of Islamic worship. In it the reader will find various invocations from the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah.
Selected Prayers: A Collection of Du’a from The Qur’an and Sunnah

This is a selection of du’a of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) taken from the Qur’an and Sunnah, for a variety of social situations. The original Arabic du?a is given with the English translation, as well as the phonetic transliteration for those readers learning Arabic.
Selected Supplications:For the Day and the Night

This small booklet contains all the Dua’s that are to be recited in every day and night. The book contains 55 Dua’s with Arabic text, transliteration, English translation and any references.
Selected Surahs and Supplications: From the Quran & their Virtues for the Morning & Evening

The renowned Muslim scholar, Sheikh Safiur-Rahman AI-Mubarakpuri , has produced this compilation by selecting some Surahs and their virtues along with authentic Supplications from Qur’an and Sunnah to be recited in the morning and evening. The Beautiful Names of Allah are also included in this booklet. Everyone can recite them in times of distress and need or can earn rewards by remembering Allah whenever he likes.
Spiritual Gems of Islam By Imam Jamal Rahman

Over the centuries, Islamic sages have gleaned timeless spiritual insights and practices from sacred texts, meditation and knowledge of the heart―gems that have been passed down from generation to generation. This book invites you―no matter what your practice may be―to access the treasure chest of Islamic spirituality, particularly Sufism, and use its wealth to strengthen your own journey.
Supplications & Treatment with Ruqyah from the Qur’an and the Sunnah

This booklet discusses the importance and etiquette of supplications. It also discusses the times and circumstances under which supplications should be made.
It presents a number of supplications and shows how a Muslim can treat himself with verses From the Qur’an and from the Prophetic supplications (ruqyah) against some diseases, sorcery, the evil eye, and other ailments.
The Most Protecting Supplications and Prayers

THE MOST PROTECTING SUPPLICATIONS AND PRAYERS [English-Arabic]: دروع الوقاية بأحزاب الحماية [إنكليزي/عربي]
Fortress of the Muslim: Invocations from the Qur’an & Sunnah

Fortress of the Muslim Darussalam the English Translation of Hisnul Muslim with transliteration. An excellent pocket-sized du’a book containing authentic supplications for all occasions. Formally entitled as Citadel of the Believer.
The Noble Words: Remembrance and Prayers of the Prophet Muhammad

This book is a collection of ahadith on supplications compiled by Imam Ibn Taymiyah in his book “Al-Kalim at-Tayyib.”
This translation consists of the Arabic text together with its English translation making it accessible to both young readers and adults alike. A valuable addition to every Muslim home.
Al-Adhkar Al-Muntakhab Min-Kalam Saiydil-Abrar

Invocations Ar-Ruqiya (From The Quran and Sunnah) (Pocket Plus Size)

This book is presented with translation for non Arab Muslims who are unable to understand the meaning in Arabic. This will help them to understand the meaning of these supplications which are taken from the Qur’an and the Prophet’s traditions. This will also help them to achieve an improved state in their worship of Allah.
Al Hizbul Azam: A Great Prayer Book of Islam (Arabic/English)

This work has earned great popularity in the Muslim world, it almost became part of the daily ritual for Ummah. The compiler has divided the collection into seven parts, one for each day of the week, in order to facilitate regular recitation by persons who desired to earn the blessing of Almighty Allah.
Duas for the Contentment of Heart (Paperback)

Duas for the Contentment of the Heart – Majmu’a-e-Wazaa’if in abridged form. Includes Manzil, Surah Yasin, As-Sajda, Al-Waqi’ah, Al-Mulk, Ar-Rahman, Al-Kahf, Ad-Dukhan, and Al-Jumuah, 40 Rabbana, the 99 names of Allah and du’as for the morning and evening. Also includes 40 duroods (Salutations on the Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) compiled by Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Zakariyya. Arabic text with English translation.
What to Read Every Night with Manzil

For every event and occasion the Holy Prophet (SAW) has taught his beloved Ummah to read some sort of Dua, Dhikror certain Surah.
This book is a compilation of different Verses and Surahs from the Holy Quran. Person who recites these Duas andSurah every night whether he/she is at home or on travel, Allah will pardon and will be protected from starvation and poverty, Insha Allah.
The Prophet’s Supplication and 90 Common Mistakes in Dua

The Prophet’s SUPPLICATION and 90 Common Mistakes in Dua by Ridwan Jamiu
Daily Dua By Goodword Books (English-Arabic)

Daily Dua By Goodword Books (English-Arabic)
This book contains masnun duas or the duas which were taught by the Prophet Muhammad. Dua is a noble form of dhikr or remembrance of Allah. By learning these daus and recitng them at the appropriate occasions, our every action is turned into ibadah. Our sleeping, eating, drinking, dressing, etc, all assume the form of ibadah. Constant and conscious recital of the various duas at their appropriate time fixes the remembrance of Allah in the hearts. These duas of the Prophet draw the faithful closer to his Creator. Therefore, it is of absolute necessity that all Muslims learn and recite the various duas. Felicity and success will be the result, insha Allah.