10 Recommended Islamic Books On Death (Akhira)

10 Recommended Islamic Books On Death (Akhira)

These are some selected Islamic Books on Death (Akhira). Dealing with the death of a loved one comes with dos and don’ts in Islam.

Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” Qur’an 4:78

Death is the reality from which none can escape. It draws nearer every day; every hour; every minute. According to the CIA’s The World Factbook 2007, almost two people die each second. This is why we compiled the list of Islamic Books on Death (Akhira).

ALSO READ: 5 Recommended Islamic Books On Inheritance and Wills

That’s a staggering 57.9 million people each year! Every single being will reach this inescapable fate, regardless of their age, health, background, social status or piety. Where are the past kings, the billionaires and the powerful? Where are the once beautiful, the famous, and the intellectual elite?

The Soul by AL-imam Ibn Qyyem al-Jawziah

The Soul By by Al-imam Ibn Qayyem al-Jawziah

Soul is from the matters of the unseen and nothing can be said in its explanation without established proofs from the Book and the Sunnah. The knowledge required for our welfare in this world and the Hereafter has been conveyed to us by the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam), and there is no need to seek any goodness beyond that. 

The End of the World: Major and Minor Signs of the Hour

In recent times things have become very confusing and we have begun to see in book stores and on websites speculations about future events, based on ayah and hadeeths which refer to these future events concerning the signs of the Hour.

Sometimes you hear about the appearance of the Mahdi, sometimes you hear that the final battle between the Good and the Evil is close at hand, other time you hear some thing happening in the East or in the West. So, learn about the Final hour and it signs by reading this book which is backed by proofs from Quran and Hadith.

Man After Death

Preparing for the Day of Judgement

This book is a compilation of some of the wise sayings of the prophet (s), of the companions, and of the pious predecessors and ascetics. Reflecting on these wise sayings and heeding these counsels will assist in infusing us with the requisite awareness and fervour to prepare for the Day of Judgement.

On Remembering Death Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, ‘Make much mention of the Destroyer of Delights’ – meaning death. This is not a morbid reflection but rather one that reminds us that the gift of life is fragile and fleeting, and its foremost purpose is as a preparation for the Hereafter.

All things end including this world, but what is coming never ends. In remembering death as a daily practice, one is reminded to use each and every day successfully as a preparation for eternity. 

Provisions for the Hereafter (Hardcover)

This book is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (PBUH) as well as, the Fiqh learned from it. This is a book that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah.

The Soul: Its Where about in the Light of Holy Quran & Ahadith

This important book covers an area about which most people have very little knowledge but which is, at the same time, of vital interest to all human beings. It outlines what happens to the human soul from the moment of death until the arrival of the Day of Judgment.

Smaller Signs of The Day By Muhammad bin Bayyumi

The Day of Judgment in sure to come, but when it will be, it is a matter known only to Allah the Great.

Paradise and Hell-fire

In all the divine revalations there is a constant warning of Hell-fire. Allah’s kindness & mercy are extended to many people wether beleivers or disbeleivers. Reading about the Hell-fire enables one to know it, fear it and try utmost to keep ones self away from it through good deeds. 

The Degrees of the Soul

This book unlocks the secrets of the seven degrees through which the soul progresses as it travels the Sufi Path to its Lord. It teaches the novice how to transform the Inciting Soul the lowest and most egotistic of the self’s manifestations, into the Reproachful Soul

After Death LIfe

Facing death is a highly traumatic business, both for those who are dying, and for those who are caring for them. There are so many fears, so many questions, so many worries about coping after the death has taken place. This book is written primarily for those who have lost loved ones and are struggling with bereavement and coming to terms with that loss.

True Promise of Paradise

Allah Most High says: “But you prefer the life of this lower world, even though the hereafter is better and more lasting”. Indeed, most people – even the devout – spend far more time thinking of all the details of their day to day dealings with the dunya.

The Soul’s Journey After Death

This important book covers an area about which most people have very little knowledge but which is at the same time, of vital interest to all human beings. It outlines what happens to the human soul from the moment of death until the arrival of the Day of Judgement.

Life, Death and the Life After

This book includes: introduction, forms of life, why to live, life on this planet, method of reproduction, death, why to die, the soul, life in grave, end of life, method of rebirth, precursors to day of assembly, day of assembly, day of judgment, life in hell, life in paradise, ladies in paradise, our life cycle, unseen living creatures, life on other planets, final remarks, and a poem, operation death.

Signs Of The Hour By Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin Bin Muhammad Al-Qasim

Faith in the Last Day and what it contains of rewards and punishments, is one of the pillars of Islam and its great foundations. Allah has placed before the Final Hour certain signs that indicate how close it actually is.

Story of Spirit by Muhammad Ibrahim Ghazy

Kitabul Janaiz English – Book of Death and Burial

The book ‘Kitabul Janaiz’ is written in simple English from the perspective of a layman detailing the ahkam related to the death and burial of a Muslim. Including the rules of bathing the dead and various issues pertaining to the burial of a child, stillborn, martyr, men, women, the book also mentions other related ahkam under the chapter ‘miscellaneous.’

Paradise by Maulana Habibullah Mukhtar (Author)

Journey to the heavens By Dr Muhammad bin Abdir-Rahmaan

Journey to the heavens By Dr Muhammad bin Abdir-Rahmaan explores that journey with a view to make its reader ponder about the reality and inevitability of death, and the dire need for man to prepare appropriately for the journey.

Journey to the Heavens explores that journey with a view to make its reader ponder about the reality and inevitability of death, and the dire need for man to prepare appropriately for the journey. It hopes to stimulate the one who keeps the limits of Allah and His Messenger upon steadfastness and increased good deeds, and awakens the weak in faith and sinful towards turning to his Lord in repentance before the spoiler of joys catches him in the acts, for death is a certainty and the gateway to the Home of Recompense!

Maidens of Paradise By Maulana Abdullah Nana

This booklet is an attempt to acquaint the reader, especially the youth, of the great rewards which Allah has kept for those who guard their private parts from unlawful sex.

Desire for the Aa-khirah By Maulana Ashraf’Alii Thaanwi

The basic concept of writing this book is to develop the awareness amongst the two categories of persons, first, who desire strongly and inclined towards the mortal world, where Sin dominates which not only invites the sorrow, grief, discomforts and fear but also lead them to Jahannam (Hell). Second, who inclined to the immortal world, the life hereafter and fears Allah by remembering death, which not only makes the society better but also leads to Jannah (Paradise).

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